American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 608: Professor X shows his skills

"Charles Xavier, right?"

Agent Hill, who had recovered his impression of Charles, quickly recalled his name. When S.H.I.E.L.D. dealt with the Hydra led by Baron Strucker, Charles Xavier had an excellent performance.

"Oh, do you remember me?" Charles smiled politely. "It's such an honor."

He actually knew that Agent Hill remembered him only after seeing his mind-reading skills, but it was better to see through some things and not tell them.

Agent Hill also knew the reason for descending the donkey, smiled and nodded: "Of course, you are a very outstanding young man."

Gao Fei in the driver's seat was speechless about the two people's business mutual praise, and said after pouting: "Okay, let's go, it's time to find out who is hiding behind the back and instigating Wakanda and Ultron. related."

As soon as she heard this, Maria Hill's expression became serious, although she had noticed Nick Fury's connection with the whole thing a long time ago, but until now she has not been mentally prepared.

Goofy's car sped along New York's roads and soon arrived at Ravencraft Prison in suburban Queens.

After a night of time, Eric's mood has stabilized a lot, especially after being forewarned by Goofy that someone will use mind reading to steal his memory, Eric's whole person looks very depressed.

Robbie Reyes, however, remained very cooperative and reportedly stayed quiet all night.

Remember "→m.\\B\\iq\\u\\g\\eTv.C\\o\\m" on the mobile phone for a second to provide you with wonderful \\ novel reading.

However, according to the reaction of the jailer captain Ole, Robbie always likes to frown, as if he is thinking about something. Of course, it is also possible that he thinks his expression is more handsome, so he keeps this expression all the time.

After arriving at the prison, Goofy took the lead to meet the former king of Wakanda, Eric.

As soon as Eric saw Gao Fei, he changed his arrogant attitude and suddenly became pitiful.

"Flying high, flying high..."

Because of the resistance and defense last night, Eric's voice became a little hoarse,

"Let's talk, I can cooperate with you, I can tell you what you want to know, but please don't let people enter my head, it's too sick, I can't stand this kind of thing, please don't let people enter me brain..."

Goofy smiled without saying a word, while Charles Xavier beside him smiled and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Eric, I will be very gentle."

"Gentle? You?" Eric looked up at Charles Xavier, then shook his head quickly, "No, don't enter my brain, don't read my memory. Please, please don't…"

Before Eric could finish speaking, Goofy patted Charles on the shoulder and said, "He's yours, let's do it quickly."

Charles smiled softly: "Understood."

Before he finished speaking, Eric only felt that his mind went blank for a while, and in the next second, he didn't know anything.

Charles Xavier's performance was indeed worthy of the words "quick fight", and after half an hour, he turned and left Eric's monitoring unit.

"Is the matter resolved?"

Goofy looked up at Charles and asked with a smile.

"Yes." Charles said humbly, "I didn't disappoint you, Headmaster Goofy."

Agent Hill seemed a little impatient.

"Tell me, Charles, who's behind the scenes? Who's in control of Eric?"

Charles looked at Agent Hill hesitantly, and then said, "It's... SHIELD."

"Is it really S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Although Goofy was basically sure that it was the S.H.I.E.L.D. ghost, he was still a little surprised after getting solid evidence.

After all, after previous cooperation and friction, he believed that S.H.I.E.L.D. and Nick Fury should not have the courage to oppose him.

Maria Hill was even more surprised and whispered: "Can you be more detailed? How did S.H.I.E.L.D. control Eric?"


Charles Xavier nodded, then began his statement,

"It started when Eric tried to cooperate with Ultron. At that time, Ultron rejected Eric's suggestion to assassinate King Tchaka and support him in power..."

Goofy nodded lightly, this was indeed the time when they turned against Eric.

"After Eric and Ultron broke down, someone found him directly. This person claimed to be Agent Coulson and came from S.H.I.E.L.D.," Charles said.

"Wait, what does this Agent Coulson look like, can you see from Eric's memory?" Agent Hill asked, she had to make sure that the Coulson who contacted Eric was the real Cole Sen.

"Well... petite, with sparse hair, square face, always with a kind smile on his face..." Charles clearly mastered all of Coulson's physical characteristics.

"Okay, it's really him." Agent Hill was convinced that Coulson was the deity when he heard the "sparse hair volume".

And Gao Fei looked at the Charles child with mixed feelings. You may be in the mood to complain about other people's "sparse hair volume" now.

After confirming Coulson's continued his story.

"Agent Coulson learned about Eric's negotiation with Ultron, he told Eric that Ultron was actually a very dangerous artificial intelligence program, and that Ultron's purpose was not just vibrating gold, but to rule the world , to enslave all mankind..."

"At the same time, he showed Eric a confidential material, which can prove what he said. This confidential material shows that Ultron has penetrated the network systems of various countries and controlled the global armed forces..."

Agent Hill became more and more confused: "Wait, when did S.H.I.E.L.D. obtain such a confidential material? Why didn't I know?"

Gao Fei shook his head and said: "No matter how S.H.I.E.L.D. obtained this material, I can guarantee it is fake. If Ultron really penetrated the world's network as Agent Coulson said, then those How could a fake Ultron robot bombard King T'Chaka's venue without Ultron's knowledge?"

"Yes, this does mean that this material is forged." Agent Hill pondered, "In addition, I can guarantee that this material will not be circulated within the scope of S.H.I.E.L.D."

After the two exchanged, Charles continued: "Eric doesn't care if Ultron wants to rule the world, he just wants to use S.H.I.E.L.D. to assassinate King Tchaka, so he immediately came up with a conspiracy that can kill both Tchaka, help him win the throne, and blame the Ultron nation, provoking a war between Wakanda and Ultron…"

"He met Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D., through Agent Coulson, and together with Nick Fury, he planned the assassination of King T'Chaka."

"And he promised that after he became the new king of Wakanda, he would immediately use Zhenjin to build a powerful army, occupy the Ultron country, and completely remove the Ultron robots from this world."

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