American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 347: angry electric man

As a guy full of negative energy, the explosion of Electro-optic man is too normal. Goofy has long guessed that there will be a battle between him and Electro-optic man, which is absolutely inevitable.

Dianguang Man is not only extremely inferior, but also full of resentment towards the whole society. He is a fragile person who cannot bear the pressure of life, so he blames his failure and fate on others and the whole world.

It is really a troublesome thing to try to bring such a guy who is full of negative emotions into the right track. The electric light man's problem is too big, and his three views need to be completely reshaped.

Therefore, Gao Fei decided to ignore the 3721 and control him first. As for the transformation of the electric light man, it must be carried out step by step.

At this time, Dianguangren was murderous, and after being confiscated of his "depression" and regained his "anger", he just wanted to vent his dissatisfaction in his heart happily.

At the same time, the mutation and superpowers made his heart start to expand. He no longer thought of himself as the unknown engineer he used to be, but felt that he was at least a character.

"Officer Gao Fei, I've been reborn now, don't try to bully me again, don't try to wrong me again!"

Max roared hoarsely.

Gao Fei spread his hands towards him.

"Hey man, listen, no one has wronged you, no one has framed you, you said you didn't kill people, I'd like to believe you, I know you didn't kill people, but if you take the initiative to attack us now, then you've committed a big crime. wrong…"

Goofy originally just wanted to stop Max from continuing to make mistakes, but his well-meaning dissuasion was misunderstood by Max as fear of him.

"It turns out that Officer Goofy is also afraid sometimes... Are you worried that my current will scorch you?"

Max feels extremely good about himself, and there is often only one difference from inferiority complex to arrogance.

"I'm afraid of you?" Gao Fei smiled softly, "Man, I think you misunderstood."

Goofy's smile was just an inadvertent habit, but it hurt Max's fragile self-esteem.

"You are laughing at me! How dare you laugh at me? You still look down on me, don't you? Even if I gain superpowers and become a superpower, you still look down on me, right? In your eyes, I'm always a waste. Chai, it's a loser! Right?"

Electricity surged on Electro-optician, and he could turn into human lightning to attack Goofy and Harry at any time.

Goofy hurriedly gestured to Harry to get out of the area, and he was tired of talking nonsense with this glass-hearted and moody guy, he had to show him some color.

"Man, lie down for me now and follow me back to the police station. This is your best choice. If you still try to resist, I'm sorry, I'll make you suffer."

"So you still think I killed someone? That's why you arrested me?" The Electro-optical Man was always entangled in this issue and asked angrily.

Gao Fei was too lazy to talk nonsense, rolled his eyes and said, "Whatever you think, I'm too lazy to explain it to you."

"You just look down on me!!"

The Electro-optic man roared, and finally turned into lightning and rushed towards Gao Fei.

A powerful current immediately penetrated Gao Fei's body, and a burnt smell filled the air.

"Goofy, I know you are immortal! I know I can't kill you, but I can make you suffer, I can make your body twist and shape!"

Max is a big fan of Goofy and a very smart engineer. He knows Goofy's abilities well and understands every mechanism of Goofy's abilities.

He knew that Gao Fei's body was immune to fatal damage, and could instantly recover to the state before the damage started after encountering fatal damage, but he was powerless against non-lethal damage, which was Goofy's biggest shortcoming.

Therefore, Max controlled the current in his body, and it was not strong enough to kill Goofy. He bombarded Goofy's body with the current, trying to cause irreversible damage to him.

Goofy quickly realized Max's intentions, with a scowl on his face.

"Did you make such a ruthless hand just because I refused you to join the Super Patrol?"

Max sneered: "No! It's because you rejected me! Slandered me! Despised me! I want you to pay for all the crimes you have committed on me over the years!"

"Crimes? What crimes have we committed these years?" Gao Fei asked loudly, "Do you think the whole world is sorry for you?"

"Of course! No one recognizes my efforts, no one remembers my name, no one thinks of me when something good happens, but when something bad happens, everyone blames me! I hate this world! I hate Everyone!" Max shouted hoarsely.

"But man, you live in this world, and others live in this world. We live in the same world." Gao Fei said, "Everyone is equal in this regard."

"I know that you black people have suffered a lot of discrimination. It is not only black people who are discriminated against, but also we Asians, women, and other races... The world has never lacked discrimination, because this is the rule of the world!"

"The discrimination of each group is not innate, it is related to the historical background and social evolution, and the social status of each group is constantly changing with the advancement of history, nothing is static..."

"And the reason why these groups can keep making progress and get rid of their fate of being discriminated against is because every individual in the group has not been defeated by fate, and is constantly working hard to fight against fate!"

"They know that this is the rule of the society, they have the courage to face the rule, understand the rule, and even change the rule..."

"Instead of blindly complaining about oneself and others..."

"Everyone's starting point is different, and the gap between people is bigger than the gap between people and dogs, but even if your starting point is as low as the dust, it will not affect you to change the rules of this society. To fight against fate, thus causing yourself to be defeated by fate, it is not others that you should hate, but yourself!"

"Wake up, man, you already have supernatural powers, and you have been favored by God. Are you still obsessed with it?"

Gao Fei said like a blow to the head.

However, Max's personality has been formed, and he has been on the tip of his horns all his life. At this time, it is too difficult for him to turn back.

"Hehe, the reason why you say that is just because you are the darling of fate... You are already a hero in New York. Of course, standing and talking won't hurt your back!"

"What **** is fighting against fate, changing the rules of society, I don't want to change anything, I just want revenge!!"

Having said that, Max increased the power of his body.

"Come on Goofy! I know I may not be able to kill you, but at least I want you to feel pain! At least I want to leave marks on your body!"

The strong current swept across Gao Fei's skin, burning his skin and starting to deform. Although Gao Fei's physique was different from ordinary people, he still could not escape the fate of deformation under such a strong current stimulation.

Seeing this scene, Max was very happy.

"Hahaha... This is what happens when you ignore me! Goofy! I left permanent marks on you! Even if I die, you will remember me when you see these marks in the future!"

"You will always have the traces of my Max Dillon on you! This is your tattoo, and I will be with you for the rest of your life!!"

Gao Fei looked at the almost crazy Electric Man and shook his head sympathetically.

"Sorry, Max, I won't remember you despite your sincerity in your confession."

The Extremis virus played a role, and the skin burned by the electric light man immediately began to heal, and the previously twisted skin instantly became smooth as new, leaving no trace.

"How is this possible? It's impossible!" The Electric Man, who thought he had thoroughly studied Gao Fei, said in shock, "You can only be immune to fatal damage, and you are not immune to this kind of damage!!"

"Please, Max." Goofy said with a smile, "People are always improving, I can't stay where I am all the time, right? My abilities have been updated."

"Damn! You liar! You big liar!!"

Max was furious, and the power in his body suddenly increased - all of a sudden, blue light flashed in Osborne's basement, Max turned into a human body and the electric current went straight into Goofy's heart.

"I want to die with you!"

Angry Max has lost his He forgot that Goofy is an immortal creature.

"Since you want to die..." Gao Fei sighed, "Then I will fulfill you. It's just that I can't accompany you, and I have more important things to do."

booooo! !

A loud noise came, and the desperate virus in Goofy's body was directly detonated under the stimulation of Max's strong current. The close-range explosion directly destroyed Max, the electric man, and Goofy was reborn in a flame of smoke.

"I originally wanted to help you change your evil ways and get on the right track. After all, your abilities are quite useful..." Gao Fei flicked the fly ash on his shoulders and whispered, "But you are just too impatient, To use such extreme means to seek death."

If Max didn't increase the power, then Goofy wouldn't explode, and all the results in front of him were brought up by Max himself, who sent himself to the grave with his own hands.

After that, Gao Fei turned around and left the basement that was about to collapse.

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