As the Lord of Heaven finished speaking, the scenery on both sides of the Sun River changed again.

This time the timeline suddenly came to the eve of the natural disaster, and at the same time, it was also the heyday of the fairy world in history.

What can be seen on both sides of the Taiwan Strait is a scene of indescribable prosperity and splendor, with fairy gardens and jade buildings and dazzling treasures. Even just a fleeting glimpse of it makes people feel like they are in a dream... However, the background of the dream is gradually saturated with a burst of darkness.

That pitch-black color is not an actual color, but countless thin and creeping cracks, cracks blooming at the foundation of the fairy world.

Immortal Ancestor Chicheng sublimated practice into Tao, refined real and concrete people into metaphysical concepts, and used this to activate the near-immortal essence. Then he spread the secret of this Tao to the world, thus opening up the fairy world... However, as the Tao multiplied , the boundary that divides the known and the unknown continues to expand, and the path to new life becomes easier and easier, and similarly, the overlap of paths becomes easier. After the Shi Suying incident, Chicheng chose the best strategy and forcibly ignored the internal core contradictions of the fairy world. He chose to shoulder everything alone and open up the Star Sea. As a result, mortal miracles such as the opening of fairy gates became more frequent, which further increased the pressure on the fairy world. load.

On the eve of the catastrophe, although most immortals were still immersed in the prosperity of the immortal family and did not want to wake up, some people had actually seen the crisis coming.

"... When a disaster strikes, I will never have the slightest pity for those who live in drunken dreams and die. Among the immortals here today, those who know it but don't know it, those who have committed crimes and cover up their crimes, one by one, you all deserve to die, don't blame them for not predicting what they said. !”

A blast of scolding that shone like thunder surged through the white-gold palace.

Then, Wang Luo saw the face that he missed so much.

The Lord of the Heavenly Court also clearly showed a gentle look: "Senior sister has always acted arbitrarily. When she first entered the Heavenly Court, she dared to openly accuse the immortals of being ignorant in front of the Immortal Ancestor himself and all the wonderful golden immortals, so that a catastrophe was imminent... I wonder if my senior sister has ever told you that fairy tale, The Emperor’s New Clothes.”

Wang Luo nodded: "I still remember it. Senior sister said it was a story about a perverted old man who deliberately got naked in front of children."

The Lord of Heaven was silent for a moment and said: "That's not what she told me back then. It seems that she has done some artistic processing over the years... Perhaps the impact of the Heavenly Tribulation on her was unexpectedly far-reaching. In short, the senior sister played the role of the child at that time, telling the cruel and ugly truth without any concealment, but the results were obvious. The adults did not care about the child's lies, and the real immortals naturally did not pursue them. The arrogance of a little girl who has just entered the immortal world."

Wang Luo said: "I'm afraid I'm also observing Chicheng's thoughts by observing his words and expressions."

The Lord of the Heavenly Court nodded: "Yes, this is also an important reason... At that time, Senior Sister made a big fuss in the Heavenly Court, and it was not like no one was really angry. You can also see that some of the Miaofa Golden Immortals sitting next to the Immortal Ancestor already had pale faces. It’s dark—by the way, that’s the Golden Immortal of the Bai family, but Chicheng himself is smiling.”

In Wang Luo's eyes, Chicheng, who has become the Supreme of the Immortal Family, is no longer an object that can be easily observed with the naked eye. Every trace of his presence is too powerful for mortal practitioners... But perhaps he is the Lord of Heaven. The protection of the emperor, or the history of Taichu Fantasy Realm is more suitable to look at. In short, Wang Luo clearly saw the smile on Chicheng's face.

When Senior Sister Tong Yan Wuji was roaring in court, the immortals had different thoughts, only Chicheng was smiling, and the expression of the Immortal Ancestor undoubtedly determined the expressions of the rest. After the senior sister walked away, instead of scolding her for being rude, the immortals sighed that Lingshan was worthy of being the ancestor of the immortals. There was such a capable person after the Immortal Song Yijing of Wuxia. If the fairy world can accept such talents, the future will be boundless... This ability to make big things small and make funerals happy is also eye-opening.

Fortunately, Chicheng himself quickly stopped smiling after Lu Zhiyao left, so the flattery of the immortals was enough. Obviously, no matter how confused other immortals are, Chicheng himself is always very clear about the crisis in the immortal world.

At the same time, he was also very confident, because although he suppressed his smile, he did not say a word to remind him. Instead, he echoed the enthusiasm of the immortals and created a peaceful scene with the honor of the immortal ancestor. Obviously, no matter how confused other immortals are, Chicheng himself is confident that he can lead the immortals through the difficulties.

"However, Senior Sister's rebuke at that time still left a deep enough impression on him, so this period of history, even in his dream, is of profound significance to Chicheng himself."

Wang Luo couldn't help but ask: "Did this piece of history also come from the Sea of ​​Chaos and Fog?"

"Not entirely... Strictly speaking, after Chicheng ascended to the Immortal World, the fragments of history no longer fell into the sea. However, a catastrophe caused all the people and objects carrying the history of the Immortal World to return to Kyushu. After that, I built the Taichu Illusion , and even invited the true immortals who ascended in the old immortal calendar era to contribute their memories and thoughts. Therefore, although everything presented in the illusion is not as accurate as the fog sea's restoration of mortal history, it can basically be restored to a perfect degree. It’s done…do you think there’s something wrong?”

Wang Luo said: "I just feel that among the immortals in the heaven, there are surprisingly many people who are aware of the crisis... When the senior sister was laughing at her, so many people secretly nodded."

The Lord of Heaven couldn't help but laugh when he heard this: "You are really perceptive! The fact is: not many people really realize the risks, but they participated in weaving this dream, and everyone can't help but beautify themselves and their relatives and friends in the dream. And Senior Sister is not that arrogant and unreasonable. She repeatedly explained the pros and cons to the immortals in Heaven, but was repeatedly perfunctory and evasive, so she finally exploded. Although she was not polite, at least she was not as willful as in the illusion."

Wang Luo asked again: "You at that time... …”

“Heh, I was still lying in the fairy tree. When I first entered the state of transformation, the fairy gate opened and pulled me into the fairyland. I was seriously injured and missed many subsequent stories… Sometimes I can’t help but wonder, if I hadn’t been injured at that time, but had always been by my senior sister’s side and witnessed everything she had witnessed, where would history have gone? However, this question is destined to be unanswered by me. Perhaps only when someone creates a primordial illusion for me can I glimpse the answer…”

As he spoke, the scenery on the river bank moved again.

After passing the key historical node, the next important node, according to historical facts, should be the shattering of the foundation of the fairyland and the fall of the heaven.

But in the primordial illusion, all this did not happen.

On the eve of the shattering of all things, when the immortal ancestor Chicheng himself had no hope of breaking through the star sea and the sky, and the foundation soil under his feet was about to collapse, he fell into despair for a moment, but hundreds of immortals stood up from the cave.

It was as if they had anticipated the coming of the catastrophe, as if they had prepared for this moment, as if... they had already made up their minds to sacrifice.

"Yueshan immortals, wake up!"

"Bai family immortals, gather here!"

"Taiqing immortals, follow me!"

The long chants from the Golden Immortals of Wonderful Laws interweave into an inspiring fairy music in the vast fairy world.

In the music, the foundation soil that was about to collapse seemed to be glued by the melody, maintaining a moment of stagnation.

And it was at this moment that the immortals' wonderful ways fell like a rainstorm.

That was the supreme wonderful method that the immortals had been brewing for a long time, which contained the essence of the immortal ways of the fairy world for thousands of years. Even if it seemed to be a tiny thread, it would be enough to revive the dying and make the cracked earth grow new buds if it fell into the mortal world.

And thousands of ways of resurrection were shaken together and used on the foundation of the fairy world, as if the ancestors were saving their homeland with a resolute will.

The scene was magnificent. Many immortals even burned themselves to decompose their pure and flawless bodies into immortal essence to increase their immortal magic. Some immortals even refined themselves into magic weapons for their relatives and friends to sacrifice. All this was just to save the crumbling immortal world.

However, even so, the collapse of the immortal world was still like a landslide and tsunami, unstoppable. The immortal magic that the immortals had calculated and deduced could only work on the surface, and that could not reach the root of the problem.

Chi Cheng looked down at the surging immortals in the Xinghai Tianyu, but the overall situation was still irreversible. For a moment, his mind turned and he had made a rash decision.

But at this moment, a familiar voice sounded.

"If you have the guts, learn from me!"

That was Lu Zhiyao. Even though she had ascended not long ago and her cultivation was still shallow, she had left a very deep impression on the immortals in the heavenly court. And now, she attracted everyone's attention again... She raised her arms high, like a flag, and swooped down without hesitation, crossing the boundary that no living creature - perhaps only the Immortal Ancestor himself could be an exception - and went deep into the foundation of the Immortal Realm.

In an instant, she died.

However, her immortal body and consciousness became part of the foundation of the Immortal Realm at that moment, filling up the countless cracks that had already opened. The disintegration of the Immortal Realm also really stopped at this moment.

Similarly, Wang Luo was suffocated by shock.


"Shh, look down."

Just after this short moment, the second, the third... countless immortals followed Lu Zhiyao, sacrificed themselves to the sky, and used their immortal bodies that had been tempered for many years to fill the gap in the foundation.

At the same time, the damage to the foundation of the Immortal Realm was healing at an astonishing speed.

Wang Luo could not help but understand.

Can the flesh and blood of immortals really fill the sky? Most likely it won't work. If it were possible, those magic methods of the true immortals should have worked long ago... However, the sacrifice of the immortals can mend the sky.

Among the stormy resurrection magic, the magic methods based on sacrifice are the ones that really work. And Lu Zhiyao noticed this more keenly than anyone else, and revealed it more bravely than anyone else. In the end, she sacrificed herself more decisively than anyone else, as if she had opened the shackles in the hearts of the immortals, allowing those immortals who were still hesitant to make up their minds.

The core reason why the foundation of the immortal world was broken was that too many people who should not have become immortals became immortals, so the solution to the problem was also very simple. Sacrifice all those who were not qualified and those who took advantage of this convenience to satisfy their selfishness, and the scars can naturally be made up.

But before today, before the crisis actually came, even if the immortal ancestor was sincere, it would be impossible for a group of true immortals to sacrifice themselves so easily. But now, as if the right time, right place and right people were intertwined, the immortals finally made the only correct choice at the last moment. They used their own flesh and blood to build the immortal world, and finally made the almost broken foundation soil become solid again.

At the same time, above Chi Cheng's head, countless stars suddenly shone brightly - the Xinghai Tianyu that had worked hard but gained nothing suddenly produced rich fruits!

"...Okay, let's call it a day." Wang Luo sighed and shook his head helplessly.

The Lord of Heaven smiled and asked, "Don't you like making dumplings?"

"You call this a dumpling?" Wang Luo asked back, "The great enemy of Heaven committed suicide first, and then the Immortal Ancestor attained enlightenment again. From now on, there is no need for similar sacrifices. People who are qualified or not can live in the Immortal World and enjoy freedom forever... Let me just mention one thing: none of the immortals who just followed Senior Sister to join the base soil secretly nodded in agreement with Senior Sister when she roared to Heaven! It can be seen that those dream weavers never thought about sacrificing themselves even in their dreams. It’s all others who are sacrificed!”

The Lord of Heaven said: "Kill your enemies and then take advantage of them all. This is the true meaning of making dumplings."

"Does Chicheng agree with this?"

The Lord of the Heavenly Court was silent for a moment and whispered: "This is what Chicheng has to admit. When I originally designed this key turning point, I considered the deduction very seriously. The most ideal situation is naturally that the Immortal Ancestor himself suddenly appears in the Star Sea Heaven Territory A breakthrough was achieved, and the crisis in the fairy world was resolved. But this method simply did not work. On the one hand, no one could fabricate a set of Xinghai Tianyu that Chicheng recognized. Sexual vulnerabilities are well known and even resented. If you brush this issue too lightly, he will subconsciously doubt the authenticity, and then the dream will be shattered. Therefore, there must be someone who can make him. A plot development that I also approve of.”

Wang Luo also realized from this: "This kind of enlightenment and peace based on sacrifice exactly corresponds to his mortal life, so he himself will not doubt it."

"Yes, it was after he personally killed Qing Yuan and wiped out the entire tribe that he finally understood the truth. On the contrary, after ascending, he seemed a little too demanding and unwilling to sacrifice anyone or anything... So, we In his dream, he made up for this shortcoming. Moreover, if the immortals in heaven really had the consciousness of self-sacrifice, maybe the disaster could really be reversed. "

Wang Luo was also silent for a moment, and then said with a smile: "The Immortal Ancestor does not believe that the Xinghai Tianyu can have inexplicable consequences, but he believes that the immortals can self-sacrifice... It seems that he really loves his people deeply and will always beautify them subconsciously. "

The Lord of Heaven said: "This is his only obsession. When he attained enlightenment and ascended, he could completely occupy the immortal world and not share it with anyone. But he still opened the immortal gate, even though he knew that this might endanger this piece of freedom. The paradise he created with his own hands was impossible for the Immortal Ancestor to let go of the people around him, so it was inevitable that he would beautify them. But no matter what, after passing this level, he no longer had the only knot in his heart, and the dreams he had after that would be very special. Easy to unfold.”

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