American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 273: Repatriate Loki

Goofy was not surprised by Nick Fury's request, in fact he had discussed Loki with Reed two days earlier.

What if Thor and S.H.I.E.L.D. pressured the NYPD to force the police to release someone?

What if this vicious alien invader was rescued by Asgard using interplanetary relations?

After much deliberation, Reed suggested that S.H.I.E.L.D. sign a statement of responsibility in advance—if the felon Loki escapes during the transfer process, then S.H.I.E.L.D. will take full responsibility for this matter.

Therefore, after Fury's request, Goofy directly took out this statement of responsibility.

Seeing that Goofy was ready, Nick Fury's face immediately turned ugly.

Good boy, it turns out that you have already given me a good set.

But for the sake of the "big picture", Nick Fury had no choice. In addition, considering that Thor came to arrest people this time, presumably Loki couldn't escape.

"Okay, I agree with this statement." Fury nodded.

When he was done, he was ready to sign.

But before Fury signed, Goofy shook his head.

"Don't worry, Director Fury, there's one more thing..."

"What's the matter?" Nick Fury took a deep breath and looked up at Goofy. He wanted to see what else the policeman could do.

"I said before that I seriously doubt whether your S.H.I.E.L.D. has the ability to properly keep the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. At that time, you repeatedly emphasized that S.H.I.E.L.D. has this ability, and you also cooperated with NASA to block our monitoring of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube..."

When Goofy said this, both Fury and Hill bowed their heads in embarrassment.


We were bragging before.

"As a result, everyone has seen that you don't have the ability to properly keep the universe cube..." Gao Fei said, "So our super patrol team will temporarily keep the universe cube. Do you accept this decision?"

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube is too important. It is the key to opening the wormhole to summon the Qitarui army. As long as there is no Cosmic Rubik's Cube, Loki is just a weak chicken, and he can't make a big splash.

So Goofy can hand Loki to S.H.I.E.L.D., but he can't hand over the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to S.H.I.E.L.D. As long as he controls the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, New York will be safe and sound.

Nick Fury pondered...

It's really embarrassing that S.H.I.E.L.D. dealt with the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

As soon as the monitoring of the "compound eye" was blocked, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube sent a Loki group to destroy S.H.I.E.L.D.

Plus, in order to be able to repatriate Loki, Fury decided to make concessions.

"The Rubik's Cube can be handed over to you for temporary safekeeping, but that doesn't mean that S.H.I.E.L.D. gives up its ownership." Fury said rigorously.

"Don't worry, we won't keep occupying the universe Rubik's Cube." Gao Fei said.

I'll give it back to you when my daughter eats and wipes it up.

The second half is from the heart.

"Okay, in that case, we will make an appointment to pick someone up." Fury said while signing the statement of responsibility.

Goofy nodded: "Yes."

After negotiating about Loki, Nick Fury and Hill got up to leave.

Before leaving, Goofy stopped Hill and pushed the red wine on the table forward.

"Take the wine."

"This..." Hill was a little embarrassed and hesitated, "This is my gift to thank you..."

"No, this is the gift you bribed me to let me let go of Loki." Goofy said seriously, "I can accept the gift as a thank you, but I will not accept anything that bribes me, take it away."


Hill was silent for a while, and finally picked up the red wine on the table and walked out of the office.

She originally thought that after that night, she and Gao Fei were more or less friends, but now it seems that she underestimated Gao Fei too much.


Two days later, the NYPD General Administration sent a notice to transfer the suspect Loki to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nick Fury brought three agents, Hawkeye, Hill and Coulson to Ravencraft Prison to pick up people in person, and Thor naturally accompanied him.

Before the mention, Hawkeye proposed to visit Natasha, who was also serving a sentence in Ravencraft Prison. Unfortunately, his request was rejected. Prisons for superhumans are different from ordinary prisons, and there are strict rules for visiting.

Steve and Johnny took Loki out of prison, and the guy gave a fake smile when he saw Thor.

"Hey! My brother, I knew you were going to save me. Now it's time to teach these **** earthlings a lesson! Show them the wrath of the gods!"

"Shut up! You **** bastard, I thought you were dead! You actually ran from the Rainbow Bridge to Earth?" Thor roared with a dark face, "Look what good thing you have done? Father punishes you severely!"

The second half of the sentence was deliberately said to the people of the earth. Thor certainly understood that there were many people on earth who were dissatisfied with him for taking Loki away. Among them was the mysterious and powerful New York police officer.

"Don't pretend to be full of righteous indignation. Our high-ranking gods have always looked down on earthlings..." Loki spoke eloquently, "It's no big deal to die a few earthlings. How could my father punish me for this trivial matter? Are you right?"

This time, Steve, Johnny, and their faces are a bit dark, and even people like SHIELD can't stand it anymore.

Thor hurriedly explained to everyone: "This is his deliberate instigation, you mustn't be fooled. I have always respected Earth people, and I even pursued an Earth girl... Jane, her name is Jane, Coulson, Explain it to me!"

Coulson nodded quickly and said, "Yes, Thor did pursue an Earth girl, and the relationship between the two is developing well..."

Nick Fury coughed and hurriedly urged, "Let's get out of here first."

Talking any longer will get messed up.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. people immediately took Loki into the car and transferred to the New York base to complete the final registration.

After registering his personal information, Thor returns to Asgard with Loki - all is well.

Before leaving, Gao Fei gave Thor the scepter inlaid with the original soul stone, and specially instructed: "Be careful with this scepter, Loki can use it to deceive people."

Thor nodded solemnly: "Don't worry, I will pay attention."

As soon as I got in the car, I threw this thing into the trunk without even looking at it.

Seeing S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Asgardians get into the car and go away, Steve frowned and asked, "Goofy, let's just let Loki go? I always think that guy is too cunning, just relying on S.H.I.E.L.D. and Thor can't hold him back, maybe it's not a good idea to let him go..."

" It's really not a good idea to let him go." Gao Fei nodded in approval.

This time Steve was a little dazed: "Since you know it's not a good idea to let him go, why let him go?"

Gao Fei shrugged: "Steve, we are just the police under the NYPD responsible for superpowers, our powers are very limited, Loki's handling has risen to international and even interstellar issues, we little police officers have no say at all …”

"Before the disaster, no one would care what advice we little policemen had. Only after the disaster happened, when the situation was repaired, would those in power think of us..."

"I have already reminded me of the issues that should be reminded. I don't have to worry about the rest. I only receive the salary of an ordinary policeman every month. I can't let me worry about the boss of the United Nations, right?"

Steve nodded slightly, knowing that Goofy was right.

As S.H.I.E.L.D. vehicles drive out of New York, the responsibilities of the Super Patrol have also been handed over...

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