American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 642: Kama Taj

after a while.

Himalayan foothills, Kama Taj.

According to the address given by Pangborn, Strange, who wandered the streets of Nepal for several days and nights, was finally dragged into a temple by a burly black monk, and the burly black monk called himself Mordo.

That's right, he is the disciple of the ancient master - Modu.

"Wait, bro, you said you know where Kama Taj is?" Strange looked at the black brother in front of him vigilantly. Seeing a black man in Nepal was more than seeing a penguin on the African savannah. magic.

"Yes, if you are really looking for Kama Taj, I can take you there." Mordo said sincerely, "By the way, let me introduce myself, my name is Mordo."

"Oh, I can't believe what strangers say." Strange said depressedly, "At least five people told me these days that he could take me to Kama Taj, but they just took me to Robbery in an unfamiliar alley..."

"It doesn't matter if it's just robbery, but some people..."

"Forget it, let him pass the past."

Strange has endured pain that he has never endured in the first half of his life, and his psychological defense has been destroyed again and again, so even if Mordo did not bring him into the alley, he took him into a magnificent building. Temple, he still had a hard time believing this black monk.

But what Mordo said next made him hopeful.

"Did Gao Fei introduce you?" he asked back.

"Goofy? You know Goofy? You know Goofy?"

Although Goofy is now a world-famous superhero, Strange is skeptical that his fame has reached the remote Himalayas.

Since the Mo Du in front of him knew Gao Fei, it means that he should not be an ordinary robber.

"Yes, I was fortunate enough to fight side by side with him some time ago." Mordo replied calmly, " was Gao Fei who introduced you?"

Hearing that Mordo knew Gao Fei, Strange was basically sure that he had found the right person.

But when he heard Goofy's name, Strange couldn't help but get angry.

"Hmph, Goofy, he introduced me to Kama Taj? He's not that kind!"

"That sanctimonious hypocrite, a hypocritical man full of benevolence, righteousness and morality!"

Mordo didn't expect Strange to have such a big prejudice against Goofy, and he had never met someone who didn't like Goofy.

"Oh, Mr. Strange, it looks like you and Goofy are having some trouble."

"Unhappy?" Strange snorted coldly, "More than unpleasant? I had a car accident, my hands were completely out of control, my future and career were ruined, and my life was completely hopeless..."

"Gao Fei can obviously help me. Helping me return to normal is just an effort, but he didn't do it. What did he say... Hehehe, I brought it all on my own!"

"What a **** guy!"

Strange became angrier the more he spoke.

Mordo didn't rush to express his opinion, but continued to ask: "So, Mr. Strange, is Goofy right? Did you ask for all this?"

"Can you take the liberty to ask, how did you get into the car accident?"

Strange looked at Mordo unhappy: "Are all of you Kama Taj people so gossipy?"

Moro smiled: "I just want to know the truth of this matter."

"Okay, okay..." Strange rolled his eyes helplessly, and then admitted, "I got into the car accident because I was speeding, and I was 80% faster than the speed limit..."

"80% speeding..." Mordo said, "but I think that for a surgeon with excellent mental state and operating skills, 80% speeding may not cause a traffic accident, right? Even in the case of severe speeding , you're still in control, aren't you?"

"Uh..." Strange added embarrassedly when Mordu exposed the truth, "Besides, I was still dealing with some... news at the time, I was looking at my phone, and discussing some cases with my colleagues."

"That's right." Mordo smiled, "Mr. Strange, if you make a mistake, you will suffer the consequences, right? If Goofy repaired your hands easily and smoothed it out your trauma, then you will only make bigger mistakes in the future."

"Tsk..." Strange didn't expect Mordo's tone to be exactly the same as Goofy's, which made him very uncomfortable.

But after all, it was a request, and Strange did not argue with Mordo.

At this time, the two passed through the temple, and the end of the narrow corridor of the temple was unexpectedly mysterious.

I don't know what the reason is, but Strange actually walked directly from a narrow corridor to the middle of the Himalayas!

It’s a platform plateau above sheer cliffs, with towering, snow-capped mountains in the distance.

Turn left at the entrance, a row of triple-eaved pagoda-style buildings are built on the platform. Mordo told Strange that this style of building has the same name as Kathmandu, the Nepalese city outside the door. The original meaning of Sanskrit is "trees and temples". .

" is this possible? We came out of that temple obviously. We were obviously in the city, so why did we suddenly come...on the mountainside?"

Strange looked at the space in front of him in The sudden transformation of the space caught him off guard.

"There are many things in the world that cannot be explained by common sense and science." Mordo said with a smile, and he was not surprised by Strange's reaction at all.

"Then, please meet my master next, the respected Supreme Master?" Mo Du pointed to a tea room in front.

Strange was always in a confused state, and he followed Mordo all the way to the tea room.

At this time, a bald female monk was already waiting for him in the tea room. The bald female monk turned his back to the door and seemed to be meditating.

"You're here? Strange." - An elegant and calm voice came, the voice of the bald female monk was surprisingly calm.

"You are... you are the master here? Abbot? Elder? Or... Master or something? What should I call you?" Strange looked at the bald female monk hesitantly and asked in a low voice.

"You can call me Gu Yi, or you can call me a mage." Gu Yi greeted him with a smile, "I can see that you have suffered a lot to get here."

"Oh, of course..." Strange didn't hide it, and then asked impatiently, "I heard that you can heal my hands and make me back to normal, right?"

"Can you really do it? When do we start?"

Master Gu Yi glanced at his still trembling hands that were dissatisfied with the scar, and said with a smile, "Your purpose is very strong. As soon as you enter the door, go straight to the subject..."

"Of course!" Strange nodded. "Otherwise, why do you think I have suffered so much to come to the Himalayas?"


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