On this day, Wang Luo stood on the Dingling Temple of Lingshan again.

At first, he woke up from here. And this simple and unpretentious temple is the starting point of his life.

Although his mind still carries the memories of more than 20 years before the catastrophe, the implanted memories are not his real past. He only has a few years after waking up.

And starting again from the starting point of this life obviously has a different meaning.

Looking west from the Dingling Temple, I saw that the sky was still immersed in the vague blood mist. The mist was not diffused in the sky and earth west of Lingshan, but filled in the eyes of every onlooker, as if to highlight the special color that did not belong to the Immortal Alliance with a unique color.

In the long history of the Immortal Alliance, that touch of blood often means the fear that makes people unable to sleep at night... Even around the 1100th year of the new immortal calendar, when the offensive and defensive trends of the two worlds of the immortal and the wild had already reversed, the carelessness of the Yueyang people could still cast a shadow on the confidence of the entire Immortal Alliance. Even more, in this era, when Rongcheng has already headed westward, crushed hundreds of millions of strange beasts along the blood river, and smashed the heavenly officials who blocked the road. The fear in the hearts of the immortals still lingers.

And the purpose of Wang Luo's trip is to scrape off a part of the blood color that fills the world, and drive a wedge belonging to the immortals in Mingzhou, one of the four states on the left of the sky that has not yet been recovered. So that people can see more clearly that the fear that has lasted for a thousand years can be dispelled.

People can already witness the victory of the Dinghuang War in laughter and joy. And this is the mission and responsibility of the hero.

As a hero of the immortals, Wang Luo certainly will not set out alone. When he stopped at the Dingling Temple, the foot of the Lingshan Mountain was already crowded with people coming in one after another. They held banners, flowers, fruits and vegetables, and shouted jubilant slogans to practice for Wang Luo.

Wang Luo wanted to laugh a little, but the professional quality of an actor who plays a hero made him restrain his emotions well.

According to the last procedure left by Lu Youyou, he posed in a heroic posture facing the blooming flower disk beside him, and recited some inspiring lines, which in return received cheers from the foot of the mountain... Then, he looked west and saw the bloody lake, Crazy Lake.

Crazy Lake, which once lived far away on the horizon, is now within reach. The straight-line distance between the two places is only more than 100 kilometers, almost within reach.

In the past month or so, while Wang Luo played the hero, Rongcheng has been making great strides forward. Lu Youyou and others seemed to have not taken the affairs of the Mingzhou Xinheng Dynasty into consideration at all, but just kept moving forward and continuously expanding the territory of the Immortal Alliance. At this time, standing on the top of Lingshan Mountain, looking beyond Crazy Lake, you can even vaguely see the mountains of Mingzhou. The rolling mountains are like a high wall, blocking further coveted sights and hiding everything behind the mountains.

If it weren't for Zhang Jincheng's direct appearance that day, no one would have imagined that there was a country with a full 200 million people behind the mountains of Mingzhou.

However, Zhang Jincheng has never appeared in front of the Immortal Alliance since the first meeting that day, as if he had disappeared from the face of the earth.

As the national teacher of the Xinheng Dynasty, he is the only bridge for communication between the two places. His disappearance undoubtedly casts a huge shadow on the Immortal Alliance's strategy of absorbing the Xinheng Dynasty - because if the Xinheng Dynasty cannot make up its mind to submit to the Immortal Alliance, no matter how much good intentions the Immortal Alliance has, it will be useless.

And Wang Luo, at such a delicate moment, officially set out to leave the Immortal Alliance, carrying the respect and blessings of hundreds of millions of people in the Immortal Alliance, and went deep into the wilderness.

There are voices of opposition in the Immortal Alliance, but Wang Luo feels that the more so, the more he should go to the front line in person.

Some things, if you don't do them now, it will be too late.

With a hint of self-mockery, Wang Luo jumped down from the top of the mountain, shuttled through the clouds, crossed the mountain fortress on the west line, the 100-mile mountain fortress west of the fortress, and finally crossed the Dinghuang barrier and stepped onto the wilderness.

The next road is to walk. This was based on safety considerations. Flying high in a land of unpredictable risks was the privilege of a true immortal or a true immortal's proud lackey like Zhang Jincheng. A mere Yuanying-level cultivator was not qualified. Only by keeping one's feet on the ground and slowing down could one ensure safety - relative safety.

Wang Luo set out early in the morning, and around noon, when the sun was the hottest, he successfully arrived at Crazy Lake, the end point of this Rongcheng pioneering.

It was a blood-colored lake that looked thicker and more distorted than when viewed from a distance. Even if the fishy smell was filtered by layers of portable magic arrays, it could still be clearly transmitted to Wang Luo's nose, making him subconsciously feel disgusted - no matter which side of the immortal wasteland was concerned, Crazy Lake was not a pleasant place.

But he did not come here for pleasure, but to find some answers.

Compared with the memory carried in Lu Zhiyao's golden leaf, everything was completely different.

After a thousand years, the tug-of-war in the Dinghuang War had already turned Feng Lake into Crazy Lake. The once magnificent Yanwu, not even a trace is left... just like the Songjiabao where the little girl named Song Yuan was born.

Rongcheng went west along the blood river, and should have encountered Songjiabao along the way, but in fact, in the place in Wang Luo's memory, even if he dug three feet into the ground, he could not find the remains of Songjiabao.

Everything in the golden leaf seemed to be just a big dream, but even Lu Youyou had an impression of what happened at that time, and it was obvious that those things should have really happened. But... why there were no relics left in the wasteland that could record history was a mystery that no one could explain.

Wang Luo came to Crazy Lake on foot, thinking that with his unique identity, he might be able to dig out some scales and claws, but unfortunately he found nothing until sunset.

For half a day, he walked along the east bank of Feng Lake and gradually went deeper to the southwest, but he found nothing. Even the strange beasts that should live around Crazy Lake rarely appeared.

As night fell, he had to stop temporarily. Because at this time, the wasteland has officially entered the most dangerous period of the day. The night that seems calm in the Dinghuang barrier is very different for those who are in it.

The night fell from the sky like a substance, overwhelming everything. As the sun set in the west, Wang Luo's perception of everything around him was suppressed by the night to an extremely small range. Even if he tried his best to expand his perception, he could only perceive the space less than 100 meters around him. And this space was still slowly twisting and deforming.

The wasteland at night seemed to be another world. And the appearance of this world, even after a thousand years, even when the pioneering journey of this immortal alliance was coming to an end, still seemed particularly strange.

Before Wang Luo, there had never been a precedent for the Immortal Alliance's scouts to break through the boundary of the left and right sides of the sky and go deep into the wilderness. The left side of the sky is too subtle. Even in places not too far from the Dinghuang barrier, few people can spend the night safely and return to the Immortal Alliance. Therefore, everything under the night is unfamiliar to Wang Luo.

Being in a dangerous place, Wang Luo did not take it lightly. According to the deductions he had made, he stopped and used many magic weapons with him to hide his tracks. After that, he would stay dormant until sunrise and start his journey again under the sunshine.

This was his first night in the wilderness.

A night destined to be difficult to calm down.

"Woo woo woo..."

Along the river, accompanied by a gust of cold wind, like the cry of a baby, it easily penetrated the several magic circles that Wang Luo had set up beside him and drilled into his ears. And almost at the same time as the sound rang out, Wang Luo felt a flash in front of his eyes, a heat in his nostrils, and blood had already flowed out.

The Qi and blood that should be perfectly controlled within the natural body of Taoism actually showed signs of losing control under the provocation of crying!

And this was the result of him deliberately setting up a very powerful magic circle to block 80% of the crying!

The creature that could hurt him with such a light cry must be at least a combined level Great Desolate Demon... When the local immortal officials launched a suicide charge against Rongcheng before, they almost mobilized all the troops at hand. But obviously, with the size of Ming and Mo states, even after a round of conscription, there are still enough and dangerous creatures left. They may be afraid of the power of Dinghuang City and dare not confront it head-on, but before Dinghuang City arrives, they have enough strength to guard their own territory.

Wang Luo has undoubtedly entered the territory of an extremely dangerous Desolate Demon living in Crazy Lake.

The crying sound is sad and erratic, as if it is gradually fading away, but the next moment it suddenly approaches, almost wiping people's ears. This sense of hearing that is sometimes far and sometimes near will undoubtedly constitute a heavy pressure that keeps people's nerves tense. While being alert to the approach of the enemy, the listener will inevitably relax the control of the blood and qi of the body. It is very likely that before the strange beast actually launches an attack, the blood and qi have been completely disrupted by the crying, and the body will collapse...

In terms of strength alone, facing such a powerful and cunning opponent, it is difficult for Wang Luo to match it alone. In other words, after searching the entire Immortal Alliance, I am afraid that only the Lord of Zhuwang, Lu Youyou, can compete. The rest of the people, if they do not take advantage of the number advantage and powerful magic array instruments, will almost certainly die.

Therefore, before Wang Luo set off, he was handed over a treasure bag, which collected many top magic weapons that the current Immortal Alliance could prepare. Among them, there were even several national lords who temporarily took them from their own treasury, which were inherited from ancient times and transformed by the hands of later generations. Unique national treasures.

And this is also the treatment that Wang Luo received after being praised by the Immortal Alliance as a unique hero in the world.

Now facing the risk, Wang Luo naturally would not hesitate. He immediately offered a plate of candles, ignited them with his true essence, and lit a little candle bean. Then, a faint fragrance spread. The fragrance itself seemed to contain no magical power, but as the fragrance spread, the crying seemed to be dispelled, gradually moving away until the sound was inaudible.

The frost incense collected by the Molin people from the Dragon Head Holy Mountain has an extraordinary effect in expelling strange beasts. Even the strange beasts in the fusion stage cannot resist the erosion of the fragrance.

However, the Holy Mountain Frost Crystal is priceless. This seemingly ordinary plate of candles is enough for half of the Stone Street back then. Even if the Molin people are friendly to Wang Luo, they can only sponsor one plate at a time, and every time the candle is lit, it will be obviously shortened - when used to expel extremely powerful strange beasts, the loss of candles is even more amazing. When Wang Luo put away the candle, he was already shocked.

However, no matter how precious the props are, as long as they play the expected effect, they are worth the money. Wang Luo was only in the first day of the wilderness, and he didn't plan to use too many trump cards.

Just as he was thinking about whether to move to avoid the crying beast that might come back, he suddenly felt a shocking storm coming from afar. It was a storm caused by the thick and fierce wilderness poison, and it came very fast. If Wang Luo hadn't been alert in the wilderness, he would have been caught off guard. But even with preparation, he still felt heavy breathing when the storm hit.

If it were an ordinary member of the Immortal Alliance, just being swept by this wilderness poison storm would have a high probability of falling into severe pollution and the risk of turning into a wilderness... Although Wang Luo had a core of wilderness poison condensed in his body, he was also pulled by the storm and had some problems.

And this storm was not actually coming for him. According to Wang Luo's calculations, it broke out at least dozens of miles away, near the center of Crazy Lake. What spread to Wang Luo was just an aftermath. And from this, it can be inferred that at the center of the storm, its power is probably comparable to that of a true immortal!

In an instant, Wang Luo felt a chill behind him.

True immortal? Where did the true immortals come from near Crazy Lake now? All the immortal officials in Ming and Mo states have either died or surrendered. And under the rule of the Heavenly Court, at least near the Immortal Alliance, there are no true immortal-level beasts... So, is it the immortal official from the Heavenly Court who came to support the front line?

In the past month, Zhang Jincheng has not returned, and he has not even sent a letter to the Immortal Alliance, which naturally has aroused all kinds of speculation. Among them, the most worrying and most likely speculation is: as the Immortal Alliance approaches Crazy Lake with an overwhelming force, the Heavenly Court is finally forced to resume normal operations and begin to send reinforcements to the front line.

If the Heavenly Court really increases its troops on the front line, then the current strategy of absorbing the Xinheng Dynasty in Mingzhou will basically be invalid. There is no way that the Immortal Alliance can bypass the True Immortals to interfere in Mingzhou's affairs. After leaving the Dinghuang barrier, no one in the world can compete with the True Immortals alone. Even the lower-grade Immortal Officials are enough to destroy any Dinghuang army of the Immortal Alliance countries in the wilderness. As for the Xinheng Dynasty itself? That country with 200 million people may also have its own prosperity, but as a test field that has been kept by the Heavenly Court for a thousand years, the people there cannot be biased towards the Immortal Alliance when the Immortal Officials are present.

Therefore, long before Wang Luo set out, he had an agreement with everyone: once the Heavenly Court increases its troops, Wang Luo's mission must be terminated as soon as possible, and then he will return to the Immortal Alliance immediately.

Even if he returns in a short time and loses his reputation as a hero, it is better than dying worthlessly and delaying important matters.

Therefore, Wang Luo had already prepared for the encounter with the True Immortal when he left Lingshan and set foot on the wilderness... It is better to say that most of the national treasures in his treasure bag were used to save his life and escape from the True Immortal.

Now that a True Immortal-level storm broke out in the distance, Wang Luo immediately began to deduce and weigh the pros and cons in his mind and quickly made a decision.

Wait and see what happens first.

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