American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 104: Green Goblin Overrun

Goofy knew a little about the Green Goblin, and knew that this thing was formed by Norman Osborn's split personality who was injected with a human-enhancing agent. The human-enhancing agent not only made Norman Osborn stronger and more sensitive, At the same time, it also greatly increased his size, making his skin green, and at the same time making him more perverse and full of aggression.

And now, in order to kill Goofy, Norman Osborn recklessly injected the human enhancement reagent into six ordinary people. Now it seems that the side effects of the Green Goblin can also take effect on these ordinary people, which makes them turned into a green goblin.

As the leader of the men in black continued to twitch and transform, the other five men in black followed suit - their bodies gradually swelled, the black suits on their bodies were torn and ripped apart, and the six people were completely devoid of human beings. It looks like six terrifying big toads!

Looking at the six green goblins in front of him, Goofy almost collapsed.

"Norman Osborn, can you still do it? You've played so big as soon as you come up!"

At the same time, Gao Fei quickly waved to Ole and Carrie: "You guys run! Get out of here!"

Before he finished speaking, the first green goblin pounced towards Gao Fei. This guy seemed to have completely lost his mind, and he couldn't speak anymore.

Goofy felt disgusted in his heart, but he still daring to face it - in case this monster can send him back to the real world, the Green Goblin is also a famous villain in the Marvel Universe.

But after the real fight, Gao Fei found out that the green devils are actually fakes. Their combat power is not much stronger than the men in black just now. Except for the size becoming larger, their strength and response have not increased at all. .

Gao Fei just collapsed, what is it?

Lao Tzu watched you transform, waiting for you to improve your combat power to send me home. As a result, after your transformation, apart from your appearance, your other abilities did not increase at all!

So what's the point of this transformation? !

It's too formalized!

However, after these people transformed, it was not completely unchanged, they all became demented. Among the six green goblins, only the two closest to Goofy rushed over to attack Goofy. The rest of the green goblins were screaming like big toads and ran in all directions. Ole and Carrie in the distance.

"Oops, Ole, be careful!"

Goofy kicked away the two green goblins around him, and loudly reminded Ole.

As soon as Ole dragged Carrie out of the alley, he was caught up by a green goblin behind him. The behemoth rushed over with a roar and knocked Ole over to the ground.

"Ole!" Carrie screamed, her face turning pale with fright.

Gao Fei, who was in the distance, quickly reminded: "Carrie run, come to me."

But the far water could not save the near fire. The Green Goblin was too close to Carrie. The terrifying monster roared and rushed towards Carrie again.

With the difference in size between the Green Goblin and Carrie, he could crush Carrie with one foot.


Ole, who fell to the ground, and Gao Fei in the distance panicked, this little loli was hanging by a thread!

The Green Goblin grinned, reached out and grabbed Carrie and lifted her up. He stared at Carrie's little head, which was combed, with a greedy smile on the corner of his mouth.

The palms were gathered like iron pincers, and the Green Goblin was ready to crush Carrie to death.

But under his cruel and vicious threat, Little Loli was also anxious.

The rabbit is in a hurry and even bites! Not to mention the little loli!

So Carrie widened her eyes and shouted fiercely, "I'm not afraid of you, I'm going to eat you!!"

After speaking, he opened his mouth, "Ah woo", and gnawed it towards the big claws of the Green Goblin.

The Green Goblin was stunned on the spot, and a pair of yellow eyes flashed with horror.

Ole was also unexpected, why does this little girl eat everything? Not really picky eaters!

Gao Fei, who was chasing after him, was dumbfounded, because Carrie actually gnawed on the Green Devil's claws. Little Loli took a bite, and the Green Devil's thumb and index finger were directly bitten by her and swallowed into her stomach!

Gao Fei took a deep breath—this is too scary, isn't it?

The green goblin who was bitten grimaced in pain, and quickly let go of the little loli, but Carrie was invincible, and after landing, she rushed towards the green goblin.

The little girl headed straight for the enemy like a cannonball, and slammed her little head into the Green Goblin's knee. Unexpectedly, the huge and powerful Green Goblin couldn't withstand Carrie's collision and was knocked over by her. on the ground.

Gao Fei was shocked, this little girl's strength is so great!

But after thinking about it, I understand. According to the law of conservation of energy, Carrie usually eats two or three times that of Goofy, so her energy consumption should also be much higher than that of Goofy. Does this mean that Carrie's physical fitness is better than that of Goofy? amazing?

Thinking of this, Gao Fei was about to shout "disrespect" to Carrie. I didn't expect the little one to have great energy. Carrie is still a big hidden boss!

Ole was also dumbfounded, and asked dumbly: "What the **** is going on? Who the **** is Carrie and these big green guys who are the monsters?"

Before she could finish her sentence, Carrie had already rode on the Green Goblin she had brought down, hugged his calf and opened her mouth to bite.


This is a piece of fresh green goblin calf It has become richer in protein after being injected with human strengthening agents...

Crunchy! Chicken taste!

Gao Fei hurried over to pull Carrie away, shook his head and said, "Carrie, this monster can't be eaten, and you can't eat live food, you will scare others!"

"But he bullied Boss Goofy, bullied Ole, and now he's bullying me again." Carrie said angrily, "He's a bad guy!"

"Then you can't eat the bad guys. After you eat the bad guys, you will also become the bad guys." Gao Fei said seriously.

Carrie was quite obedient, and spat out the half-chewed Green Goblin's calf.

"Then I won't eat it, it's not very tasty anyway..."

Gao Fei breathed a sigh of relief: "Is that right..."

After speaking, Gao Fei hurried over to check Ole's injury. Ole's ribs were fractured in the collision just now.

"This situation is not good, you must receive treatment immediately." Gao Fei whispered, "I have to call the community rescue department, you need their help."

Ole pointed to the green monsters who disappeared in the Brooklyn neighborhood, and said worriedly: "Boss, those big green monsters, they will... they will hurt more people."

"You don't need to take care of this, I'll take care of it." Gao Fei said, "Just take care of yourself."

Ole nodded helplessly, then looked back at Carrie.

"That Carrie..."

Gao Fei hesitated for a moment, then said seriously: "Let Carrie hand it over to me first, don't worry, I won't let the police take her away, and I won't let any family adopt her, I will protect this little guy."

Hearing this, Ole finally showed a relieved smile.

"Thank you, boss..."

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