American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 169: Abomination shows up

"Goofy! Goofy!"

Gao Fei was angry with the silly × system when he heard someone call him and turned around, only to see Steve Rogers looking at him worriedly.

"Are you all right? Why do you laugh and cry for a while? Are you injured? Do you need an examination?" Steve asked worriedly.

"Of course not, I'm fine, Steve." Goofy adjusted his emotions forcibly and patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry, man."

Then he was ready to put Bruce Banner into the police car.

At this time, a woman's voice came from not far away.

"Bruce! Oh, Bruce!"

It was Elizabeth Rose, who hurried through the crowd and rushed towards Bruce Banner.

"Let go of Bruce! He's innocent! It's not his fault! He doesn't want to be that horrible Hulk either!"

Goofy sneered, handed Bruce Banner to Steve, turned and grabbed Elizabeth, twisting her arm and pinning her to the police car.

"Very well, the second suspect has also been arrested. Miss Elizabeth, you have been arrested on suspicion of harboring and condoning the wanted man Bruce Banner. You have the right to remain silent, but every word you say will be the Court testimony!"

Elizabeth was stunned and twisted desperately.

"Let go of me! Let me go! I'm innocent!"

"You're innocent?" Gao Fei said solemnly. "Look around and look at the buildings, cars and injured people that were smashed by Banner. Do you still think you're innocent? You know that Bruce Banner can be at any time. You can turn into the Hulk, but you want to bring him to New York City, you are tantamount to murder!"

Hearing Gao Fei's rebuke, the onlookers realized that Elizabeth was Bruce Banner's accomplice. One of the female students pointed at Elizabeth and cursed loudly: "You vicious woman, why did you bring this monster to our school? Because of this monster, My boyfriend almost died!"

And her boyfriend was sitting not far away, and the stone that fell when the Hulk destroyed the building just now hit him with blood.

Elizabeth finally realized that she had indeed committed a crime and that she had almost killed someone, but she was not willing to be arrested by the NYPD, and she put her last hope on her father.

"Dad! Daddy!"

Elizabeth shouted loudly at General Ross who was not far away.

General Ross has come down from the helicopter, and he walked towards this side quickly with the soldiers.

"Nice job, my police friend, now it's none of your business here, give me back Banner and my daughter."

General Thunder commanded arrogantly, apparently preparing to take the two suspects away.

Gao Fei smiled lightly, handed Elizabeth to Steve, turned to General Ross, shook his head and said: "Sorry, General, these two people have been arrested by NYPD, your military wants to take over and take them away, yes, but you have to Go through the process."

"Go through the process?"

Ross laughed on the spot, his gray beard trembling slightly.

"Child, I'm General Thunderbolt, and I never like to be sloppy. Do you want me to go through the process? No way!"

Having said that, Ross raised his hand.

The soldiers behind him raised their muzzles in unison and aimed them at Gao Fei.

Elizabeth shouted from behind: "Dad, save me! Save me!"

This undoubtedly stimulated Ross, making his expression even more impatient.

Gao Fei couldn't help but laugh.

"General Ross, can your army beat the Hulk?"

"Huh?" Ross was stunned and asked in dissatisfaction, "What do you mean?"

Of course his army couldn't beat the Hulk, who had tortured them several times.

Gao Fei tilted his head: "Your army can't even beat the Hulk, and I just beat the Hulk back to its original shape. If we fight head-on, what are your chances of winning?"

"Shit!" General Ross's expression changed, how could he forget such a simple truth?

This kid in front of Nima is a monster!

Even the Hulk has been cleaned up by him, how can he still be afraid of us?

But the old general couldn't lose face, Ross still bit the bullet and said: "Friend police, do you really intend to offend our military for this trivial matter?"

Goofy still had a smile on his face, but he didn't speak softly.

"General Ross, I don't care what your military's rules are, but in Brooklyn, everything has to follow my rules."

"Damn..." General Ross's face became more and more ugly, and he said in a deep voice, "Since you insisted on not giving me this face, then... may I ask how to proceed?"

Gao Fei laughed: "Well, the sheriff of the branch will contact you directly."

But having said that, Gao Fei suddenly realized that there was one person missing from General Ross.

It is Bronski who can transform into "hate".

"Huh? General Ross, are you missing someone?" Gao Fei asked cautiously, and found that Samuel Stern in the laboratory was not nearby. Once Stern was caught by Bronski, he would use the The laboratory becomes an abomination.

General Ross's heart is also really big, and it is only now that he realizes that Bronski is gone.

"Damn it, where's Bronski? Where has he been?"

At this time, one of the soldiers pointed in the direction of the laboratory: "Bronski has gone to the laboratory."

"Why did he go to the laboratory?" General Ross asked in astonishment, and then reacted.

Bronski is obsessed with pursuing greater power. He is desperate for the destructive power of the Hulk. He will not miss the opportunity to become stronger, so Mr. Lan's laboratory of Samuel Stern is his dream place. .

"Oops! Catch this guy back for me!" General Ross said in a deep voice, and quickly ordered the soldiers to act.

The troops rushed towards the laboratory, but soon the vanguard was thrown back screaming.


Then a Hulk-like behemoth walked out from the direction of the laboratory, and it was Bronsky who had turned into an abomination.

Bronski's body turned a weird gray-green, covered with mutant bone spurs, and a face was ugly and ferocious, a bit more ferocious than the Hulk!

The soldiers even used RPG, but they couldn't hurt the hatred!

This guy's skin is invulnerable!

General Ross was dumbfounded on the spot, but then smiled again.

"Fortunately, I didn't break up with this Brooklyn cop just now, otherwise I would be embarrassed to ask him for help. I'm so witty!"

So General Ross said to Gao Fei cheekily: "Police friend, my good boy, can you handle this big monster?"

Gao Fei smiled calmly: "Might as well try At the same time, Carrie obediently leaned over from the crowd and winked her big eyes at Gao Fei.

The little girl is worried that her father is not the opponent of this monster, so she intends to continue to cooperate with him.

Gao Fei rubbed Carrie's little head gently, squatted down and said in a low voice, "Carrie, it's good to accompany Uncle Steve to watch the fun this time, Dad will teach this big monster himself!"

Carrie asked worriedly, "But Dad, have you hit him?"

Goofy nodded with a smile, and then called up the superhero template experience card he had just obtained in the system.

Selected template: Terminator.

"There is no villain that I can't solve with one punch. If there is, there is a problem with the script!"

Goofy said to Carrie with a smile.

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