Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 6 When I woke up, this world did not welcome me

Senior sister Lu Zhiyao is undoubtedly the most unique person Wang Luo knows. There are so many stories about her that it’s hard to write them down. However, just because we’ve been together for so long, it’s hard to write them down. Wang Luo also thinks he knows something about her.

He expected that his senior sister had successfully survived the catastrophe - there was Wang Luo's tablet in the Lingshan ancestral hall, but there was no Lu Zhiyao's tablet. Obviously, the truth that had harmed the legacy for thousands of years was unbreakable.

But he didn't expect that the tablet that belonged to him, which puzzled him, actually came from his senior sister!

Why should she write herself down in the history books?

There are many reasons that can be guessed, such as to hide and protect the junior brothers who are hiding in Dingling Hall; and for example, Lu Zhiyao always likes to say that history is a little girl who can be dressed up by others, so one day when she gets the opportunity to write a history book, she will write It’s no wonder that such a bizarre joke is included. Maybe in the history books that Shi Yue is so convinced of, Song Yijing, the 82nd generation mountain master, is a hopeless gay...

But these conjectures only stayed in Wang Luo's mind for a moment.

There is no point in thinking about something without evidence.

Therefore, regarding Shi Yue's question, Wang Luo could only explain: "Senior sister Lu Zhiyao has always acted erratically, and the possibility of mischief also exists."

Shi Yue was silent for a while and said: "As we all know, among the founders of Dinghuang, Lu Zhiyao is the most dignified and solemn, so she can become the leader of them all."

"Dignified and prudent, that's what the history books say!?" Wang Luo was really surprised and confused, "Although senior sister is eccentric in her behavior, she never likes to beautify herself with the public's aesthetics. She must have lost her mind during the catastrophe. "

Shi Yue swallowed and warned: "Don't talk nonsense outside. Insulting the founding fathers is a very serious crime. I don't need to use the talisman to report the crime. There will be patrols in Qingyi to arrest people."

Wang Luo was thoughtful.

"So, after the catastrophe, Senior Sister not only survived, but also gained a very high secular status... Then why did she not continue to be in charge of Lingshan, but instead she wanted to leave the position of Mountain Lord for a thousand years and then pass it on to me? And? Why is Lingshan so dilapidated, and even the Hushan family has fallen into decline? "

Shi Yue blinked: "Lord Mountain Lord, it is best for you to ask her this question in person, and don't embarrass me... However, based on common sense, Lord Lord - that is, your senior sister Lu Zhi, Lord Mountain Yao, after the catastrophe, has to be cut off from Lingshan."

Wang Luo said: "Can you tell me in detail?"

Shi Yue sighed and took out a thin book from the red waistcoat.

"This is a textbook jointly compiled by many lords of the Immortal Alliance. It covers many common senses such as political history, immortality, humanities, etc. It is a required course for every modern person. The answer you want should be here. "

Wang Luo took the book and saw a line of words neatly printed on the cover: I wish you a general education textbook for young children.

Shi Yue was a little embarrassed and annoyed: "Don't look down on children's general education! If we test the knowledge points in this textbook on passers-by on the street, 99 out of 100 people will fail to answer the questions!"

Wang Luo didn't take it seriously: "Reviewing the past and learning the new is the tradition of the Shi family. Shi Suying, the ancestor who created the Stone Fire, always has a copy of the breathing and guidance method at hand, and will review it until the eve of his ascension. This is nothing to look down on."

"Uh, thank you." Shi Yue was a little embarrassed, "I don't even know the story you told..."

"Shi Suying is both the rebel of the Shi family and the rebel of Lingshan. It is not surprising that his story has not been passed down. But it is good that you can walk on the same path as Shi Suying without the guidance of the stories of your ancestors."

While casually praising Shi Yue in exchange for 2 points of cheap loyalty, Wang Luo opened the book.

He reads very fast and finished this kindergarten textbook in a blink of an eye. Then he understood why Shi Yue used textbooks to answer his questions.

To put it simply, after the catastrophe, the survivors learned from the pain and decided to pass the blame to Lingshan...or the classical system of immortality represented by Lingshan.

Their theory seemed a bit unbelievable to Wang Luo.

Modern people believe that practitioners in the classical era paid too much attention to individual strength and underestimated the mass base for a long time.

Although after tens of thousands of years, a prosperous immortal civilization has been developed, and even the Chicheng Immortal Ancestor has opened up the radiant fairy world, the world structure of the classical era is essentially top-heavy. As the foundation of Kyushu continent, most of the people are ordinary people, and the prosperity of immortality has nothing to do with them. Even the afterglow cannot be spread to the land of Kyushu. And such a world that lacks a foundation cannot support such a group of powerful Daluo Golden Immortals.

So in the end, the Immortal Realm fell, the Heavenly Court fell, the Kyushu collapsed, and the Heavenly Way was ruined.

It took the survivors decades to reluctantly clean up the situation, rebuild civilization, and start a new fairy calendar. At that time, all life in Kyushu was devastated, the population dropped by more than 90%, and the four states west of Lingshan became permanent wastelands, no longer suitable for human survival.

The textbook does not go into the details of the disaster in depth, but from these few lines, it is not difficult to judge the serious psychological shadow that the Kyushu overturned in those decades had on the survivors. And when they decided to tie the source of the disaster to Lingshan, everyone had to cut themselves off from Lingshan.

Also includes Lu Zhiyao.

Regarding Lu Zhiyao's deeds, the general textbook also does not write too detailed, but the few points briefly mentioned are enough weight.

1. She is a survivor of a natural disaster.

2. She is the leader among the survivors. She leads everyone to clean up the wasteland and calm down the desolation. She is respected by the world as the "Father of Desolation".

3. After successfully conquering the famine, she established a country called [Zhuwang] on the old site of Lingshan. Now it is the undoubted number one power among the five states and hundreds of countries.

4. As the founder of the new world order, Lu Zhiyao personally sealed the coffin of Lingshan and the classical era. And cutting is her final decision.

The amount of information in the general textbook is far more than this, but after Wang Luo has digested it here, his doubts have been answered, and he is not in a hurry to read on.

Senior Sister's reasons for writing him down in the history books are sufficient now.

Whether it is for protection or cutting, it is best for a young Lingshan disciple who unexpectedly goes into seclusion in Dingling Hall to live only in history books and memorial tablets.

In fact, Wang Luo was able to wake up after a thousand years instead of directly returning to heaven and reincarnation. Lu Zhiyao's protective intention was already obvious enough.

Although I don’t know why it took so long to wake him up, in any case, the history before and after the catastrophe means...

"It seems that my identity as the master of Lingshan Mountain is not convenient for public display."

Hearing this, Shi Yue took a long breath and raised his hands to Wang Luoyi: "The Lord of the Mountain is Sheng Ming."

Obviously, this was exactly what she wanted to say but was not comfortable saying it directly. Now that Wang Luo figured it out on his own, she saved a lot of effort.

Wang Luo said: "If similar things happen in the future, you can directly remind me that I know nothing about the new world and I still have to rely on your guidance."

Shi Yue was simply flattered: "Master Mountain Master, do you believe in me so much?"

Wang Luo glanced at the Ascension Record in his hand and said, "In the classical era, the Shi family has served Lingshan for thousands of years and has always been very trustworthy."

Loyalty is directly quantified and placed in front of you. Whether it is trustworthy or not is clear at a glance. Of course it is trustworthy. Those who are not trustworthy have long been guarded against the slightest possibility.

"It's your turn to ask next."

Shi Yue immediately asked: "Excuse me, Lord Mountain Master, now that you have come back from the dead, what are your plans?"

Wang Luo said: "To you, I am resurrected from the dead. As far as I am concerned, the experience is closer to physical time travel... My current plan is of course to find the instigator to confront."

While he was talking, Wang Luo opened the Ascension Directory, locked the golden name Lu Zhiyao in the directory, and silently made a call request in his heart.

The result was nothing. Not to mention whether anyone answered the call, there was no signal at all.

Wang Luo was thoughtful about this.

On the other side, Shi Yue twitched the corner of his mouth and said: "Lord Zhi Yao has not appeared in the public eye for five hundred years. Although the Golden Deer Hall has never announced her death, many people have speculated... "

Wang Luo interrupted: "No, if she is really dead, you will see big news about her from time to time in the past five hundred years."


Seeing Shi Yue's head full of questions, Wang Luo could only sigh to himself. Explaining Lu Zhiyao to someone who had never experienced it personally was like a summer insect.

But on the other hand, according to Lu Zhiyao's habit, she has not shown her holiness in front of others for five hundred years, which is like a week of abstinence for Senior Brother Qin Muzhou and Senior Sister Bai Cheng, which is an extreme situation.

Of course, it is not surprising that extreme situations occur. It has been more than a thousand years since the two last met, and this means that Lu Zhiyao is already 1,200 years old.

Even as of five hundred years ago, she had already spent seven hundred years.

And if a cultivator cannot ascend, his life span should be limited to a thousand years. Unless he is a special case like Wang Luo who is protected by the Dingling Palace and steals the secrets of heaven, even someone as strong as Song Yijing will not be able to avoid this fate.

Wang Luo didn't doubt that Lu Zhiyao had enough means to live for a thousand years, but he also didn't doubt that her life for a thousand years would not be easy. If you haven't shown up for five hundred years, it's probably because it's really inconvenient for you to show up.

Therefore, it is not that easy to confront her. Moreover, after he woke up from the Dingling Hall, his senior sister Lu Zhiyao not only did not take the initiative to find him, but also did not even leave her contact information or other clues. Perhaps this was a hint to him not to contact him at this stage.

After deliberation for a long time, Wang Luo made a judgment based on his knowledge of his senior sister who was "too numerous to describe."

For the time being, don't rush to involve the senior sister. Instead, according to the collective discussion results of the senior brothers and others, be a qualified Lingshan person: practice in seclusion and live until the end of the world.

"Since I can't contact my senior sister, I'll focus on my practice first. I was unable to condense the elixir in seclusion before, so I need to get another spiritual elixir... Do you recognize these materials?"

As he spoke, Wang Luo made a few gestures in mid-air, and the true energy in his body condensed into physical gold threads, woven into a neat line of text, and fell in front of Shi Yue.

Although it was just a nameless trick, Shi Yue was still dumbfounded. After a moment, he came back to his senses and read the words seriously.

After just one glance, the girl's brows furrowed.

Wang Luo asked: "Don't you know him?"

Shi Yue sighed: "I know... When I was working part-time at the Zhili Building Auction House in Rongcheng, I have seen everything you wrote, and any of them can help me pay off my debt immediately."

Wang Luo understood: "It doesn't matter. It's lucky that it didn't die out due to the catastrophe."

Shi Yue said: "But, Lord Mountain Master, after the Heavenly Tribulation, the way of heaven has been very different from the past. Are you sure that the previous pills and techniques can still help you condense pills now?"

"Not sure." Wang Luo said calmly, "But since it can be purchased at the auction house, it doesn't hurt to give it a try."

The indebted girl couldn't help but be deeply impressed by this aura, and asked with some expectation: "Does Lingshan have any valuable heritage?"

Wang Luo said: "Judging from the situation in Qiling Hall, the only valuable legacy in Lingshan should be me."

"... As expected of the mountain master."

Wang Luo watched Shi Yue's loyalty drop a point, and couldn't help but secretly praise: This mountain protector is quite pragmatic.

"So, in your opinion, what should I do now?"

The same question was asked once in Dengxiantai not long ago, and this time, Shi Yue's answer was.

"It's still Qingping Division... because you need to get a Jianmu seed from them, which means you need to apply for an identity certificate."

"So, what exactly is Qingping Division?"

"It can be simply understood as the patrol office in the old days, which is mainly responsible for maintaining public order, but also has to take into account many functions similar to household registration management. Well, it may not be easy for people in the classical era to understand. In the new immortal calendar era, the way society operates is very different from before..."

Wang Luo responded naturally: "It's a modern service-oriented government, there's nothing difficult to understand. Since the creator of the new era order is my senior sister, the new world will obviously take her shape."

"?" A big question mark appeared on Shi Yue's head, but she wisely didn't delve into it. "It's great that you can understand it. In short, in modern society, you can't take a single step without an identity certificate. But your true identity is on display in Lingshan Temple..."

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