American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 600: expose crime

Vibranium may indeed be a very tough material, and the warships made of it cannot easily penetrate even high-flying warships.

At this time, it is the turn of Magneto Eric Lanschel, who is the natural nemesis of all metal products.

The huge size of Wakanda's "Black Death" has become its Achilles' heel, because the larger the size of the metal, the larger the target that Magneto can control through his abilities.

Under Magneto's powerful control ability, the Black Death was completely out of control. It poked straight at the ground, and all the pilots it carried were unable to recover the loss of control of the Black Death.

Eric was barely sane in zero gravity, but he knew that such a violent impact could kill him.

Eric is not immortal even when taking the heart-shaped grass, he has to find a way to protect himself.

So he was in a hurry and put on the black panther suit. The black panther suit has a certain ability to protect and support the fragile human body, which can help Eric survive this tragic impact.

Almost the second after the black panther suit covered his body, a loud bang came from the ground.

Booooom! !

The Black Death poked straight into the ground of the Wakanda capital, poking a huge deep hole in the otherwise perfectly paved hard surface.

But the hull of the Black Death was too strong, and even in such a collision situation, the Black Death was not damaged in the slightest. The only regret is that the crew of the battleship were all killed in this violent collision.

No, there is still one person who survived, and he is Eric in a black panther suit.

Apart from falling a little dizzy and wanting to vomit like Iron Man, Eric didn't suffer any serious damage, because the Panther suit is even more powerful than Iron Man suit because of the special properties of Zhenjin's ability to absorb energy. The ability to withstand impact is stronger.

All the energy generated during the collision was absorbed by the Panther suit on Eric's body, which allowed him to escape unscathed.

"Goofy, I said, I won't fall down so easily..."

Eric gritted his teeth and whispered.

However, at this moment, he suddenly heard a familiar voice.

Om-! !

It was the ringing of Zhenjin. This sound was exactly the same as the sound when the Black Death was controlled, but this time the sound was not from the Black Death, but from him.

In the next second, he regretted putting on the Zhenjin suit - because he found that his body was under control, and the Zhenjin suit became his cage, his shackles!

"How is this going?!"

Eric was extremely shocked, but he reacted immediately,

"It's Goofy's super soldier! He has the ability to control vibration gold... No, it should be the ability to control metal!"

After Eric just wanted to understand this, he was dragged out of the Black Death's cabin. At this time, he finally saw the super soldier who could control metal, a man with short short hair and sharp eyes. A young man like a falcon.

"You?! You ruined my Black Death?"

Eric roared unwillingly,

"You **** bastard!"

Magneto looked blankly at the angry king, he shrugged and said, "Of course it's me, because my ability happens to be the nemesis of your Wakanda..."

"Naive friend, do you really think that you Wakanda can rule the world with only the vibration gold resources given to you by God?"

"You are too arrogant, you are blinded by this lucky resource."

"Nothing is invincible, everything has its nemesis."

"I am the nemesis of Zhenjin and Wakanda, and also your nemesis..."

"Maybe this is the fate in the dark, my name is Eric, maybe from the moment I was born, I was destined to punish you."

Having said that, Magneto directly waved Eric and fell from the air, and then pressed him to the ground.

The Zhenjin battle suit rubbed against the hard ground, emitting a dazzling fire. Eric tried to get out of the Zhenjin battle suit, but it was completely in vain...

Seeing that King Eric of Wakanda had been subdued, Goofy quickly contacted Gordon.

"Gordon, bring Princess Su Rui and Elder Zu Li here now."


As soon as Gordon's voice sounded in the communicator, a blue light appeared in front of everyone.

Then Gordon brought Princess Shu Rui and Elder Zu Li out of the blue light, and the two quickly came to Eric.

"Eric!" When Su Rui saw the murder of his father and brother, he was immediately aroused by monstrous hatred and anger.

She tried to go and kill Eric, who had lost his ability to fight, but this childish behavior was stopped in time by Elder Zu Li.

"Princess, the most important thing for us now is to judge him and expose his evil face, not punish him..."

"Death would only set him free, and it was the most merciful way to deal with it."

Fortunately, Su Rui's impulse was quickly suppressed by Elder Zu Li's persuasion, which prevented her from continuing to do stupid things.

"You're right, Elder Zu Li, I was too reckless..."

Princess Shu Rui nodded, then turned to the soldiers of Wakanda and shouted: "Soldiers! Please stop your resistance, I am Shu Rui, I am the daughter of Emperor T'Challa, and the daughter of King T'Challa. Sister, the princess of Wakanda..."

Princess Su Rui's volume was not very loud, and when she shouted a word, only the soldiers nearby could hear it.

Fortunately, Ultron hurried over to help her, using Wakanda's own communication system to broadcast Su Rui's speech to every screen in the capital, Bonin Zana.

As a result Princess Shuri's speech appeared on every TV turned on in the Wakanda capital, on the big screen in the plaza, and even on the merchandise TV in the mall.

"I came back today to reveal one thing to you—the current King Eric, in fact, doesn't deserve to be your king at all!"

"Although he is the son of Njob, even though he has the blood of the royal family of Wakanda, he is also a cruel murderer, who is the one who killed the old king T'Chaka! My father, King T'Chaka! "

When Princess Shuri said this, the soldiers and citizens of Wakanda were all shocked - this is definitely a big scandal for the royal family of Wakanda, and it is also an incredible thing.

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Without waiting for Princess Su Rui to continue, General Wakabi immediately stood up and questioned: "This is just your side of the word, do you have any evidence?"

There is no doubt that General Wakabi still chooses to side with Eric, and his loyalty to Eric is stupid and blind.

Princess Shuri had long expected that General Wakabi would have such a problem.

"Of course I have the evidence."

Then she looked back at Ultron, who played the surveillance footage from the day T'Chaka was assassinated.

This was originally due to be played by T'Challa and Princess Shuri, but Eric's sudden challenge and the facilitation of the challenge ritual by elders within Wakanda prevented the two from having a chance to convict Eric.

In this full video, the people of Wakanda saw Eric cooperate with a burning skull to kill the old king T'Chaka, and after the video was completed, Eric was Wakanda as Wakanda The identity of the king will be completely denied by the people.

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