American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 1 CEO of Universal Capsule Company, Stark trapped in the desert

The scorching heat burned the endless desert.

The feeling of dizziness and drowsiness soon filled the staggering steps.

The uninhabited area in the northern part of the Middle East Desert.

A desperate and thin figure has been walking hard in the endless desert for a long time.

With a pale face, bloodshot eyes, and staggering steps on the sand, Tony Stark no longer feels that he is still alive.

"Tap. Tap."

Walking and walking, he walked for two whole days without water. His condition was extremely bad.

Hungry, thirsty, dizzy, and weak.

The loss of physical strength and water was almost exhausted and overdrawn.

For the first time, he felt that the sun in this world was so cruel. The ultraviolet rays and heat it brought fully scorched the golden yellow sand, making everything around it hot.

There were no beautiful women like the clouds on the Hawaiian beaches here. There was not even a scorpion crawling on the hot yellow sand around.

Although he wrapped his head like the Berbers, he still couldn't avoid the pain of sunburned skin after walking for a long time.

Will he die?

Will anyone mourn him?

Tony Stark opened his mouth with difficulty. At this moment when he was exhausted, he seemed to want to say some last words. The words he chewed were unclear, as if he was calling someone's name.

His vision had begun to blur, and his instinct to fall at any time was like the god who dominated death, calling his surname.


Finally, everything in front of him was spinning, and Stark stepped on the air and fell down, rolling on the sand dune, closing his eyes, and no longer had the strength to stand up.


The sky was full of yellow sand

Time seemed to have passed for a long time

It was as if his life had started all over again.

He was enduring the long ovarian amniotic fluid as a newborn baby.



Yes, this was the only explanation Stark could think of for his current situation of being wrapped in water.


That feeling, the external auditory canal has been completely filled, the water rushed into the eardrum, stirred in the cochlea, and finally poured into the nasal cavity from the Eustachian tube.

The moment he regained consciousness, Tony Stark suddenly opened his eyes stimulated by the water rushing into his nasal cavity.

However, what came into view with the influx of water was not the plump uterine wall, but

a luxurious room comparable to a five-star hotel.

The simple home design technique cleverly blends color and light and shadow together.

The light-colored series of mainless lights always keep the room transparent and bright.

The huge space atmosphere is a completely pioneering design, with a suspended wardrobe and a mattress on the platform, matched with a luxurious bar counter wine cabinet.

Stark was stunned. Since entering the dark dungeon of the Ten Rings Gang, he has been alone in the terrible desert to endure the scorching sun.

During this period, when has he ever seen such a civilized place?

As if in a dream, he felt as if he had returned to the Stark Building, back to the days of luxury and wealth, and the days of being a playboy.

However, everything has changed.

When his fingers touched the glass in front of him, the clear and visible wall seemed to awaken his fantasy, or to convey a fact to him.

He is still alive!

"Drip, drip, drip, drip!"

The prompt sound of the machine resounded in the room. Tony Stark looked over and saw that the huge container filled with water seemed to start working as he woke up.

In an instant, the sound of pumping water sounded under his feet. Feeling the change in the water flow, the pull rod indicator light on the far left of the machine also changed from red to green.



After a long time, the clear and green potion was completely pumped out, and the long-lost feeling of landing on his feet instantly swept over.

Looking around, the green plants and beautiful grass in front of him, coupled with the high-end living environment, show that the owner of the house pays great attention to style and has sufficient financial strength.

Looking at everything in front of him, Tony Stark slowly moved his limbs, fumbled on his face, and took off the oxygen mask:

"What's going on? Where is this?"

Take a breath, look around with the corner of his eyes, and Tony Stark sticks his head out with lingering fear.

As his movements become strangely light, at this moment, he is surprised to find that his current physical state is surprisingly healthy.

Not only did the wounds and weakness left on his body disappear, but even the pain of muscle strain disappeared.

Instead, there was a feeling of soft and comfortable skin after taking a shower.


Surprised in his heart, Tony Stark immediately opened his clothes and revealed the slightly shining Ark reactor on his chest.

"Damn it, that's not a dream."

Stark's eyes dimmed for a moment, and his face gradually became heavy.

He remembered that his last memory was that he was completely dehydrated and fell in the vast desert. How could he appear in such a house full of luxury and civilization?

The reactor on his chest reminded him that the journey to death in the depths of the desert was not an absurd dream.

Tony Stark pinched the water droplets on his body and sniffed them gently:

"This seems to be some kind of potion?"


Suddenly, the glass cover in front of him slowly opened. Tony Stark was instantly alert. He glanced at the machine covering an area of ​​50 square meters and roughly understood its operating principle.

It seems that the opening of this glass cover is automatic.

After walking out of the container, Tony Stark carefully observed the surrounding environment and found no trace of surveillance cameras in the house.

Step by step, he came to the living room and the TV was still on.

"Good morning, New Yorkers, welcome to today's news."

"On July 30, Dr. Breezeff, founder of the Universal Capsule Company, announced that Pym Technology, founded in 1973, was officially acquired by the Universal Capsule Company."

"The founder, Dr. Hank Pym, and his daughter Hope Dane hold 35% of the shares, and Dr. Breezeff appointed his son-in-law Carrot El as CEO!"

"On the evening of the 30th, Carrot El issued a statement to the public that the Universal Capsule Company will officially open its core technology product to the public for the first time: the Universal Capsule!"

"On July 31, after four months of Tony Stark's disappearance, the stock market of Stark Industries has stabilized. Obaday has announced that he will take over the market and succeed as the new director, and Pepper Potts will serve as assistant."

I sincerely hope to bring you excellent works. I am not sure if I write well, but I will try my best to write!

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