The high-celestial fairy sound of the Xinheng royal family, emitted from the heavenly glazed light above the clouds, is powerful and majestic, just like the immortal official coming to the world, and the fairy sound also contains the supreme magical power that does not belong to the mortal world. People often only hear the fairy music. The aftertaste of the sound made me feel convinced and I didn't dare to disobey.

Therefore, when the fairy sound from Fancheng sounded outside Liuyan City, almost all the elites of the two battalions of the Star Army were dormant. Even Li Fengxian twitched the corners of his mouth and reluctantly crouched down.

It is true that he had long been on the road to rebellion and could not turn back, and was even temporarily deprived of military power by Yang Wuyi with a golden order. However, as a citizen of Xinheng, he still did not have the capital to compete head-on with the fairy sound emitted by Liuliguang.

As for the camp, both Yu Gong and Nan Yingying were in high spirits and returned to their original state with concentration. Although they were not impressed by the fairy sound, they were not convinced by their calmness when bargaining with Wang Luo before.

Even the true Mahayana monarchs must ultimately stand under the imperial power. Until Xinheng's regime is completely replaced, they must still abide by their duties as "subjects".

The only one who could face the fairy sound freely was Wang Luo. He was not born in Xinheng, so there was no need to surrender to the royal voice of Xinheng.

In fact, when the fairy music entered his ears, he did not feel any heart-stopping pressure.

Only a light female voice sounded in my ears, reaching straight to my heart.

"Why don't you take the high road when your distinguished guest comes from afar?"

When Wang Luo heard this, he couldn't help being surprised and then laughed.

This soft, even weak voice was naturally that of the Queen Mother Yang Shijun. Her voice was much more delicate than expected, as if she were a flower-like girl. Rather than the actual emperor who has ruled Xinheng strictly for decades.

Obviously, what Nan Yingying said about her was not wrong. Even today, Yang Shijun is still trying his best to maintain his beauty, as if he has been waiting for the return of her husband who has been dead for decades.

But of course Wang Luo would not really think of the Queen Mother as an ignorant cardamom girl just because of her voice. On the contrary, behind that timid voice was an extremely serious and strong will.

She asked a good question.

Why don't you take the high road when your distinguished guest comes to visit? This question obviously means that as the special envoy of the Immortal Alliance, Wang Luo did not come in an upright manner when visiting Xinheng. Instead, he acted sneakily like a spy. Not only did he sneak in privately, but he also directly instigated rebellion against the local city lord and general in Sang County, and participated in the killing of Yang Wuyi and Yang Zhao.

Who do you think you are a distinguished guest if you behave like this? If the Immortal League wants to conquer Xinheng, does it rely on this kind of trick?

Feeling such a stern question behind the soft words, Wang Luo couldn't help but smile.

He condensed his spiritual consciousness in his heart and merged it with the aftertaste of the immortal sound lingering here, so that this conversation thousands of miles apart could be established.

"The etiquette of the Immortal Alliance is never extended to bandits. I do not regard you who have stolen the throne as the masters of Xinheng, so you are not qualified to call me a distinguished guest."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Luo felt that the fairy sound lingering in his heart suddenly became cold, like a knife radiating with cold light.

But Wang Luo didn't mind at all. The harshness of the high-celestial celestial sound only had a substantial impact on those Xinheng talents whose bodies were filled with glazed light. But inside an outsider's body, it's just a burst of coolness.

Facing the coolness, Wang Luo said calmly: "The only person recognized by the Immortal League as the leader of Xinheng is Zhang Jincheng. We will only talk to him and only trust his promises. Unless he takes the initiative to authorize outsiders, no matter your status here, No matter how noble you are, they are just irrelevant people in my opinion. Therefore, the moment you take the initiative to attack and suppress him, a distinguished guest of the Immortal Alliance, you are already treating the enemy as an enemy in the Immortal Alliance. I believe that the means are restrained, and the two killings were all after you made the first move. And now, I will only accept your unconditional surrender. Any rhetoric will be regarded as clear resistance by me. At that time, I will not do it again. Any restraint.”

After saying that, Wang Luo expelled the aftertaste of the fairy sound in his heart and took the initiative to end the conversation with Yang Shijun.

The next moment, the vision that shrouded the sky over Liuyan City dissipated like the remaining clouds in the wind. There was an eerie silence in the air, and the two battalions of star troops stood up straight from the ground and looked at each other, not knowing why.

The conversation between Wang Luo and Yang Shijun was not heard by more people - Yang Shijun took the initiative to send fairy sounds into Wang Luo's ears in order to keep the conversation as private as possible.

But the two Mahayana kings in the camp heard it very clearly.

Nan Yingying stood up immediately and said anxiously: "Did Old Man Yu just say something that was not clear enough? People took the initiative to ask for surrender. Is this how you accepted the surrender?"

Wang Luo frowned and asked, "Did Yang Shijun just say something that was not clear enough? When we met, she asked me rudely why I didn't take the right path. Is this a surrender language unique to you Xinheng people?"

Nan Yingying just wanted to put her hand on her forehead: "You... don't pretend to be confused, okay! What she said was just some forced remarks. If you just said that everything was a misunderstanding, wouldn't it just be vague? Isn't there room for negotiation later? If you say that now, she won’t be able to surrender even if she wants to!”

Wang Luo shook his head and said: "I really want to surrender, but I can find a way out for myself no matter what. The conversation just now has not been exposed to the world. She can tell others around her that everything is a misunderstanding, and then choose a suitable opportunity to restart the conversation. "

Nan Yingying scratched her head: "You are right to say that, but if Yang Shijun was really so easy to talk to, he wouldn't have made the situation so tense now."

Wang Luo asked: "If she is really difficult to talk to, then the original negotiation is meaningless. Duke Feng, you might as well think about it this way: No matter how good I talk to her, can it be better than Zhang Jincheng? The Imperial Master had previously talked to her After negotiating the terms, I thought that the situation in Xinheng was settled, so I took a huge risk and came to the gate of the Xian Alliance to sue for peace. What was the result? How do you want me to talk to someone who can decisively break her promise and betray her allies? "

Nan Yingying was even more speechless after being questioned. She could only sigh and look at Yu Gong: "Old Yu, I leave it to you. I was persuaded by the envoy."

Yu Gong smiled bitterly and said: "Leave it to me, what can I say? It is indeed the Queen Mother's fault in this matter, and it is reasonable for the envoy to lose her temper. But... the dignified Queen Mother came to seek peace on her own initiative, but ended up in vain. However, how to restart the conversation later is also a troublesome matter.”

Nan Yingying complained: "She shouldn't be the one to negotiate. How can the leader personally end the situation as soon as he comes up? The Immortal Alliance only sent envoys, not Lu Zhiyao himself."

Yu Gong shook his head and said: "Perhaps the Queen Mother is really at a loss. She insisted on going her own way and refused to submit to the Immortal Alliance, which had already put the family's rule in jeopardy. Now she suddenly lost the family's ancestor and chief think tank, and Sang Jun suddenly gathered Two Mahayana... We don't even need to do anything, I'm afraid the court itself will be in chaos."

After a pause, Yu Gong raised his hands to Wang Luo and admonished him again.

"But it is precisely because of this that I hope that you can put the overall situation first, give the Yang family a way to survive, and give all sentient beings in Xinheng a smooth transition. The Yang family is the de facto ruler of Xinheng after all, and it still controls everything The Qing Banner Army, the strongest army in the world, and the Mahayana Lord in the imperial city will definitely die. If they are really cornered and struggling to the death, I am afraid that the territory of Xinheng will be full of war and the lives will be devastated. On the one hand, it will hinder the overall situation of ending the famine. , on the other hand... if the long-standing Heavenly Court opens its eyes because of this, all the plans will be in vain. On the other hand, if the Yang family is willing to take the initiative to hand over power, and even cooperate with us to lay the foundation stone for the desolation, then the Immortal Alliance will be in ruins. Then, if my prediction is correct and the Queen Mother fails to surrender this time, even though she will feel humiliated and embarrassed, she will definitely send someone to restart negotiations, and then..."

At this point, the old man couldn't help but pause and looked at Wang Luo with expectant, even pleading eyes.

Wang Luo pondered for a moment: "Okay, I will give them another chance. So, Guanzhu Yu, you can go and tell them and ask them to quickly select the negotiating representatives."

Yu Gong was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "I really can't hide it from your Majesty... But I hope you don't misunderstand me. Although I do have some communication channels in Fancheng, my influence on the Yang family is limited after all, let alone Go up and influence the Queen Mother. In the past hundred years, Dashengguan has been able to stay at home by maintaining a distance from the royal family, so..."

Wang Luo waved his hand, indicating that there was no need to elaborate on these excuses.

He will wait for the Yang family's second peace request.

But it won't be long.


Fortunately, Gong's channel for defeating the Guanzhu was quite reliable. Soon after he quit the camp and used his unique Day Star Technique to connect to Fancheng, Fancheng stepped up and sent candidates to restart the negotiations, and did not let Wang Luo wait for Tai Long.

About an hour later, from the southwest of Artesian Rock City, a rainbow came from far to near, breaking through the sky. It was a slender flying shuttle, with a colored satin-like light wing on each side. The rainbow light clearly contained a fairy charm that did not belong to the human world - but there was no hint of desolation in it.

Wang Luo saw the rainbow light approaching and couldn't help but lose consciousness for a moment. Immortal charm in the world, this is an extremely precious thing...

But soon he stopped paying attention to the fairy charm in the light wings, because in just a short moment, the rainbow-wing shuttle suddenly landed in front of the camp, and a green light flowed from the shuttle. Take human form.

The visitor was a gentle and elegant scholar, who seemed to be in his early thirties, with delicate features and clear eyes, and a frank and straightforward temperament. But the official robe he wore clearly showed that he held a very high status in Xinheng, and he could never be as straightforward and simple as he appeared. And when he stood in front of the camp, he bowed his head and said loudly: "Xinheng Prime Minister Yang Qijian pays homage to the Immortal Alliance Envoy."

At the same time, Yu Gong briefly introduced the life of Yang Jia Si Lang next to Wang Luo. To put it simply, this is a politician who is proficient in power and is good at dancing. He looks young, but in fact he is over eighty years old. He has firmly controlled the position of prime minister for more than 20 years and is extremely authoritative. In most cases, he was the actual executor of the Queen Mother's will, and his influence in the court was unique, surpassing that of his second brother Yang Jiuchong.

Yang Shijun sent this person here, which indeed showed his sincerity. But this extremely authoritative prime minister came alone, without any entourage, and even lowered his head when meeting him. His posture could be called extremely submissive. Wang Luo stopped embarrassing this person and sent a message: "Please come in."

Yang Qijian let out a breath and stepped into the camp where Wang Luo was surrounded by the gazes of all the Star Army soldiers.

As soon as they met, Yang Qijian was startled. His eyes were fixed on Wang Luo, and he turned a blind eye to the two Mahayana Lords next to him.

Obviously, the Yang family member was particularly touched by Wang Luo's appearance, but he hid his feelings very well, bowed his head and saluted Wang Luo and others again.

Wang Luo nodded and said, "Let's skip the pleasantries. You should understand the current situation, so I won't elaborate. Unless the Heavenly Court suddenly opens its eyes and lets the Golden Immortal descend to the earth, the only choice for your Yang family is to cooperate with me unconditionally and fully. This is not only for Xinheng, but also for yourselves."

This opening remark was very impolite. Yang Qijian couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard it: "Your Excellency is right. We are indeed at the end of the road now. However, please allow me to argue a few words: The Yang family's previous insistence on its own way was not due to blind faith in the Heavenly Court, nor was it due to the fact that the Heavenly Court was the only one who believed in the Heavenly Court. Deliberately trying to put Xinheng people to death. But being in Mingzhou, with the glazed light of the Heavenly Court overhead, one must consider the real risks when doing things... Your Excellency, do you know that after the secret talk between the State Master and the eldest sister, the eldest sister was really convinced, and really intended to cooperate with the State Master to arrange for surrender in the country. However, on the day when the State Master left Xinheng for the Immortal Alliance, the golden candle enshrined in the high hall of the Temple of Heaven, symbolizing the blessing of the Heavenly Court, suddenly shook..."


Nan Yingying and Yu Gong both suddenly changed color at this moment, and rushed to Yang Qijian in a flash.

"Are you serious?" Nan Yingying was more serious than ever, and her eyes seemed to be able to kill people.

If it was true, it meant... As early as when Zhang Jincheng went to submit the letter of surrender, the eyes of the Heavenly Court had already fallen, and everything that followed was seen clearly by the Golden Immortals!

In response to this fatal question, Yang Qijian did not flinch at all and answered frankly: "I don't know."

"... I don't know!? Are you kidding?!"

Yang Qijian said: "I really don't know. At that time, only my eldest sister was in the high hall, and she was in deep thought and dreaming, and her consciousness was not very clear. Afterwards, no matter how we helped her recall her memories, she was not completely sure that what she saw was not an illusion. And since then, there has been no strange phenomenon in the golden candle in the high hall, and even when we tried to secretly go on stage to pull the stars, we did not get a response from the heavenly court. . Logically speaking, this matter is most likely just that the eldest sister was in a trance and misread the candlelight. But in this case, it is better to believe it than not. We really dare not put all our bets on one side. Therefore, someone must stand up and be a bottom-line insurance for Xinheng. If the Heavenly Court really can no longer see Xinheng, and even let us surrender to the enemy, then no matter how determined our Yang family is, we will not be able to stop the trend in the end. And if the Heavenly Court is always watching, then, with one more loyal minister, Xinheng will have more chances to mediate. "

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