American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 464 Final Battle 6 The Daleks and Cybermen are destroyed

Earth has become a battlefield, and the Daleks and Cybermen are rushing towards the Doctor's position like crazy, with overwhelming Cybermen and Daleks.

Jarvis only glanced through Tony's vision and concluded that there are millions of Cybermen and Daleks here, and the actual number is more likely to be more than this.

"What should we do, Doctor?" Rocket asked standing aside.

"Don't worry, there are still seven minutes before the bomb explodes, just hold on for seven minutes."

"Watch me." Walter suddenly appeared beside the two and said, holding a micro black hole generator in his hand. This thing can open a small black hole. After his improvement, this black hole will swallow all the matter within a radius of tens of meters, but this black hole can only last for one minute.

When Walter took out this generator, the Doctor had already guessed it.

"You know what? When I taught you that knowledge, I had the conjecture of today, but I didn't expect that this day would come so soon."

Walter didn't know what to say, because the Doctor himself didn't like to use weapons. If he wasn't forced to, he even wanted to give these two races a chance to choose again.

But as the person who knows the Daleks best, the Doctor knows that they will not change, so he didn't stop Walter.

As Walter threw a large number of black hole generators in the sky, one after another small black holes appeared in the air, and the surrounding Daleks and Cybermen were all sucked into the black holes.

It delayed everyone for almost three minutes, and now there are still four minutes, but this is also the most difficult time to resist.

"Everyone, there are still four minutes, just hold on for another four minutes!" Mr. Fantastic shouted loudly.

The Predators, the Nova Corps, and the Kree Empire Corps rushed one after another. They almost used their lives to delay the Daleks, but even so, the Daleks and Cybermen still advanced steadily. According to their calculations, it only takes a short three minutes to reach the location of the quantum bomb.

"Is there any other way?" Rocket couldn't help asking.

Just when the Doctor was about to use his trump card, a huge space carrier suddenly appeared in the sky. He aimed his guns at the Daleks and the Cybermen, and then fired a large number of lasers at them. Although he couldn't destroy the Daleks, there was an energy barrier on the surface of the Daleks, which could be kept open almost all the time.

Unless their energy was exhausted, but the problem was that their energy came from cosmic radiation, but there was still a weakness, that is, his energy shield would be closed for a period of time because the conversion speed was not fast enough, but this period of time was only a few tenths of a second, so humans wanted to destroy it, it was completely a dream.

While firing lasers, this space carrier projected a large number of vertebral transport cabins, and a large number of blue transmission beams were shot down, so everyone could see clearly who was in front of them.

"Father!" Gamora shouted in horror.

Yes, the person who came was Thanos. Thanos should have been an ally of the Dark Knights, but when he found out that the people he was cooperating with were not from this universe, and they were going to destroy this universe, Thanos certainly couldn't continue to cooperate.

He just wanted to kill half of the creatures in the universe, not to destroy the universe, so Thanos came to help the earth. Of course, this does not mean that he will not continue to fulfill his wish in the future. He just came to save the earth.

Hearing Gamora's call, Thanos looked back at Gamora, tried to squeeze out a smile, and then rushed into the enemy group waving a double-edged sword to fight. Not only him, but also the five black generals followed closely.

Their joining and their actions undoubtedly gave everyone a shot of adrenaline. For this reason, everyone was full of fighting spirit and collided with the Cybermen and Daleks again, using their lives to resist the attacks of the Cybermen and Daleks.

But the Doctor who saw this scene not only did not smile, but was full of worry.

At this time, Mr. Fantastic saw the Doctor's expression and seemed to have guessed something. He quickly pulled him and asked, "Doctor, do they have any other cards?"

The Doctor didn't want to say it, but he finally admitted that if the Daleks found that they really couldn't destroy the quantum bombs, they would explode. No one here could withstand such a powerful impact, even himself.

After hearing this, Mr. Fantastic was stunned, because they couldn't leave here. The Daleks were very fast, but if they didn't leave, they would be killed by the Daleks' self-explosion. But if they left, they couldn't eliminate the Daleks and the Cybermen.

Mr. Fantastic immediately fell into a dilemma. As time was running out, Mr. Fantastic suddenly raised his head and looked at Thanos' position. Thanos seemed to have noticed something and turned his head to look at Mr. Fantastic. At this moment, Thanos seemed to understand and nodded to Mr. Fantastic.

"Everyone, when you hear my order, run far away immediately. Remember not to look back. No matter what you encounter, do not stop."

After hearing Mr. Fantastic's words, everyone felt something was wrong, but the attacks that followed made it impossible for them to think, so they could only deal with their attacks first.

"They are going to self-destruct!" Doctor suddenly shouted.

"Run!" Mr. Fantastic shouted immediately. The Plunderers, Nova Empire, Kree Empire and other people who came to help ran away without looking back, and Gamora and others did the same.

In an instant, only Thanos and his men were left to resist on the battlefield, but with the first Dalek's self-explosion, Thanos was blown away by the air wave, not to mention the other Vanguards, not even a slag was left.

Then there were continuous explosions. Mr. Fantastic and the Doctor looked at the explosions in the distance and protected the quantum bomb tightly. Now there were only two of them around.

You know, even the Cybermen can't withstand the self-explosion of the Dalek, but fortunately the time is up. As the time returns to zero, the quantum bomb suddenly bursts out a shock wave. This shock wave is harmless to the human body. It will only destroy the Cybermen and the Dalek.

With the release of the shock wave, the entire Marvel Universe, even the Daleks and Cybermen who were exiled to the black hole before, even the half-Daleks and half-Cybermen who only contain a little gene, were all killed by this shock wave.

After seeing all the Daleks and Cybermen dead, Mr. Fantastic and the Doctor sat down, looking at the ground around them turned into scorched earth due to the Daleks' self-explosion. The two slowly stood up, a sense of sadness rising from their hearts, and they didn't know what to say.

And Thanos and his group died in the explosion. The two stood there blankly, especially Mr. Fantastic. He had experienced many events, big and small, but only this time, he felt what fear was.

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