American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 466: Final Battle 8: The Tragic Death of the Blade Queen

A red figure broke out of the Queen's belly. She had eight spider-like claws behind her, beautiful facial features, and was covered with red organic matter. She raised her hands, as if feeling this new body.

But the Hulk below had no time to wait for her. He jumped high and soon came to the woman. His sandbag-sized fist hit her face, but unfortunately the woman was very fast. Hulk's hand passed through her afterimage, and then he felt the pain in his body.

When Hulk fell back to the ground, he found that there were five wounds from top to bottom on his upper body. These wounds were very deep, and Hulk's beating heart and bones could be seen.

However, this was still a minor injury for Hulk. The wounds kept wriggling, and finally the wounds healed.

The red woman opposite appeared again, with Hulk's green blood still on her hands.

"You go, I'll deal with her." Hulk turned and said the first sentence to the Space Marines.

The Space Marines did not leave, but looked at Guilliman. Guilliman recalled the Emperor's instructions when he came to this world, and began to retreat. As the Space Marines joined the main battlefield, the pressure on everyone was reduced a lot.

And the battle between Hulk and the woman in front of him officially kicked off.

The woman licked the blood on her hand and said: "Your blood is very sweet. If I can absorb your blood, then my strength will go further. By the way, I don't seem to have told you my name. Remember, my name is the Queen of Blades."

Of course, this Queen of Blades is not the Queen of Blades in "StarCraft", but just a similar flower.

The figure of the Queen of Blades disappeared again, and the next moment Hulk felt the pain from his shoulder. He looked sideways and found that a piece of meat on his shoulder was cut off, but it was nothing for Hulk.

But this pain, this irritability of not being able to catch the enemy made Hulk gradually angry, and all this anger turned into his motivation. With a roar from Hulk, a strong air wave attacked in all directions.

Even the Queen of Blades was paused by the air wave, and it was this that gave Hulk an opportunity. He kicked his feet and turned into a green afterimage and pounced on the Queen of Blades.

The Queen of Blades had no time to dodge and was hugged by Hulk. As Hulk gradually exerted force, the Queen of Blades could already hear the sound of her bones breaking. She knew that she needed to find a way to break free, otherwise she would be completely killed by Hulk's embrace of his sister.

So she quickly used all the abilities she could use, and saw the spider legs behind her stabbing at Hulk frantically, but Hulk didn't care about the damage caused by these spider legs.

Because he knew that even if his heart was gone, he could still survive. His self-healing ability had evolved to the point that if the heart disappeared instantly, he could also grow another one instantly, which meant that he no longer had any weaknesses.

The Queen of Blades saw that her heart was pierced and she couldn't do anything to Hulk. She could only change her mind. The spider legs behind her merged together into a sharp blade. As the blade swung, Hulk's two arms were cut off by it.

Hulk howled in pain, and Blade Queen was able to escape. Feeling the damaged parts of her body, she looked at Hulk with a solemn look in her eyes, no longer looking down on him.

After Hulk howled for a while, he raised his head and looked at Blade Queen. Blade Queen's body shook subconsciously because she felt like she was being stared at by a beast.

But she couldn't show her fear. She looked directly into Hulk's eyes, but as Hulk's eyes were filled with green light, Blade Queen suddenly felt something was wrong. The next moment, Hulk, who had lost his arms, rushed towards Blade Queen again. During the charge, his arms grew out at a very fast speed. When he came in front of Blade Queen, her arms had grown out and she hugged Blade Queen again.

The Blade Queen wanted to recreate the previous scene, but Hulk was prepared. He suddenly let go of his hand and then grabbed the blade formed by the spider legs. As he pulled hard, the Blade Queen felt a piercing pain from behind. Her most proud weapon was pulled off.

Then Hulk grabbed the Blade Queen's head. At this time, the Blade Queen found something wrong. Hulk's body was astonishingly four meters tall. He exuded a terrifying aura and green water vapor.

Hulk looked at the Blade Queen with a blank expression and slowly raised his other hand. The Blade Queen seemed to feel the breath of death and struggled frantically, but it was useless. Hulk, who was filled with anger, punched the Blade Queen.

The powerful force blasted the rest of the Blade Queen except her head into slag. The fist wind also directly blasted a big hole in the clouds in the sky. Then Hulk threw the Blade Queen's head on the ground, crushed it with one foot, and crushed it several times.

After dealing with the Queen of Blades, Hulk immediately came to the battlefield to help others.

With the help of the Space Marines and Hulk, the others on the battlefield were able to take a breather.

However, compared to the situation on the battlefield, the battle between Li Qingyue and the Laughing Bat in space had affected the entire solar system, and even Neptune had been destroyed by their battle.

It was just because Neptune was too far away that human eyes could not see it, but Neptune was indeed destroyed.

The two of them were separated by an entire planet and looked at each other from afar. Li Qingyue was panting slightly, while the Laughing Bat seemed very calm. With a casual move, the Saturn beside him immediately turned into a black eight billiard ball, and then a giant billiard stick appeared. As the billiard stick hit the black eight transformed by Saturn, Saturn rushed towards Li Qingyue at a very fast speed.

Li Qingyue had no choice but to rush towards the black eight. As he came to the Laughing Bat from the other end of the black eight, the black eight behind him turned back into Saturn, but now Saturn has gradually dissipated, because Saturn is a gas giant planet. What Li Qingyue did just now has destroyed the balance of Saturn, and the gas has also dissipated into the universe.

Seeing this, the Laughing Bat flew towards Li Qingyue again, but when Li Qingyue touched him, he turned into a ball of black mist and flew towards the sun.

Li Qingyue knew what he wanted to do, and immediately chased him. The two kept fighting back and forth between the planets. The entire solar system became fragmented because of the fight between the two, and the gravity was also destroyed.

It's just that the earth has been able to remain as it is now for some special reasons.

At this time, Li Qingyue and his team noticed the battlefield on the earth. Seeing this, the Laughing Bat also looked over. At this time, Marvel had the upper hand temporarily, but it was only temporary for them.

"Don't look at them anymore, deal with yourself first!" After saying that, the Laughing Bat rushed towards Li Qingyue again. When approaching Li Qingyue, his whole body turned into black mist and directly wrapped him up. Li Qingyue immediately burst out his own magic power, which directly broke through the blockade of the black mist, but this was not over yet. The black mist formed a huge bat that leaped towards Li Qingyue. The bat was so big that it was as big as a planet.

Looking at such a huge bat, Li Qingyue sneered, and a giant made of golden light appeared behind him. As he injected more soul power, the golden giant became bigger, and finally became the same size as a bat, and then the two attacked each other.

And the people on Earth also noticed this scene, and immediately understood that this was a battle between Li Qingyue and the Laughing Bat. They looked at the huge golden giant and the bat, and immediately swallowed their saliva. They never thought that the battle between the two would make such a big noise. In this case, they couldn't drag their feet.

Therefore, under the stimulation of Li Qingyue and the Laughing Bat, the two sides fought harder, even though they knew that only by defeating each other could they free their hands to help Li Qingyue. For this reason, they became more crazy and reached the point of exchanging their lives for their lives.

The cruelty of the war has exceeded the cognition of all Marvel people. Broken walls and ruins can be seen everywhere. The teammates beside you may be fighting side by side with you in the last second, and die in the next second. It is too tragic. Even the horizon of the earth has been abruptly chiseled down by several meters.

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