American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 122: stalking

Gao Fei did what he said and went directly to Sheriff Schneider's office to make it clear that he did not want to leave the 109th precinct.

Sheriff Schneider, who learned the news, was quite disappointed, and held Gao Fei's hand to persuade him earnestly.

"Gao Fei, you are such a capable police officer that you are too talented to stay in this small area. Why don't you follow me for promotion, I guarantee you have a bright future..."

But Gao Fei made up his mind: "Sheriff Schneider, I appreciate your kindness, but I still hope to stay in Brooklyn and give back to the community."

Seeing that Goofy was so determined, Sheriff Schneider had to give in.

"Oh... well, but after my promotion, the position of sheriff should be taken over by Hank, and you can take over Hank's position at that time. Although the promotion is not large, it can be an extra 1,200 per month. A hundred yuan salary." Sheriff Schneider said.

"Okay, thank you Sheriff Schneider." Goofy said happily.

After he has a daughter like Carrie, his daily expenses have indeed increased. If he is only receiving the salary of a small police officer, he may not be able to support himself and Carrie, the two big stomach kings. .

Therefore, this small promotion of Gaofei can still be accepted with a smile.

Sheriff Schneider couldn't understand Goofy's thoughts at all, and said dejectedly: "Officer Goofy, you are really incomprehensible. If you are promoted with me, your salary will at least triple, but you have rejected me. , the salary to replace Hank's position can only be increased by 1,200 yuan, but you are so happy that you can't keep your mouth shut..."

Gao Fei laughed: "I'm a little rich, I'm safe."

Coming out of Sheriff Schneider's office, Hank has made new progress.

"Goofy, I've found out whoever bought these five gangsters to kidnap Peter Parker, a notorious thug in Queens who lives on West Street and whose name is William. We're splitting up now, and I'm going after William. , you stay in the office and investigate Peter Parker's parents."

But Gao Fei quickly shook his head: "No, Hank, you stay and continue to investigate Peter Parker's parents, and I'll be responsible for tracking down the villain William."

Because of his previous experience of committing suicide, Gao Fei is used to taking more dangerous jobs from his colleagues, not to mention that Hank is the father of two girls, and he is no longer young. touch.

Knowing Gao Fei's good intentions, Hank asked back with a smile, "What? Are you worried that your old buddy is not the villain's opponent?"

Gao Fei didn't want to hurt Hank's self-esteem. He patted Hank on the shoulder and said, "Of course not, but I prefer to go out for work. Sitting in the office makes me feel uncomfortable. It's better to go outside and get some fresh air."

"Okay." Hank then compromised, and then wrote the villain William's address to Goofy, "Don't rush to startle the snake, keep an eye on it for a while to see who this bad guy has contact with. This time kidnapped Peter Parker. It's definitely not William's mastermind, he should be just a middleman, we will act after he contacts the mastermind behind him."

"Don't worry, I have my senses."

Goofy nodded, took the address and left the precinct to start action.

After returning home, Carrie took her lunch back. The father and daughter had lunch together, and in the afternoon, they went to Queens to perform a stalking mission.

Carrie watched TV alone at home for a long time in the morning. She was really busy and panicked. When she was eating, she was entangled with Gao Fei and wanted to go on a mission with him. Children have a wild horse in their hearts, a small apartment. But it can't be closed.

Gao Fei saw that Carrie was really pitiful, and his heart was inevitably shaken. After thinking about it, the little girl by his side just happened to be a wonderful disguise. The villain William would never guess that the NYPD police officers would carry their daughters on missions.

So Gao Fei agreed very happily. Carrie was very happy. After lunch, Gao Fei changed into casual clothes, took Carrie into his second-hand Audi, and drove to Queens.

The villain William's house lives in the suburb of West Street in Queens. This area is relatively desolate. William's house is near the end of the street, with a crossroad in the distance and a small supermarket on the opposite side.

Gao Fei parked the car in the parking lot of the supermarket, and took Carrie to go shopping in the supermarket first. Carrie, who went out shopping, was very happy and picked out a lot of junk food with high calories.

After buying the stored grain, the two drove away from the supermarket. Goofy parked the car on the street diagonally opposite William's house, lowered the seat back and reclined to look inside.

Carrie sat in the back row by herself and ate snacks quietly. Now she has finally learned to chew and swallow slowly, like a normal child, instead of eating everything in one bite.

The stalking task is long and boring, but fortunately, Goofy also brought a little loli to relieve the boredom.

The two chatted, and Carrie was shocked to hear the bad news that she was going to school soon.

Upon hearing the bad news, Carrie instantly felt that she lost her appetite, and stared at Goofy in a stunned manner.

"What? You helped me find a school so quickly? Dad Goofy!"

Gao Fei was amused by Carrie's despairing look, and laughed out loud: "It's just a look, it's not completely done, we have to wait for the school's notification, do you remember the Parker family we rescued last night? Ms. Parker Just happened to be a teacher at a school in so she can help you apply for admission."

Carrie was completely speechless, not in the mood to continue the conversation with Goofy.

Goofy could clearly see a sentence written on Carrie's face - why does Ms. Parker want to take revenge for her kindness? !

At this moment, there was movement from the house across the street, and Gao Fei saw the criminal suspect "William the Villain" come out of the yard, and slowly walked down the street with his hands in his pockets.

"The target has moved." Gao Fei whispered, then got out of the car with Carrie and followed William quietly.

William didn't realize that he was being followed. After all, Goofy and Carrie's father-daughter combination had almost no flaws. This guy went to a convenience store first, bought two packs of cigarettes, turned around and went to a pizza restaurant opposite. We ate pizza by the window.

During the meal, William called several times, and Gao Fei tried to use his extraordinary hearing to capture the key content. He heard that someone wanted to give William an "important information", which would be delivered at night. , then let William pay attention to check it.

Soon, William finished his dinner. After he paid the money, he turned to go home, and then closed the door and there was no movement.

Goofy and Carrie stared at him eating pizza for a long time. The grandfather was hungry, so Goofy went to the pizza shop to buy two pizzas and took them back to the car to share with Carrie.

Carrie stared at the pizza in her hand and muttered in a low voice, "Father Goofy, why did you only buy two pizzas this time, it's not enough..."

Gao Fei explained apologetically: "After all, we are following the suspect, so we have to be low-key everywhere. Buying ten pizzas at one go is too high-profile, and it is easy to impress the clerk or other customers, thereby revealing whereabouts, so we can only Control your appetite, understand?"

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