American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 235: Doctor Doom

After the failure of the joint project with Reid Richards, the situation of the Doom Group is very bad, and for the current Victor von Doom, he will not miss any opportunity to cooperate.

However, a policeman came to the door to discuss cooperation with him. This is really a strange thing. In addition, Doom hid his identity as a superpower and just got his life. Fly a lot to deal with.

"I didn't expect that Officer Goofy also developed a side business..." Doom said with a smile.

Gao Fei spread his hands: "I won the lottery by chance a few days ago, and I can't spend the money. It just happened that a friend had a good project in his hand, so I took the money to invest."

"Officer Goofy's luck is enviable..." Doom said, "In addition, the superhuman prison project is indeed very promising, but I'm sorry, I don't plan to cooperate with you."

"Oh?" Goofy had long expected that the guilty Doom would not cooperate, but he still put on a surprised expression and asked, "Why?"

Doom raised his eyebrows and said in a critical tone: "Because I think the Superpower Registration Act is a stupid and disrespectful law, it violates the most basic privacy rights of citizens, and I don't think government departments have The right to spy on the privacy of individuals, even if these people are superpowers!"

Gao Fei smiled lightly: "Mr. Doom really has a good sense of justice..."

Doom snorted coldly: "I'm just expressing my opinion."

Gao Fei shrugged: "But you should understand our environment. It is common for the relevant departments to spy on personal privacy. The only difference is whether they spy secretly or openly..."

"There is no decree, the relevant departments secretly spy on, secretly enter information on superpowers, and secretly arrest, detain, and even disembowel them for research... Superpowers, as a very small group, can only suffer from dumb losses, and the relevant departments arbitrarily With a click, you can hide the news and deceive the masses..."

"With the bill, the superpowers have identities. If the relevant departments want to do something with them, they can only make it clear. If they want to arrest them as military personnel and use them for research, they can't hide from the eyes of the public and other superpowers... Doom Sir, I think the registration act is actually a protection for the psychic."

Doom didn't plan to continue the debate with Gao Fei. In fact, he just wanted to find an excuse to reject Gao Fei's cooperation proposal. As for the "Superpower Registration Act", it's already a done deal anyway, and it can't be changed overnight, right?

Unexpectedly, when he opened his mouth like this, Gao Fei opened the chatterbox and couldn't close it at all.

"In addition, the registration bill has another benefit." Goofy smiled and continued, "Mr. Doom, I think you must have heard of the unfortunate murder that occurred in your company's underground garage?"

Victor von Doom's face was silent, but his heart was suddenly enlightened.

It turns out that your kid really didn't come here for cooperation.

It's a strange thing for a police officer to come all the way from Brooklyn to Manhattan to find a company whose reputation has just plummeted.

You kid is clearly here for the murder in the underground garage!

But now that we have met, Doom is not good to see off guests directly—as soon as he talks about a murder case, he will see off guests immediately. Don't be too obvious to be a thief with a guilty conscience!

So Doom could only bite the bullet and continue the awkward chat.

"What does homicide have to do with the Paranormal Registration Act?"

Goofy smiled: "I think Mr. Doom should have a good understanding of the murder case..."

Doom felt guilty for a while: I don't understand, don't talk nonsense, I know so well?

But the cunning and cunning man was not in a hurry to distance himself, but was noncommittal.

Gao Fei continued: "The shareholder of your company died of electric shock, and the lethal voltage is very high. The surveillance video of the entrance and exit of the underground garage and the on-site vehicles show that there were no similar tools to enter or leave the garage on the day of the crime... The crime scene did not exist at all. Power port…”

"Looking at it now, the biggest possibility is a superhuman with superpowers who absorbed the current in the circuit of the underground garage and dealt a fatal blow to the victim."

"Let's go back to the registration act. If all superpowers in New York are registered, then this kind of murder happens. The police only need to screen which superpower has this ability, and they can lock the suspect. Justice for victims."

"On the contrary, if all superhuman abilities are kept on record, then these superhumans will have concerns before trying to use their abilities to do evil, and such concerns are likely to prevent tragedies and disasters from happening."

Goofy rambled on, but Doom became more and more startled.

Because the police's inference is very correct - it was he who used the ability to absorb electricity to kill the group shareholders.

Doom felt that he couldn't chat with Goofy any longer, and the chat would explode.

He had to get out quickly and fly back to his hometown of Latavinia to hide for a while.

"Yes, yes, you are right! The registration bill is great! Listening to you, I also support the implementation of the registration bill."

In order to quickly end this topic, Doom agreed perfunctorily.

After agreeing, he was just about to find an excuse to leave, but Gao Fei suddenly said something that made him sweat.

"If Mr Doom approves of the Registration Act so much, why don't you register?"


Doom put on a blank expression and stared blankly at Gao Fei.

What are you talking about, officer?

I can't understand why?

Goofy knew that he was going to play stupid and said with a smile: "Mr. Doom, there were five people involved in the space project at that time, you and Reed were together, the five of you encountered the same cosmic rays, and they couldn't be the only ones. Are the four mutated?"

The cunning Doom was ready.

"Ah... Here's the thing. When the spacecraft encountered cosmic rays, I hid in the inner compartment of the spacecraft. Ben ran outside the hull. Reed and the three also went outside to save Ben..."

"Speaking of them, they are directly exposed to the rays, and I have the protection of the spaceship, so the four of them have mutated, and I have not mutated."

After listening to Doom's words, Goofy was about to applaud him.

What a flawless explanation.

Fortunately, he had long expected Doom to play a hand, and brought Tom the humanoid detector.

Looking at Doom, Goofy finally asked: "Mr. Doom, I'll give you one last chance. Do you admit that you are a superpower? Now that the bill has been implemented, it is illegal to deliberately conceal the identity of a superpower. do you know?"

"Hehe, why should I admit it? I'm not a superpower, I'm just an ordinary person." Doom said with a smile.

Gao Fei tilted his head.

"Then don't blame me for being rude. Come on, Tom!"

Dumu was stunned when he heard the words, and at the same time looked at the young man beside Gao Fei vigilantly.

Is this to start?

Is the NYPD going to violently enforce the law again?

He was about to call the security guard over, but the young man beside Gao Fei just looked at him intently...

Doom was stunned are you looking at me so seriously? "

Tom didn't answer him, but turned to report to Goofy.

"Officer Goofy, Mr. Doom's body energy flow is about 420 times that of a normal person. There is no doubt that he is a superpower!"


Doom urinated on the spot, is it true? Can you tell that I'm a superpower at a glance?

Shouldn't it be acting?

And this kind of sand sculpture ability?

And Gao Fei sneered and strode towards Doom.

"Mr. Doom, you have been arrested for deliberately concealing your superhuman status from the police. You have the right to remain silent, but everything you say will become evidence in court!"

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