American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 286: Housewarming

Spring and autumn come, and a season passes in a blink of an eye.

The Asgardian trial has come to an end - Thor Odinson has been sentenced to 10 months in prison for sabotaging the city, which was reduced to 6 months considering his intentions were to stop the Hulk.

Rocky Lawfeison was convicted of numerous crimes and was sentenced to life imprisonment directly.

Due to the increasing number of super criminals in the Ravencraft Asylum, and the government's funding has been raised again and again, Goofy soon earned his first pot of gold after the investment, and this money was enough for him to buy a new set of house.

The new house was one of the three that Goofy and Carrie visited, the one that included the lawn, pool, and garage, of course.

Housing prices in Canarsie are not outrageous, and houses are moderately priced.

The new home has two floors, three halls, four bedrooms, four bathrooms and a basement. The asking price for a 420-square-meter area is $1.7 million, and the monthly property tax is about $700.

The furniture in the new home is readily available, and Gao Fei only needs to bring simple luggage to check in directly. After Carrie moved to the new home, she was as happy as a little rabbit, hopping up and down, running up and down.

"Dad, can I choose a room first?"

Carrie shook Goofy's arm with a drooling look on her face.

"Of course." Goofy told Carrie to choose a room first.


The little girl jumped up and disappeared for a moment.

Teleporting to the first room, Carrie turned around and picked it up seriously.

"This room is so spacious, it looks so empty..."

Saying that, she teleported again and came to the second room.

"It's so bright and open here, open the window and it's the lawn!"

Then teleport again and come upstairs.

The third bedroom is on the shaded side and is also the smallest.

"emmm... It's good to be a guest room here."

Teleport again and come to the second room upstairs.

"The view here is good! The space is not too big or too small. By the way, if the guest room is next door, I choose this bedroom... Dad Goofy and I can sleep upstairs and downstairs alone!"

The more Carrie thought about it, the happier she became.

"In this case, I will sleep whenever I want in the future, and Goofy's father won't be able to find out!"

"And also... If I have a boyfriend in the future, I can let him climb upstairs quietly from the window and escape my father's surveillance..."

The little girl was intrigued, and her face blushed.

She made up her mind right away.

"I want this room!"

Teleporting back to the first floor, Carrie happily reported.

"Dad, I want that bedroom upstairs!"

"Okay, then I'll sleep downstairs." Gao Fei said with a smile, "We happen to be living upstairs and downstairs. Dad can protect your safety. If anyone wants to climb into your room, they have to pass through my window first. , see if I don't break his legs!"

"Clam?" Carrie was stunned, how could she forget this!

Gao Fei looked at Carrie in shock, and asked with concern, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"!" Carrie shook her head quickly, "I'm going to clean up the room!"


Goofy rents out the apartment behind Macy's in Brooklyn, and the new home's home party is held the first weekend after the housewarming.

Old colleague from Precinct 109, new colleague from Super Patrol, Superintendent Schneider, Fantastic Four, Tony Stark, Happy and Pepper Potts, Eddie Bullock of Global Daily, Homeless Ole, Auntie Wang and Jessie, Aunt May and Peter Parker, "Little Green Goblin" Harry Osborn...

More than 20 people gathered together, and the 400-square-meter single-family villa was very crowded.

Tony Stark, holding a glass of champagne, stood beside Goofy and talked.

"Gao Fei, you are now an industry leader who monopolizes New York's super criminal prison. How can you change your house so shabby? Didn't I recommend you a few luxury houses on the Upper East Side? With your current economic strength, you should be able to easily Take it..."

Before Goofy could speak, Reed began to complain for him.

"Come on, Tony, Officer Goofy is obviously deliberately moving to the out-of-the-way suburbs to avoid causing trouble to the neighbors. Do you think he's just as obsessed with showing off his capital as you are?"

"Hmph, Reed, don't make me seem selfish, don't forget, I sponsored the reconstruction of Interstate 95, and Stark Industries has done a lot of charity in recent years, I think There is no other company in New York that can compare to me." Tony said proudly.

Interstate 95 is the road that was destroyed during Thor and the Hulk's fierce battle, and the reconstruction work has not been completed until now.

And Stark Industries has been committed to philanthropy after withdrawing from the military industry. The Hulk twice destroyed the disaster area in New York and received financial support from Tony Stark.

As soon as he mentioned this, Gao Fei laughed.

"By the way, the government has recently approved labor reform for super criminals in exchange for a reduced sentence. I just can form a construction team with those guys in the lunatic asylum. Didn't Thor and the Hulk tear down Interstate 95? Then send them there. reconstruction."

"Is this a safe way? They are all superpowers and criminals after all." Pepper, who was standing by the side, said worriedly, "If they lose control at the scene or attempt to escape, wouldn't it be bad?"

"If they have this idea, then they can try it." Goofy is not worried, shrugging, "as long as they dare."

Johnny said with a smile: "I see Thor's recent performance is good, and Dr. Banner is very cooperative even when he doesn't transform. Not to mention the two agents of SHIELD, they understand that jailbreaking is not a problem. A good choice."

"As for Loki and Ebony Throat, both of them are imprisoned for life and are not eligible for commutation through labor reform." Reed nodded.

Tony Stark laughed: "So Goofy, are you going to form a super-power construction team? Thor, the sledgehammer, and the Hulk to blast it?"

"Almost." Gao Fei nodded. "It's not good to keep them in jail all the time. We must give them a chance to reform."

Gao Fei's discussion of reform through labor was booming, while Carrie sat under the restaurant bench and ate snacks.

Since the Infinity Rough Stone is too important, the Illuminati will make a decision, and the three giants will take turns in charge of the Soul Rough Stone and the Space Rough Stone.

Gao Fei had been in charge of the two rough stones before, so in this section, the two rough stones were distributed to Tony and Reed—Tony was responsible for keeping the space rough stones, and Reed was responsible for protecting the mind rough stones.

In this way, Carrie was depressed, and the good stuff that she had enough to manage was gone, and she had to return to the vulgar life of eating whole grains, and there was no fairy spirit at all.

And there were two people gathered in the restaurant - "Little Green Goblin" Harry Osborn and Peter Parker.

Speaking of them, they are the same age as Carrie. Harry is the oldest at 13 years old, Peter is the second at 12 years old, and Carrie is the youngest at 10 years old. The similar age makes them together unconsciously.

"Hi Carrie, it's been a long time, you look so much taller, I almost don't recognize you... Oh, by the way, I remember the last time I met with Professor Lizard kidnapping me? Professor Lizard dragged into the sewer! Thanks to Sergeant Goofy for getting you out, otherwise you'd be in danger..."

Peter Parker babbled that the kid was a Gatling who opened fire when he opened his mouth.

Carrie glanced up at Peter, and ate to herself.

She wondered why this guy had been talking for a long time, but he didn't even have a point.

"What does it feel like to have a heroic dad like Officer Goofy? It must be very happy, right? I can't understand this. In fact, I don't even have an ordinary dad. My dad left me when I was very young. , I grew up with my aunt, Aunt Mei, you should know her, right? She's a teacher at your school..."


Carrie put down the cornflakes in her hand and looked up at Peter, she felt she had to answer Peter, or she seemed rude, but she really didn't know how to answer.

Fortunately, Harry came to make a rescue at this Hello, my name is Harry Osborn, and I am a student at Midtown Middle School. "

"Oh! Midtown High School?" Harry got excited and said with a smile, "I'm going to Midtown High School next month, so you are my senior?"

"No, I've just entered middle school, and we're in the same grade." Harry Osborn said with a smile, "Peter, right?"

"Peter Parker." Peter said happily, "We may become classmates."

Carrie cast a gloomy glance at them.

Cut, what's so great about middle school students?

This elementary school student does not envy you!

In another two years, I am also a middle school student!


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