It was not until he used space magic to come to the second floor and avoided the frontal threat of Casillas that Strange's nervousness eased slightly, and his thinking became clearer.

At this moment, he suddenly realized why Master Gu Yi wanted to go out of the body - this is not her active choice, but a passive and helpless thing.

According to Casillas, the Ancient One Mage had already been killed by him, and she was out of the body as a dying or dead person, which was different from her active out-of-body soul.

"Master Gu Yi died, Master Gu Yi died..."

Strange was desperate. She just accepted herself as a disciple a few days ago, but why did she suddenly die?

"What am I doing now? What am I doing now?"

Strange was at a loss for a while. After all, he had never been hunted down, but as a neurosurgeon, he was fighting against death every day, which had trained him a very strong heart.

Taking a deep breath, Strange immediately adjusted his mentality.

"Cry the third spell and go to Brooklyn to find Goofy with three Books of Weishandi!"

"Yes, that's it!"

"I think about it, the third spell, Frannan, Frannan..."

At the same time as he chanted the third spell, Casillas used space magic to come to the second floor of the library. He stepped out of the aperture, and the light whip in his hand was replaced by a sharp dagger.

"Rookie rookie, are you still delusional about running away from me?"

At the same time, the treasures of the ancient one on the bookshelf on the second floor of the library - the three heavy "Books of Emperor Weishan" suddenly glowed with golden light and floated towards Strange.

"It's the third spell that worked!" Strange suddenly realized, "I have to find Goofy right away."

While talking about him, he cast the suspense ring and prepared to open the aperture. The sense of urgency at this time was the same as when Gu Yi was thrown into the Himalayas.

Fortunately, Casillas's entire attention is now attracted by the three floating "Books of Weishandi", and he has no time to care about Strange for the time being.

Even though Strange is talented, he is still a "rookie rookie" just like Casillas said.

With the ancient one dead, Strange lacked guidance and could only **** on his own in the occult, and that would not go far.

In addition, Casillas is also a talented player. If he can get the blessing of "The Book of Weishandi", he is sure that his future strength must be higher than Strange.

So Casillas killed him just to vent his anger, he didn't care if Strange was dead or alive.

Compared with Strange, the more important thing is to regain the "Book of Weishandi", that is the key to decide Casillas' future fate.

"my book!"

Casillas stretched out his hand and grabbed the three "Books of Vishante". He couldn't care less to stop Strange from opening space magic.

But when his fingers touched the "Book of Weishan Emperor", the golden light that permeated around the "Book of Weishan Emperor" slammed back violently, scalding Casilla who was trying to get his hands on this esoteric work. s!

"Uh... dammit!"

Casillas grimaced in pain,

"It's Gu Yi, the hateful old thing. She didn't forget to fight against me after she died!!"

Strange understands that this is the third spell of Gu Yi. This spell can give "Book of Weishan Emperor" a certain self-protection ability and prevent "Book of Weishan Emperor" from falling into a card with ulterior motives. The hand of Celias.

But Casillas was so thirsty for the Book of Vishante that the protective spell of the Ancient One couldn't stop him from plundering.

Even if it was burned by the golden light, Casillas still tried his best to catch the "Book of Weishandi".

The burning power of the three "Books of Weishandi" together is too powerful. If Casillas grabs three books together, his palm may be burned and disabled in a short period of time. But if you give up two of them and catch only one of them, then Casillas might be able to succeed with his current strength.

So he chose the middle book of "The Book of Emperor Weishan". He remembered that Gu Yi once mentioned that there is a way to connect with the dark dimension in this book.

Casillas believes that the ancient one used the magic in the "Book of Vishante" to borrow the power of darkness from Dormammu to gain eternal life.

He resisted the severe pain in his hand, used his spell to resist Gu Yi's protection technique, and savagely grabbed the "Book of Emperor Weishan" in the middle. The golden light penetrated through his flesh and bones, causing pain He howled loudly.

"Ah ah ah..."

At the same time, Strange finally opened the magic tunnel from Kama Taj to Brooklyn, and fled wildly towards Gao Fei's house with the two surviving "Books of Weishandi".

He knew that as long as he was in Brooklyn, he would be safe, and Casillas would not dare to provoke Goofy, no matter how vicious he was.

Strange breathed a long sigh of relief as he stepped through the aperture.

He didn't realize until this moment that the robe he was wearing was soaked in cold sweat.


ten minutes ago.

Brooklyn Carnasse.

Gao Fei, who was just about to fall asleep, suddenly felt some changes in the dimension of hell, and a very powerful soul came here.

The changes in the dimension of **** can be experienced personally, and this feeling is very intuitive.

The sudden addition of a powerful soul is like a meal suddenly eating a huge, multi-patty burger, with a sharp rise in satiety.

The mighty soul is the burger, and the **** dimension is the goofy stomach.

"is her?"

Goofy had already guessed the source of this powerful soul, and he closed his eyes and entered the dimension of hell.

A thick red fog spreads around him, and the dimension of **** becomes deeper than ever.

Goofy stretched out his right hand towards the dense fog, and then a blue scepter broke through the air.

Grab the scepter and hit the ground.


A powerful shock wave spread out with Gao Fei as the center, and scattered the red dense fog in a radius of several kilometers in turn.

And after the thick fog subsided, a familiar figure appeared.

The bald female monk - the supreme mage ancient one.

"Mage." Gao Fei nodded slightly towards Gu Yi, "You're still here."

"Yeah..." Master Gu Yi nodded helplessly, "My mission is over, this world already has a new Supreme Master, I don't need to live anymore, it's time to retire..."

But speaking of this, Gu Yi said with a bitter smile, "But I didn't control the timing well. With some small flaws, Strange hasn't grown up yet, so I just left."

"Is... Casillas?" Goofy said, "What did he do to you?"

"It's him." Master Gu Yi said calmly, "Mephisto's instigation made him even more hated. According to my original plan, he should have attacked me later."

Hearing this, Gao Fei suddenly felt in his heart.

"So Master Gu Yi, when you first accepted Casillas, you actually trained him as a traitor who assassinated you, didn't you?"

Gu Yi smiled and did not answer the question directly, but said from another perspective, "Everyone in this world has everyone's responsibilities and everyone's destiny..."

"Killing me is Casillas' duty and destiny."

But Gao Fei didn't eat her, shook his head and said, "Mage Gu Yi, the reason why you took Casillas as your apprentice is to let him kill you and threaten Strange. Because you know the wind is calm. Growth cannot make a great So Strange needs a sense of crisis to experience."

"It's impossible for you not to see Casillas' ambition and darkness, but you still spare no effort to cultivate him, the ancient master, when you accepted Casillas, you had already decided to cultivate him into a special Strange's whetstone."

Gu Yi smiled and didn't deny it this time.

Gao Fei sighed sincerely, "In order to train the next Supreme Master, you really worked hard."

Master Gu Yi nodded lightly, and then said, "Unfortunately, I didn't have the opportunity to see him grow up with my own eyes, and I even lost the opportunity to guide him personally."

After that, Master Gu Yi suddenly turned to Gao Fei and pleaded in a low voice, "Can you replace me as Strange's mentor? Guide him on his occult path, urge him..."

"And Dormammu is coming soon, it's impossible to stop him with the current Strange..."

"Gao Fei, can you do me one last favor?"

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