"Calm down, Tony, I'll take him to jail!"

Captain America felt an ominous premonition in his heart and shouted loudly, trying to bring Stark back to his senses.

However, before he finished speaking, there was only a loud "bang" sound, and Stark flew up without hesitation and kicked Steve hard.

This sudden blow caught Captain America off guard, and his body flew upside down like a kite with its string broken.

"I can understand Superman's way of doing things now!"

As the words fell, a vast energy surged out of Stark's body, as if it was about to break through his body.

This powerful force triggered a qualitative change in the Ark Reactor on his chest, causing the blood vessels under Stark's skin to begin to beat violently, blooming with dazzling blue light.

These blue lights were like agile snakes and insects, penetrating the skin and quickly spreading to every corner of the body, shining with a heart-stopping cold light, just like the mysterious light that kept lighting up on the back of the huge monster when he first saw Godzilla. dorsal fin.

As energy continued to gather and burn, the blue nuclear energy fissured into red karma fire, and Stark's body was gradually enveloped in a layer of fiery aura.

A powerful energy was continuously analyzed, differentiated, tumbling, and roaring in the hands of the most talented scientists in the world, and finally turned into a thick scarlet beam of light, spurting out from the mouth and nose, straight into the sky.

But that is more than just the power of an Ark Reactor. For Iron Man, as long as he is given a little kinetic energy like an arm, he can create endless results.

The light lit up everything, and the galactic warriors who were fighting inextricably on Battlefield 2 were also attracted by this powerful aura.


When Piccolo saw this, a drop of surprised cold sweat ran down his face: "It's unbelievable that there are such monsters among humans. How long has this guy been practicing?"

No. 17 wiped a handful of ashes from his face: "Don't underestimate science. Although we, a group of people, have powerful powers, our understanding of these powers is limited to destruction. Those who can use this power at a microscopic level People are definitely not idle people.”

"Didn't guys like Dr. Gero also invent artificial humans?"

Everyone saw a raging torrent gushing out from Tony's body.

These powerful energies gathered together and seemed to turn into a huge pillar of light that shot straight into the sky, dazzling.

Stark just stood in the center of the blue light pillar, soaring along the light connecting the sky and the earth until he reached the top of the clouds, overlooking countless battlefields of fierce fighting.

"It's over!"

Suddenly, he swooped down!

"The rod of God!"

With a roar, Stark fell from the sky like a meteorite, and with unparalleled power, he punched out!

This is exactly what he created after carefully improving the explosive skills of Carrot Dragon Fist countless times and creating a new stunt belonging to Iron Man.


This blow was so powerful that it even knocked out Bucky's body. The aftermath of the impact shattered everything around him into ashes. The floor tiles shattered and turned into countless fine powders floating in the air.

At this life-and-death moment, Steve had no time to block Stark's super-speed attack. He could only squat down and huddle his body behind the vibranium shield.

Despite this, the earth-shattering aftermath was still unstoppable, and it completely shattered the vibranium shield he had always regarded as an invincible defense, turning it into a pile of broken fragments.

“Uh uh uh ahhhh!!!”

Even if Steve gritted his teeth and persisted with all his strength, all resistance seemed to be pale and feeble in the face of this absolutely powerful force.

In the end, the intertwining violent air waves ruthlessly involved him, blowing him away and disappearing.

After a long time, Stark landed on the ground, and the dazzling light on his body gradually dissipated.

He made a fist.

Sure enough, just like the results of his previous experiments, as his body entered the red lotus state again and again, his body continued to strengthen.

The existence of the Ark Reactor prevented him from deliberately maintaining his degeneration period through training, which was why he did not choose to remove it.

Great, that's great!

Stark's great revenge was avenged, and he felt indescribably happy!

At least among the countless fan fictions in the universe, he is one of the very few who killed Bucky with his own hands!

Looking around, the originally flat ground became a mess, with broken shield fragments everywhere.

Stark walked up and picked up the remnants of a vibranium shield, with a five-pointed star-shaped mark still vaguely visible on it.

"Goodbye Steve, you don't deserve the shield my father made!"

Bucky and Ivan Vanko had disappeared in the huge shock wave.

They didn't even leave the slightest trace of their existence, as if they just evaporated out of thin air, completely swallowed up and annihilated by the terrifying power contained in the previous blow.

It was lucky to think about it. If the previous contestants had not withdrawn from the competition early due to serious injuries and were sent outside the venue for treatment, I am afraid that his attack this time would have turned into an indiscriminate massacre feast...

"You go ahead, guys, I'll go first."

Stark's eyes fixed, and he didn't stop at all in the face of the end of the battle. He flew directly into the sky, shouted to everyone, and flew towards Carrot El's current position.

Piccolo was so scared that he hurriedly shouted: "Stop! Don't be impulsive! The monster over there is not something you can deal with!!"

No. 17's face also changed: "That idiot megalomaniac!!!!"

Before the two finished speaking, Stark had disappeared in the sky. Seeing this, Bruce Banner sighed helplessly.

He knew this guy's character too well, but with Superman and Broly backing him up, it didn't matter!

"Don't worry about him. Anyway, if something happens over there, the whole planet will be destroyed, no matter where it is. Piccolo, Diana, let's kill these guys as quickly as possible!"

After Banner finished speaking, he once again handed over the control of the personality to Hulk, and rushed up with No. 17 and others.

It's time to send these galactic warriors on their way.

"JARVIS, activate the S16 Cosmic Cube suit and take out all the armor in the base!"

In the air, Tony, in human form, was flying at full speed, but he was not a reckless person. When he heard that the opponent's space energy value was zero, Stark thought of using the Cosmic Cube to deal with this monster.

Use the Cosmic Cube to stabilize the space structure, and then use the weakening effect of kryptonite to weaken the opponent's recovery ability.

If such an opportunity can be created, even if it is only one thousandth of a second, it can allow Carrot El to use that fatal blow!

As for the Cosmic Cube, a space gem that has a deep relationship with the "Avengers".

It has long been "grabbed" by Stark as the Justice League for research, and he has also specially made a set of battle suits exclusively for the use of space gems!

JARVIS: "Understood, sir."

Stark was on guard, and he knew that there must be no mistakes in the next thing: "Establish a data model analysis to measure all the space fluctuation values ​​near Carrot El."

"Calculate their attack mode!"

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