American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 414: Yongdu and Whistle Arrow

A few minutes later, the looters on the entire battleship came to the scene at the call of Yondu. At this time, Yondu's forces were at the peak of his life, so the number of looters on this battleship was very considerable. .

Gao Fei glanced briefly and found that Yongdu had at least dozens of subordinates.

And he only brought four Atlan Inhumans (plus a big dog) for the raid, the difference in numbers was too great, and it was for this reason that Yondu and the Marauders did not let them go at all. in the eyes.

After all, the earth (including the satellite moon) is regarded as the poorest and backward planet in the Milky Way. The combat effectiveness of the earthlings is often underestimated, and now they are at a disadvantage in numbers, which is simply weaker than weaker.

After his younger brothers were present, Yongdu obviously relaxed a lot. Even Clarklin, who was about to escape before, no longer sweated, but raised his pants and got back from the crowd.

Yondu raised his eyebrows and looked at Gao Fei and the Inhumans, and asked with a sneer, "You said...what kind of dirty, rude **** did I reply to the **** you sent me? You idiots are boring because of this shit. Bad thing, broke into my battleship?"

Medusa is very disgusted with Yongdu, who is full of foul language. She was born in the royal family of Atlan and received a highly civilized elite education since she was a child. Therefore, she can't tolerate such a lawless gangster like Yongdu.

"Shut up! You lowly cosmic mercenary, talking to you is the biggest insult to me, not to mention your provocative letter to Atlan!"

"What nonsense are you talking about, pretty girl?" Yongdu smirked and looked up and down the plump Medusa, "What provocative reply? I don't even know! If it wasn't for your beauty, I've been…”

Before Yondu could finish speaking, Black Bolt next to Medusa suddenly let out a low moan.

Yondu managed to anger the leader of the Inhumans with just a few words.


The entire space of the battleship immediately vibrated, and a powerful infrasound wave was sprayed towards Yondu and the other predators like an overwhelming sea.

The Marauders scrambled to resist Black Bolt's infrasonic waves, but in vain.

The powerful infrasound easily overturned these people and made them hit the wall. Even Yondu fell to the ground after three consecutive backflips, and the whole person fell to the ground.

"Oh shit…"

Yondu got up angrily, lifted off his iconic predator's trench coat, and exposed the whistle arrow on his waist.

"Since you **** want to do it, I will have a good time with you! In this galaxy, we predators have never been afraid of anyone!"

The other predators in the back also stood up eagerly, picking up the firearms and weapons in their hands.

"Kill them!"

"Fight them!"

"To kill them!"

Medusa glared at the predators, and said solemnly, "Don't say it as if you were the one who was invaded, it's obviously you who provoked us first!"

Yongdu squinted his eyes and said with a confused look: "What? Nonsense! You beautiful **** is full of bullshit! We predators are busy eating, drinking and having fun every day, where do we have time to provoke you? Besides, who are you? I No impression at all!"

"Stop pretending! We're from Atlan, and we just sent you a message an hour ago, asking why you want to enter the solar system, why you want to be close to the moon, the earth... You dare say you don't know?" Medusa was aggressive asked.

"Of course I don't know..." In the middle of Yongdu's words, he suddenly caught a glimpse of Clarklin who was standing beside him winking.

Seeing this kid, Yongdu vaguely recalled that about ten minutes ago, Clarklin seemed to say that he had just replied to a letter from Atlan.

"Damn..." Yondu put down his arrow for a while, stared at Clarklin and said, "Fool, get over here!"

"Ah?" Clarklin shivered and whispered, "Boss, what are your orders?"

"Let me ask you, did you just say that you replied to a letter from Achilan?" Yondu asked in a deep voice.

"It's Atlan!!" Crystal emphasized dissatisfiedly, "What's the matter with you blue-skinned monster?"

"It's none of your business!" Yongdu roared angrily, then his eyes involuntarily stayed on Crystal's body, and said with a smile, "This little girl looks really energetic..."

"Bah! Rogue!" Crystal rolled her eyes.

After looking at the crystals, Yongdu continued to question Clarklin.

"Say, did you reply to a letter from Atlan?"

"It seems...indeed...that's the case," Clarklin admitted in a low voice. "Hey, boss, sorry."

"How did you reply?" Yondu asked.

"I replied... don't mind your own business, get out of here!" Clarklin said guiltily.

When the Inhumans heard this, their anger surged up again.

Black Bolt's face became even more ugly, and Medusa said solemnly: "Yes, this is the insult to us Atlan by your predators!"

Yondu looked at Clarklin first, then looked back at Goofy and the Inhumans, and after a while, the wild centaur actually laughed out loud.

"Hahaha... Don't mind your own business, get out of your way! I like this reply, it is in line with the domineering arrogance of our predators!"

Having said that, Yongdu turned to Gao Fei and the Inhumans, and said solemnly: "I never like to be pointed at me, I can go wherever I want to go, and which galaxy I want to go to, I don't care who you are from Earth or not. Moon people, get out of my way!"

Black Bolt stepped forward and prepared to release infrasound waves.

He only used less than 10% of the skill in the infrasound wave just now, and this time he is ready to make a real move.

Gao Fei didn't let him speak, but patted him on the shoulder.

"Have you forgotten what we said before? Dude, you can teach them a lesson, but you can't destroy their battleship. I'm still waiting for them to go back and spread the news..."

Black Bolt had no choice but to give Gao Fei this face, and pouted to show his step backward.

And Yongdu stopped after hearing Gao Fei's words, squinting his eyes and asking, "Do you still want to teach me a lesson?"

"Of course." Goofy nodded, greeted Yongdu, and then pointed to him and all the predators behind him and asked, "Are you going on your own, or are you going on together?"

"Of course it's me! Damn it, do you think we need to swarm us to deal with a little fish like you?" Yondu said angrily, "Say goodbye to your friends, stinky boy!"

After all, Yondu blew his whistle.

An impatient whistle sounded, and the whistle arrow from his waist shot out like a snake.

Karnike quickly gave an analysis: "Officer Goofy, be careful, this guy's whistle arrow is very fast, and there is quite a lot of energy on it, and it has a strong defense breaking ability. If it is shot, then..."

In fact, without having to say Karnak, Goofy also knew the power of the Yongdu Whistle Arrow. This whistle arrow can easily penetrate even the armor of Kree soldiers and Nova Corps, not to mention strengthening the skin of the human body.

So don't say that Goofy hasn't had time to wear the bloodside battle suit developed by Stark. Even if he wears the bloodside battle suit, Yongdu's whistle arrow can easily penetrate him.

But being able to penetrate is one thing, being able to hit is another.

Because Goofy decided to deal with Yondu decently this time in order to make the cosmic bounty hunters realize his power.

In the face of Gao Fei's agility close to the speed of light, Yongdu's whistle and arrow are just a slow-flying toy.


The whistle arrow swept through the air and went straight to Gao Fei's chest.

Medusa smiled lightly: "What if you shoot through Officer Goofy?"

It's a pity that she was wrong this time, because the whistle arrow could not penetrate Gao Fei's chest at all. The moment before the whistle arrow touched Gao Fei, Gao Fei had dexterously avoided it.

"What?!" Yongdu was stunned, he didn't expect Gao Fei to be faster than the whistle arrow.

The whistle turned sharply, and the whistle arrow flew towards Gao Fei again.

Gao Fei swayed gently, leaving an afterimage of his body in the cabin.

The whistle arrow passed through Gao Fei's afterimage again, but still failed to hurt Gao Fei.

"Officer Goofy... so fast!" Crystal shouted in shock.

Karnak said solemnly: "Officer Gao Fei's reaction speed is about 73 times that of Whistle Arrow, which means that Whistle Arrow will never hurt him, because of such a huge speed gap, in the opinion of Officer Gao Fei, Whistle Arrow will never hurt him. The arrows just seem to stand still..."

The Inhumans praised Goofy's amazing but Yondu felt insulted.

"73 times? Fart! You fart! It's 73 times faster than my whistle arrow, so close to the speed of light so early? How could that kid catch up with the speed of light? Stop talking nonsense!"

"Who says I can't keep up with the speed of light?"

Gao Fei smiled coldly, and suddenly came to the back of Yongdu.

Yongdu didn't even have time to react, he felt a chill behind him.

At this time, Gao Fei stretched out his hand and grabbed the whistle arrow controller on Yongdu's head.


With a crisp sound, Yongdu's whistle and arrow failed on the spot.

Hearing the sound of "clang", the whistle fell to the ground, completely losing its threat to Gao Fei.

And Yondu was stunned in place, unable to say a word for a long time...


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