American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 130: Peter Parker

Goofy handed over the unconscious Professor Lizard to three police officers, and then led Carrie towards Peter Parker.

"Hey, Peter, my little fellow, how are you? Aren't you hurt?" Goofy asked in a low voice.

Peter Parker's face was pale, but his emotions had calmed down. Although the child was a talkative, he was still in the shy state of a little boy in front of Gao Fei, so he blushed, but he couldn't say a word for a long time.

Gao Fei patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, this is the second time we've met, isn't it? Boy. Don't be afraid, after all, you are also the one kidnapped by the big lizard. How can a little scene scare you?"

This sentence really worked, and Peter finally became less nervous.

"Thank you, Officer Goofy, thank you for saving me." Peter thanked with a blushing face.

"You're welcome, this is my duty." Goofy said, "By the way, has this strange lizard hurt you? What did he say to you on the way?"

"It didn't hurt me. He didn't look like this when he was driving. At that time, he still looked like a man... At that time, half of his body was a human and half of his body was a lizard, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching, as if he had been electrocuted... "Peter Parker opened the chatterbox, but he couldn't close it, chattering, "He's really scary, I've never seen such a monster, Officer Goofy, is he a mutant?"

"He..." Goofy just wanted to answer, but Peter Parker didn't give him a chance to answer at all, and asked himself:

"I think he's just mutated, it must be like this... He said his name is Professor Connors, he is my dad's friend, and they were partners at the time, working together at the Osborne Group..."

Gao Fei looked at Peter Nima with a dark expression on his face. I couldn't get in at all when the child opened his mouth! If I had known, it would be better to make him nervous, at least we can communicate normally...

It's good now! Just listening to Peter say this alone!

"Yes, Officer Goofy, you heard that right, this monster is my dad's colleague, and they did a research together. He said that my dad has a research result that they made together, and this result is kept by my dad. I got up, and now my dad is missing, he thinks this research result is in my hands... But God, I don't know anything at all! I'm just a primary school student, what can I know?!"

Peter Parker said desperately, looking at Gao Fei helplessly.

Gao Fei nodded: "Uh... It's really a not-so-wise choice for him to come to you."

"But he still came. This guy is really heartless. I think his whole person is not normal. He acts like a lunatic... He actually said that he is a genius scientist, hehe, I don't believe it!" Peter is still crazy Make complaints.

Gao Fei scratched the back of his head helplessly. Why can't this kid stop talking when he starts talking? In the end to BB to when?

Fortunately, Aunt Mei arrived in time, and her panicked voice came from not far away.

"Peter! Peter!"

Only then did Peter Parker stop nagging, turned around and beckoned to Aunt May.

"Hi! Aunt Mei, I'm here!"

Aunt May ran over and hugged Peter Parker, looked at him carefully again, and asked nervously, "Are you injured? That monster didn't hurt you, right? How are you feeling? Answer me quickly!"

Peter was pinched and rubbed by his aunt. He was a little shy, and he shook his head quickly and said, "No, Aunt Mei, don't worry, I'm fine, thanks to Officer Gao Fei for saving me..."

After confirming that Peter was uninjured, Aunt Mayzhi breathed a sigh of relief, then she quickly got up and turned to Gao Fei, and said sincerely, "Thank you so much, Officer Gao Fei, you are really a great benefactor to our Parker family. Entrusted to me by his parents, if anything happens to him, I really…really…”

Speaking of which, Aunt Mei was so emotional, her eyes were red.

Gao Fei quickly comforted: "Don't worry, Ms. Parker, Peter is fine."

"Oh, that's great, thank you Officer Goofy!"

Aunt Mei rushed towards Gao Fei enthusiastically and gave him a firm hug. Gao Fei only felt that the content of the hug was extremely rich, and couldn't help but praised Aunt Mei for hiding it.

It didn't take long for Sheriff Stacey to arrive, and the NYPD police cordoned off the scene and began to evacuate the crowd on 15th Street.

Considering that Peter Parker was frightened in the kidnapping, Goofy arranged for Aunt May to take him home as soon as possible after obtaining the consent of Sheriff Stacey.

Professor Lizard handed it over to the 112 Bureau, and Gao Fei drove the Parker family away.

After leaving the scene and returning to Aunt May's apartment in Queens, it was already late at night. Aunt May originally wanted to invite Gao Fei and Carrie to sit upstairs, but Gao Fei declined Aunt Mei's kindness.

After all, it was getting late, Carrie should go to bed, and so was Peter, who had to go to school tomorrow.

Before we parted, Peter Parker came over and gave Goofy a big hug. This kid was completely familiar with Goofy, and he was no longer as shy as when we first met.

"Officer Goofy, I officially declare you to be my idol!" Peter Parker whispered on tiptoe when hugging Goofy.

Gao Fei laughed: "This is my man!"

"I want to be a police officer like you in the future! I've decided, I want to apply for the police academy!" Peter added.

Gao Fei was a little surprised by these words. He didn't expect that he would have such an influence on Peter Parker.

"You will become a good police officer." Gao Fei said encouragingly, it seems that the NYPD will have another spider detective flying around in the future.

"It's a pity that I don't have such a strong ability as you..." Peter suddenly said in a loss, "It seems that I can only be an ordinary policeman, not like you, who can fight those monsters..."

Gao Fei laughed and patted Peter on the shoulder: "Don't be discouraged, buddy, no one knows what will happen in the future. What's more, the most needed qualities of a good policeman are courage and sacrifice, not supernatural. Strong physical fitness, understand?"

"Ming... I understand!" Peter Parker seemed to have an epiphany, and after standing at attention, he assured Goofy, "Officer Goofy, I will follow your example!"

Gao Fei smiled reassuringly: "Very good, then let's go for it, man!"

"Yes, sir!" Peter Parker said loudly, and followed Aunt May back to the apartment.

Watching the two leave, Gao Fei turned around and returned to the car.

Carrie was waiting for him in the passenger seat.

"Where shall we go next? Father Goofy?" The little girl asked expectantly.

"Where do you think we should go?" Gao Fei asked with a smile.

Carrie pretended to think about it, and then said in a low voice, "Let's... go have a late-night snack? Beating the big lizard is too exhausting, I'm hungry!"

Gao Fei laughed: "Then let's go to have a late night snack!"

Carrie raised her fist happily: "Oye!!"

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