Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 540 Loss of Control

The weight of the Lord of Heaven left Wang Luo speechless for a long time.

"...So, how bad is the situation now? Do we need you two enemies who have been enemies for thousands of years to put aside your grudges?"

"very bad."

The Lord of Heaven does not mince words.

"Theoretically, replacing it is a technique that removes fuel from the bottom of the cauldron. It does not require cultivating the clone to its original height. As long as it can shake its uniqueness as an immortal, it is fatal enough. And unlike senior sister who fabricated you, I don't need to Considering the personal safety of the simulated body, it is best for the simulated body to perish together with the original body at the moment of uniqueness conflict. Based on the theory, dying together is the desired result. But unfortunately, reality does not respect the theory. "

Wang Luo was silent for a while and made the worst guess: "It is at least ten million times more difficult to imitate a Chicheng Immortal Ancestor than to imitate me. Even if you have the cultivation level of a Golden Immortal, you must have used the resources of the entire heaven to activate it. . And once the plan is launched, there is no turning back. Even if it gets off to a bad start, you can only ignore the sunk costs and continue to invest, so that the simulation will eventually expand and become completely uncontrollable..."

The Lord of the Heavenly Court smiled bitterly: "Yes... I, the Lord of the Heavenly Court, am no better than Chicheng. I can be said to have a congenital defect. From the moment I inherit the Immortal Law and ascend to the throne, I have to fight wits and courage with the immortals and elders. And I have to convince those group of immortals." It’s not easy for an old guy with a rotten brain to come out and confront Chicheng. I have to offer them a huge pie and promise huge profits with almost no risk..."

Wang Luo couldn't help but interrupt: "Painlessly deposed immortal, do they believe this nonsense?"

The Lord of Heaven said: "All the classic immortals - that is, the immortals who ascended without opening the immortal gate, are top masters of wishful thinking. If there is not enough wishful thinking, it is impossible to condense one's own immortality. Therefore, to carry out this in the immortal world It's easier to commit a financial scam. I just promised a future where the immortal world would be leaderless and everyone would be their own master. Half of the old rice dumplings crawled out of the deep hole, and this will happen later. I don’t need to write the feasibility report. They will figure it out and help me cheer for it. Oh, it was a relaxing and fun time. Unfortunately, it didn’t last long... If you tell lies for too long, people will stop telling lies. I can’t wake up either.”

After a pause, the Lord of Heaven recounted those not-so-good years.

"I mentioned before that Jingzhou had a brief period of glory. At that time, the golden immortals of the Xi Zhen family experienced the fall of the Bai family, and they were quite energetic and willing to work hard to succeed. We cooperated happily, which made Jingzhou prosperous for a time... But then, just when it was prosperous, Jingzhou experienced a tragic setback and many things took a turn for the worse. "

"A tragic setback?"

The Lord of Heaven smiled bitterly and opened the scar on his own, and said: "Senior sister launched a plan to replace me, so I had to stay in seclusion in the deep cave for several years, busy trying to reconcile my uniqueness, and could not move. So there was no one in Heaven, and Xi Zhen and Xi Zhen were both dead. The two Golden Immortals can only perform their duties temporarily... and the problem arises. When I am in the middle of the check and balance, the two Golden Immortals can be said to be impeccable. When we joined forces to share the huge power, a lot of friction immediately arose, and there were constant disagreements in private - in fact, they were willing to promote me to the top because they expected that after losing the Bai family, the two families would not go hand in hand due to historical factors. Possibility. But no matter what, the final result is very bad. During the years when I was in seclusion, the two families completely lost the rationality that they should have at the helm because of the struggle for power. They drove the huge Jingzhou to accelerate, and finally changed. It was a headless and all-out attack on the Immortal Alliance with almost no adequate preparation."

Wang Luo immediately recalled the relevant records in the textbook in his mind...

"A great victory in Nanxiang?"

"Yes, according to the history records of the Immortal League, it should be the great victory of Nanxiang. Of course, it is a different story here. In short, that battle caused Jingzhou to shed unimaginable blood, further leading to the desolation of the whole state, and such a heavy The price was nothing but corruption in Nanxiang, and it also left Lu Zhiyao a rich political legacy in the last years of his rule."

Wang Luo couldn't help but nod.

As the "Lord" recommended by the Immortal Alliance, Lu Zhiyao has a transcendent status for hundreds of years. However, with her character and skills, it is self-evident that she has accumulated political enemies and hidden dangers over the past hundreds of years. She later retired to seclusion and was analyzed by many historians as retreating bravely in order to have a good death. But this statement cannot become the mainstream opinion in the academic circles. The main reason is that before she retired to seclusion, she led the Immortal League to fight a great victory that was famous for thousands of years. In Nanxiang, the Immortal League buried more than ten young true immortals in one fell swoop. And a hundred times more wild monsters and beasts. The prestige of this battle was enough for her to still be respected as a lord five hundred years later. It was indeed a generous gift from Jingzhou.

"In that battle, no matter how much the Immortal Alliance won, the Heavenly Court would lose ten times. The new generation of Jingzhou born in the Year of Enterprising suffered heavy casualties, and those who survived lived in the shadows all their lives... There is a person with a cultivation talent comparable to yours My boy was expected to ascend to the Golden Immortal Realm within two hundred years, but he wasted five hundred years after that battle and died as a mortal. Someone must take responsibility for such a tragic failure."

Wang Luo immediately understood: "No wonder you and the Xi Zhen family have become mortal enemies."

The Lord of Heaven smiled: "Yes, our three families are actually in a relationship where we can share joys and sorrows. When Jingzhou is prosperous and prosperous, we can smile, put our arms around each other, and boast that we are brothers. But when someone When I got into a huge disaster and had to arrest someone to take the blame, even my biological parents didn't recognize me. Although I was injured and had to stay in seclusion, which had almost nothing to do with the whole thing, I was still arrested. They came out to criticize me and accused me of neglecting my duties. Some people even accused me and Lu Zhiyao of being mortal enemies. In fact, our old relationship rekindled and we cooperated with each other to bring down the heaven... To be honest, with the replacement of senior sister, I originally had a chance to rely on my own power. He suppressed it with force, and the way forward was almost cut off after being disturbed like that."

After hearing this, Wang Luo could naturally figure out the future development.

In a game where all three teams were defeated, Jingzhou lost everything.

"Yes, that is really a lifelong regret... I was in too bad a condition at the time, and those two people took too much power away from me. I really couldn't suppress the situation in a short period of time, so in the end I could only lose all three. Injury. Each of the three parties took responsibility, which meant that no one took the responsibility completely, so a tragedy that drained Jingzhou's new blood ended up being nothing. Unspeakable betrayal, Jingzhou was almost torn apart because of it."

Wang Luo then guessed: "Then you took advantage of the situation and launched a plan to establish Tianzun again?"

"Yes." The Lord of Heaven said, "That is the only way to save the situation or delay the situation in a defeated situation. Since everyone is extremely disappointed with the current Lord of Heaven and the two major families, then...let him die To the immortals at that time, there was no one in the world who could be regarded as the Lord of Heaven. Even if he fabricated an imitation of Chicheng, it should be better than me, a young young man who fell behind at the critical moment, and even better. A bunch of corrupt and selfish Golden Immortals. And the worst outcome is that they can at least replace the Immortal Alliance's Taixu Tianzun... So an almost absurd plan to resurrect the dead came to pass. "

After sighing, the Lord of the Heavenly Court added: "Actually, that is also human nature. Under great defeat, people will always instinctively crave for easy relief. What's more, those of us who practice the immortal way, who doesn't cherish the deepest feelings for Chicheng himself? High respect? Although he is the culprit of the fall of Tianting, compared to today's group of useless high-ranking golden immortals, most people would rather accompany Chicheng to fall again. In short, after I proposed the plan, Jingzhou responded. Angry, the immortals gathered together again, plundered all the inheritance in the cave, and even sacrificed the immortal charm of many true immortals, and finally formed the prototype of Tianzun. From that moment on, Heavenly Court was completely hopeless. "

Wang Luo said: "There is no way out, not even the possibility of slowing down."

"Well, since then, the offensive and defensive momentum of Tianzhi has actually been completely reversed. Lu Zhiyao has seen through the reality of Tianting. Although she has retired, the Immortal Alliance's pioneering has become more frequent and even radical since then. As long as it is not If the political structure of the Immortal League itself is not affected and the Immortal League loses control, then they will boldly expand and encroach on the territory occupied by the Heavenly Court, and the Heavenly Court will be almost helpless... Although we will allocate strength to resist every time, we will also mobilize our forces to resist. Every attempt was in vain, so in the end no real immortal was willing to die in person. They all chose some ignorant immortal servants to lead a group of brainless beasts to die. And every failure will make the remaining people more hopeful. Infuse it into Tianzun."

Wang Luo said: "And Tianzun completely lost control from that moment on."

"Yes, Jingzhou is out of control, how can Tianzun be exempt from vulgarity? You have also seen that today's Jingzhou is 'ordinary' even if it is not desolate. In the thousand years after the catastrophe, the Immortal Alliance has flourished , and what about Heaven? Everything in Heaven is dedicated to the almighty Immortal Ancestor. Many times, people would rather eat less and use less, while cultivating slowly, to dedicate the only immortal treasures they have. "

When Wang Luo heard this, he couldn't help but ask: "And you should be adding to the flames, right?"

"It's hard to get off the tiger, brother." The Lord of Heaven sighed, "The Tianzun plan has absorbed too many resources, but it has been unable to give clear results. Of course, people can deceive themselves and others and say that everything will be fine when Tianzun is complete in a few years. ...but the real contradiction still needs an answer. And how can I explain it? The original plan to imitate Tianzun may not be perfect, and by the way, there is a lot of gold in the construction process of Tianzun? Is the Immortal Family being greedy and lawless? I can only explain that it is all because of the cunning of the Heavenly Court. The cultivation progress of the Heavenly Lord over there is faster, suppressing the Heavenly Lord here, and to reach a better tomorrow, we must redouble our efforts. Betting on letting Jingzhou Tianzun overwhelm Taixu Tianzun. At this point, no matter how perfect the original plan is, the result is destined to be imperfect when the Xianzun plan reaches a hundred years, and it will be almost impossible to replace it. , because I found that the so-called uniqueness of true immortals is invalid for Chicheng..."


"The specific principle is very complicated. I can explain it to you slowly later, but the actual situation is like this..."

Wang Luo was silent for a long time and asked: "So, this is the inheritance you are going to give me? A group of crazy believers and a god on the verge of losing control?"

"Haha, good question! But don't think so pessimistically about the problem. After all, this is where the heaven is, and it still has quite a foundation."

"On the issue of Tianzun, do you and Lu Zhiyao have a tacit understanding?"

The Lord of the Heavenly Court shook his head and said: "There is no tacit understanding, but they have obviously considered the same issue. That is, how to cook the dog after the rabbit dies. Putting aside the nearly out-of-control case on my side, even if we only talk about Taixu Tianzun, In fact, we also face the same problem. Tianzun is stubborn and can never learn to turn around in his life, so he is invincible when using him to attack enemies. But if there are no enemies to defeat, beware of backlash. It's something. For me and Lu Zhiyao, the relationship between Tianzhi and Zuoyao has never been a matter of death. But for Tianzun, there is no room for compromise in the battle of orthodoxy. Hey, you might as well recall it carefully. Know that what I say is true.”

When Wang Luo heard this, he couldn't help but recall some memories from the Lingshan period in his mind.

I vaguely remember that there was an elder on Lingshan Mountain who loved to study ancient history, and then simplified it into vivid and interesting fairy tales to tell to the younger generations of Lingshan Mountain. It is said that he planned to enter Taoism through fairy tales and fables, but unfortunately he died before his ascension because the story was not completed... And he once mentioned that although Immortal Ancestor Chicheng left behind mostly about his great achievements in creating the world and guiding future generations of colleagues. story of kindness. But in fact, what really made him the Supreme Immortal Ancestor was his absolute ruthlessness towards heretics.

Before Chicheng, the Immortal Ancestor, there were hundreds of thousands of ways contending in the ancient world, but after Chicheng, all things were led by human beings, and the great avenues were respected by the immortal way. Those who never bowed their heads, or even if they bowed their heads but appeared to be too threatening, were all completely erased from the long history by the Immortal Ancestor through various means.

Although he knew that those memories were only instilled by Lu Zhiyao...but at this time they did correspond to the statement of the Lord of Heaven.

Immortal Ancestor Chicheng is not a person who is tolerant enough towards heretics.

Therefore, when the two heavenly beings on the left and right of the sky cannot cancel each other out... the peaceful reunification of the two places will become a dream.

"So, what do you want me to do? Or what can I do?"

The Lord of Heaven said: "Of course there is something you can do, otherwise Lu Zhiyao and I wouldn't have taken the trouble to trick you here. However, things are not in a hurry. Let's chat here long enough, and then we will Come to our house for a casual meal and a couple of drinks. Your time here is still long..."

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