Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 579 The truth in the illusion

Song Hui's joining was unexpected and reasonable, although he even refused to reveal why a retired man would step into this muddy water. At this time, the situation was urgent, and Wang Luo had no time to ask. He only knew that there could not be a more reliable teammate in the world than the paper man protecting the mountain in Lingshan.

However, just as the two were about to take steps, they heard a breathless shout from the distance.

"Master Wangshan, wait a moment, wait for me a moment!"

The call was insignificant among the chaos and noise at the scene, but Wang Luo stopped and wasted precious time again.

Because that person... was indeed a bit unexpected.

It turned out to be Zhang Yu, the richest man in Stone Street a few years ago. However, since he failed in the fight for the jade master and was usurped by his younger son, this wealthy businessman has disappeared for a long time, and has never appeared in the public eye. Unexpectedly, he would step forward at this moment?

"Boss Zhang?"

Hearing the name Boss Zhang, the middle-aged wealthy businessman Zhang Yu, who was hurriedly squeezing out from the crowd of anti-famine troops, couldn't help but smile bitterly. However, the corner of his mouth only twitched twice, and he immediately said seriously: "Master Wang Shan, please bring me with you." Come with me... No one is more familiar with the situation in this workshop than me."

Wang Luo carefully examined Zhang Yu and confirmed that he was sane and spoke truthfully, so he didn't hesitate much.

"Then follow closely."

At this time, someone in the Dinghuang Army felt really incredible and wanted to stop him, but was stopped by the old professor with a wave of his hand.

The old man who had been stubborn not long ago looked at Zhang Yu with relief and appreciation in his eyes.

Because only a few people knew that the investor in this newly built scroll workshop was apparently Zhang Fuhong, an upstart from Rongcheng - an old friend of Wang Luo during his time in Stone Street - but the actual controller was Zhang Yu.

Zhang Fuhong is indeed a smart and current businessman, especially good at seizing the opportunity and making desperate moves. And this time he mobilized family resources and bet heavily on Rongcheng Workshop, which was an iconic gamble... Although at a glance, it was indeed a clever move, and he not only successfully mastered the core strategy of today's Immortal Alliance, resources, and the production and operation of Taixu picture scrolls also correspond to his hobby for many years.

But the reality is that Zhang Fuhong may be good at painting scrolls, but he is really not good at running a workshop that mass-produces scrolls during a long war - the latter's production process is more like a traditional meat factory assembly line than content production.

And around him, the person who was best at managing the meat factory was none other than Zhang Yu, who he personally sent to the cold palace. So Zhang Yu also unceremoniously asked his father to come out again. It was related to the future of the family, and Zhang Yu had almost no hesitation.

Although in name, Zhang Yu held almost no actual positions, Zhang Yu participated in the management of the entire construction process of the Rongcheng Workshop, and hundreds of drawings of the workshop and equipment were firmly engraved in his mind... At this moment, when Zhang Fuhong and a group of technical backbones were all accompanying Lu Youyou for a visit, and thus were trapped in an illusion, Zhang Yu himself was the person who knew the scene best!

Having such a tour guide to follow will definitely be of great benefit to the subsequent rescue, but people really can't imagine that this wealthy businessman with an unassuming appearance would be so brave at a critical moment!

Is it just to rescue the son trapped in the illusion? still……

After Zhang Yu got Wang Luo's approval, he immediately turned around and said to the old professor: "Professor Fang, if I can't come back, all the Zhang family property will belong to the Rongcheng Governor's Mansion. Please supervise it on your behalf! Don't let those two This ineffective thing ruins the foundation!"

Professor Fang was even more moved when he heard this, nodded and said: "Okay, I will take good care of the family for you."

At this time, people around him gradually realized... This time the workshop was attacked by a demon king, and the heads of many countries fell into it. The Zhang family, who built and operated the workshop, were the most directly responsible, regardless of whether there was any subjective negligence. , and must be subjected to extremely brutal liquidation afterwards. And what Zhang Yu is doing now is precisely to give the family a chance to keep the fire!

However, these realizations and shocks only stayed in people's hearts for a short moment, because at this moment, Wang Luo had already taken Song Hui and Zhang Yu and officially crossed the restricted area line, and in his footsteps When they settled down, the figures of the three people disappeared. Even the tree eye network that had been temporarily deployed around them and was a hundred times larger than normal could not detect the slightest trace of "discontinuity", as if everything was as usual.


On the other side, the three people who had crossed the line felt that everything was normal.

Not only does the workshop in front of him still stand as before, but even the noise and noise behind him remains the same, and even the voice of Professor Fang giving orders to the people around him can still be clearly heard.

Zhang Yu was suddenly a little surprised: "We..."

"Don't look back." Wang Luo immediately warned, "We are now in an illusion. No matter how flashy the echo is from behind, there is actually nothing... This is the magical power of virtual reality. When you pursue those illusions When you are real, you immediately lose your authenticity.”

Zhang Yu couldn't help but be surprised by this obviously too detailed explanation, but he restrained his curiosity well, nodded and said, "I understand, so where should we go next?"

Wang Luo asked: "From here, is there any difference between the workshop and reality?"

At this time, the three of them were standing at the main entrance of the workshop. In front of it was a spacious circular square with a bronze statue of Lu Youyou in the center. Behind the square were two tall buildings separated to the left and right. The decoration style was simple but elegant. In the upstart place of Stone Street, it looks particularly elegant. The two buildings are dotted with verandahs, flower gardens, spiritual pond pavilions, etc. At first glance, there doesn't seem to be anything unusual, except...

Zhang Yu only glanced at it, then frowned and said, "That's fine with the rest, but why is there no one here?"

Since before the Rongcheng workshop officially started operations, Zhang Yu and Zhang Fuhong, father and son, have personally presided over the recruitment of thousands of senior experts in the industry. On weekdays, the workshop is busy all night long with lights on, but now it is as quiet as a dead place.

But as Zhang Yu finished speaking, he heard the sound of noisy people not far ahead. Among them was a short, stocky middle-aged man, who naturally flashed out from the building on the left, with a particularly loud voice.

"Boss Zhang, you, the hero behind the scenes, are willing to show up! Just now your son blew you away in front of the heads of countries."

Zhang Yu's expression suddenly changed when he heard the man's voice, but he looked at Wang Luo anxiously: "Master Wang Shan, the man here..."

Wang Luo said: "Now that we are in this illusion, the people in the illusion are real to us, so we can just deal with it as usual. Who is that person?"

Zhang Yu replied: "The boss of Mo Lin [Bao Workshop] is Shanxiang, and he is also an important partner of Rongcheng Workshop... Do you need me to greet you?"

The conclusion was of course that it was not necessary, because when Zhang Yu was asking questions, the short and stocky single figure had already seen Wang Luo, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Master Wang?! Could it be Master Wang!? I didn't expect to meet the Master of the Mountain! I, Mo Lin, have really, really admired the Master of the Mountain for a long time!"

The words were spoken with a thick vibrato, like an infatuated woman meeting her lover.

Zhang Yu then whispered behind him and added: "Master Wangshan, this person really respects you sincerely..."

But before he finished speaking, Wang Luo said, "Then why when you passed by Zhou Guo a few days ago, I invited you to drink, but you refused?"

Shanxiang was stunned for a moment when he heard this, but soon showed a wry smile and replied: "A few days ago, the child was seriously ill. I was so worried that I almost lost my Taoist heart. At that time, I lost my temper and even injured the servants around me. That time The ferocious posture is really embarrassing to see others. "

After hearing this, Zhang Yu's face turned pale.

A few days ago, this single figure had clearly met with various local powerful people in Rongcheng. Throughout the whole process, he showed himself to be a bold and generous hard-core businessman. How could he be so hideous and invisible? Moreover, he has always believed that giving birth to a child is like sowing and winning by quantity. How could he be worried just because his child is seriously ill?

But there is no way that a single person would lie so unscrupulously and naturally in front of Wang Luo. So, who is this person in front of him?

But Wang Luo sneered: "It's no big deal. One second he didn't exist, and the next second he appeared in front of the building. This is of course a person in an illusion."

When Shanxing heard this, he was astonished and said: "Master Wangshan, who are you talking about in the illusion...?"

Wang Luo ignored him and continued to explain to Zhang Yu: "His appearance should meet the expectations of the three of us...Boss Zhang, did you just think about it, it would be better if you encountered a single shape?"

Zhang Yu immediately replied: "That's true. Among the known people who have been trapped in the workshop, I have the easiest time dealing with Boss Shan, so I subconsciously thought about it if I could meet him... However, his response afterwards, It’s a bit confusing, it’s just talking nonsense.”

Wang Luo said: "Because I was also talking nonsense, so the fantasy followed my expectations and allowed this story of nonsense to continue."

Zhang Yu immediately asked: "If the illusion can respond to wishes so keenly, will we..."

Thinking of this, he suddenly became excited and said with fear: "Don't we, we must never think about any relatives and friends?"

Wang Luo said: "I haven't fully figured out the principles of this place, but generally speaking, there is no need to let the fantasy world present characters who should not appear here at this time. After all, in many of the contents of Taixu Fantasy Realm, There is a 'covering' principle... Boss Zhang, please be clear!”

Zhang Yu immediately nodded sharply, took a deep breath, and used the art of concentrating his mind that he was not proficient in to ensure that he would not have any dangerous distracting thoughts.

Many times people will subconsciously imagine some scenes that they don’t want to imagine at all, and at this moment, this subconsciousness is undoubtedly particularly dangerous!

After Zhang Yu calmed down, Wang Luo said to the already embarrassed Shanxing: "Boss Shan, since you are accompanying Yulongjun here for inspection, you shouldn't be tripped up by us all the time. We will have another chance later." Let’s talk.”

The single figure immediately let out a sigh of relief as if he was being pardoned, and repeatedly handed over his hands: "Then it's agreed, I will host a banquet for the mountain master in the future, and please be sure to show your favor!"

Soon after, as Shanxi walked back into the building, the scattered workshop employees who appeared with him also converged like an ebbing tide.

Without distracting thoughts, this illusion is really a dead place.

So Wang Luo returned to the original question: "Boss Zhang, is there anything unusual here?"

At this time, Zhang Yu naturally knew how to answer: "All the architectural facilities and fairy formation magic weapons are exactly the same as those shown in my memory and drawings... Moreover, these should not appear at my will. The clear spring between the two floors , I have never been able to understand it.”

Wang Luo asked again: "So, where is the core facility of this workshop, the Dye Fantasy Pond?"

The so-called dyeing illusion pool is an indispensable core of any picture scroll workshop. Its essence is a small illusion that exists independently of Taixu. The designers and coolies responsible for designing and drawing the scrolls must first construct the Taixu scrolls in the pool, and then send the entire Dyeing Fantasy Pool into the Taiyin River and drift into the Taixu illusion.

Zhang Yu immediately replied: "It's on the roof of the West Tower, in the open air, but..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Yu obviously thought of something, but he was not sure, and his voice was hesitant.

"If you have anything to say, just say it." Song Hui, who had been silent for a long time, urged him coldly.

Zhang Yu gritted his teeth and said: "The mountain master knows that the reason why this Rongcheng workshop has attracted the attention of all the kings is that its core competitive advantage does not lie in how capable our Zhang Luo manpower is, nor does it lie in the unique production capabilities we have. Technology...but not long ago, we 'digged' an illusionary ruins."

"Relics?" Wang Luo suddenly frowned, "A second-class relic?"

The so-called illusionary ruins can be roughly divided into two types. One is the ruins that were lost in the turbulence due to the fragmentation of Taixu illusion in the context of long-term war, such as some Qinglu ruins, Zhaotang ruins, etc. There is another kind, but it is the fragments of the illusion that flooded up from nowhere when Taixu was shattered. Its characteristics are often extremely weird, and the Immortal Alliance has always been highly vigilant.

But at the same time, there are indeed some that have been put into use immediately after strict review and judgment. After being confirmed to be harmless, what Zhang Yu said now is most likely the second type.

"The mountain master expected it well. The illusionary ruins have the wonderful effect of promoting the evolution of picture scrolls, and even creating things out of nothing. After professional research and judgment by Taixu Mansion, it was confirmed that there are no side effects, so we used it as the basis of this workshop. Core competitiveness. As long as we have the help of that relic, the efficiency of our mass production of scrolls can be improved several times. At this point, nothing is more important than efficient production..."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Luo interrupted: "Okay, lead the way."

But just as he finished speaking, Song Hui suddenly spoke.

"This road may lead to a narrow escape from death."

While he was talking, he saw a flame ignited on the index finger of the old man's right hand, and the color was as sad as blood.

This is the basic magical power that every Lingshan paper figurine has - to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune for their master, and the blood-like flame on the index finger is an ominous sign.

When Wang Luo saw this, he became even more determined: "That further proves that this is the right path, let's set off."

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