American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 22: Shocking Changes in the Arctic Ocean

The sky was gradually swallowed up by black clouds.

The darkness that covers the Arctic Ocean is the precursor of the coming storm at sea.

The waves are surging, and the strong wind is blowing the force majeure of nature.

In the distance on the sea, wandering whales whistled hunting signals, suddenly exposed a corner of their huge bodies in the deep sea, and bit the flying seabirds unexpectedly.

The swaying boat was like a leaf under the waves, as a huge humpback whale jumped up from the sea, and a violent wave splashed Tony Stark with water.

Making his face darken.

Well, from now on, in addition to the desert, he also hates the ocean.

"I said, can't you get a luxury yacht or something like that? Do you find it exciting to do wilderness survival every time??"

Tony Stark glared at Carrot with a sad look on his face. This Stark's fantasy life was really not beautiful at all. He suffered nothing but suffering!

The ship was driving automatically, but Carrot El was still sitting at the helm, leaning on the fence among countless huge groups of whales, casually pulling a seabird from mid-air, and taking a look at the sky:

“There are no luxury cruise ships in the Arctic, just Inuit igloos and raw seal meat year-round.”

“So why are you going to this place where birds don’t poop??”

"Want to try some raw seal meat?"

If life and death could describe Tony Stark's current mood, what a wonderful thing it would be, because he really wants to die.

"How about I let you eat raw seal meat for a few months?"

In the cloudy sky, deafening thunder could be heard faintly.

Carrot, who regretted bringing this oil bottle with him, glared at him angrily:

"There's so much nonsense, you'll understand when the time comes."

During the few days of training, every part of this guy's body was damaged, but his mouth was the only one that even Piccolo couldn't tear apart. It was both smelly and capable of making noises.

"A storm is coming at sea. There is a fishing boat ahead. It seems to be quite large. Send a distress signal. We should be able to get up there and take shelter from the rain."

Tony Stark stood up and looked forward twice. Except for the whales that emerged from the water, which would trigger deep-sea phobia, there was nothing at the end of his sight:

"Where is the boat?? Why didn't I see anything???"

"I said yes."

As the words fell, the rolling waves stretched along the coastline covered with thick dark clouds, drifting to the other side of the rolling waves.

As the distress signal was sent, a huge fishing boat was slowly sailing in the fishing area on the eve of the storm.

"This is Haixun Ship No. 1123. We have just received a distress signal and have recorded the coordinates of the sea area. We have to lower the cage and clear the deck before the storm."

The activity area on the deck is not very large, and as the sailors are busy, it seems a bit crowded.

Fishermen drifting on the sea have long been accustomed to the salty air and moisture.

The bait was stuffed into the cage in an orderly manner and thrown into the sea. Even on the eve of the storm, the sailors never panicked.

It can be seen that these are a group of experienced veterans.

Captain Walid Jassem patrolled the decks, inspecting nets and cages, wrapped in thick work clothes.

When the huge fishing boat approached, Tony Stark's understanding of Carrot was refreshed again.

It wasn't until Walid Jassem threw down the ladder and let Carrot and Tony climb up the ladder that they came back to their senses.

The sailors used cables to secure the delicate-looking but ridiculously small boat the two were riding in to the rear of the vessel.

"Thank you very much for your help, Mr. Captain."

Carrot shook hands with the captain. The bearded man in front of him was probably in his early 50s and weighed 160 pounds. His already burly figure was made even more bloated by the thick sailor uniform.

But despite this, Carrot still didn't see the slightest obstruction or discomfort from his movements. It was obvious that he was an old sailor.

"You're not shy, boy. Are you here for vacation?"

"You should learn to be in awe of the sea."

At the last sentence, Walid Jassem muttered a warning into Carrot's ear, and moved his scrutinizing eyes over the two of them.

I thought I was saving a fisherman trapped at sea, but unexpectedly it was a young man with fair skin. As for the other person, he looked a little embarrassed, maybe he was his housekeeper.

"This can kill people. The storm at sea will not dissipate for up to several months."

Carrot El smiled. He only saw reproach in the captain's eyes, but no disgust. Naturally, he did not take his words to heart:

"I know, but I have a reason to come. I'm here to find my relatives."

Walid Jassem was stunned for a moment.

Did you come to this vast sea to find relatives?

Are you kidding me?

You city people are really good at telling lies. Is it possible that your mother is also a legendary Atlantean?

The old captain Walid shook his head helplessly, not believing what he said:

"Hurry up and hide in the cabin. If you get seasick, grab a plastic bag and secure yourself."

"Hopefully this storm is not too big and you can still have a hot bowl of fish soup in your cabin."

When he heard that there was fish soup to drink, Carrot Elton nodded and said with a smile:

"Thank you very much."

The next second, under the guidance of a sailor, Carrot and Tony squeezed into the narrow cabin passage. They were taken in and arranged to go to the place where the sailors rested.

"Boss, come and see, something is wrong!"

Suddenly, a sailor who had just finished taking the cage and tidying up the ropes shouted to Walid Jasem with an ugly face.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Walid Jasem hurried over to check. The sailor pointed to the behemoth in the sea in the distance. Looking along his gaze, the humpback whales that were originally preying on seabirds stopped their actions and dived into the water one after another.

Not long after, huge waves jumping out of the water were seen in the distance.

The seabirds in the sky were startled and scattered in an instant, fleeing in panic on the sea.

Seeing this, Walid Jasem patted the sailor on the shoulder, and his originally tense mood relaxed a lot, but his tone of scolding was extremely stern:

"Are you a newcomer, kid?"

"What's so surprising about this? Whales and seabirds have the nature to avoid storms."

"I'm not a newcomer, Captain!"

As the son of an old tower keeper and a fisherman, Arthur Curry's fierce face was a little ugly. He has belonged to the sea since he was a child, and he hates people saying that he is a newcomer the most.

But he couldn't say clearly that the escape of these whales and seabirds was not caused by the storm.

He has some little secrets, that is, he has special abilities.

For example, he can talk to fish.

I have a cold, I hope I can get better soon

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