Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 469: Thunder strikes from the sky

The old man who called himself Zhang Jincheng faced the rising sun of the Immortal Alliance, treading on the water barefoot, showing his figure calmly. As more and more eyes from Lingshan Mountain focused on him, all the information about him was quickly collected and sorted out. After being judged and reasoned by front-line professionals, it was summarized and reported to the new Marshal of the Allied Forces, Lu Youyou himself.

Lu Youyou himself would of course go and see it in person, but even as strong as the Lord of Zhuwang, he would not compare his own eyes with those professional magic weapons that were spread across the front line to see through the enemy. Although the Immortal Alliance could hardly cultivate practitioners at the level of God Transformation, it could mass-produce magic weapons that were as powerful as the combination and Mahayana. And those who were selected for the development of Rongcheng were masterpieces among masterpieces.

At the same time, those civil servants who did their best to analyze and calculate in the fortress, although their cultivation was far inferior to Lu Youyou, their attainments in professional knowledge were often amazing... Therefore, Lu Youyou did not doubt the authenticity of the information in his hand.

Moreover, the conclusion after cross-verification by array experts is actually consistent with her naked eye observation.

The man named Zhang Jincheng did not transform into the wilderness... Although there are traces of wilderness poison on his body, at best it is slightly higher than the average of cultivators in border areas such as Nanxiang. No matter from which angle, Zhang Jincheng is innocent.

However, he is absolutely impossible to be innocent.

Because judging from the undisguised true essence fluctuations emanating from him, his cultivation has long been perfected and half a step into the Mahayana.

This is a cultivation that far breaks the boundaries of the Immortal Alliance. In the current Jiuzhou, unless one falls into the wilderness and accepts the infiltration of the wilderness poison, the path of cultivation will end at the transformation of the spirit. Even as strong as Lu Youyou cannot break this boundary, and can only add as much strength as possible to herself within the realm of transformation of the spirit. Thousands of years of accumulation - the accumulation of the Immortal Alliance, her personal accumulation - have made her real combat power no less than that of the fusion cultivator.

However, Lu Youyou was still restricted to the realm of transformation of spirits. She wanted to break through the realm and enter the fusion stage directly, but was forbidden by the order of the lord Lu Zhiyao, and she was powerless to do anything... and the reason was very simple. In the battle of Dinghuang, Lu Zhiyao did not complete her mission, and the great law of heaven was not presented in a perfect form. The parts above the transformation of spirits were plundered by the wasteland. Therefore, for the practitioners of the Immortal Alliance, the path of cultivation only ends at the transformation of spirits.

Going beyond the line of duty means actively throwing yourself into the arms of the wasteland.

In the past thousand years, no one has ever been able to break through this limit. Even those Dinghuang heroes who already have the cultivation of the fusion of Mahayana or even the true immortal will watch their own cultivation constantly passing away as time goes by, and they are powerless.

As for the new generation, even those who have reached the transformation of spirits are almost unique. Therefore, the immortal alliance does not exist above the transformation of spirits, which has become an irrefutable truth for thousands of years.

But now, a vivid counterexample is clearly standing in front of us.

In an instant, Lu Youyou had countless speculations in her mind, each of which was quite reasonable, but each of which lacked reliable evidence.

Just as she was hesitating, a familiar voice sounded beside her.

"I'll go take a look."

Lu Youyou turned her head and saw the elusive Wang Luo as expected.

Since Guan Tiejun's funeral, the two of them have not met again. Although Lu Youyou, as the temporary marshal of the coalition forces, basically stayed in the Shanlei Fortress, at the foot of Lingshan Mountain. But Wang Luo has never seen her again, as if the sentence of not meeting Bai Cheng again has become a shackle restricting the two of them.

Lu Youyou was a little amused and helpless about this. She did not doubt that Wang Luo would eventually make the right and wise choice, and only needed a little patience... but she did not expect that this wait would take a week. Fortunately, now he finally...

Just thinking about it, Lu Youyou's spiritual perception came with a reaction that made her dumbfounded.

In Wang Luo's conscious world, Bai Cheng's breath was so clearly discernible that she felt that she and Bai Cheng were almost face to face!

"You... I said not to meet her!"

Wang Luo couldn't help but laugh: "It just so happens that she also said that she didn't want to meet you. I think you two have such a tacit understanding that you should be able to get along."

"Don't joke about this kind of thing! She and I..."

Wang Luo waved his hand: "Don't show off your tacit understanding anymore. She is repeating the same words in my head now. In short, if you don't want to meet, you can close your eyes and don't cause trouble for me. Then, no one is more suitable than Bai Cheng to verify the quality of Zhang Jincheng. Bai Cheng may not know everything about Tian Zhizuo, but if someone lies in front of her, she can at least judge the truth better than any of us."

As soon as these words came out, Lu Youyou couldn't help but be moved.

No one has better judgment on the things in the wasteland than Bai Cheng, the True Immortal, the ancestor of the wasteland demons. Although she was suppressed in the evil land of the nether soil for hundreds of years and missed many things... she is the survivor of the Bai family among the three great families in the past, and she has the cultivation of a True Immortal, so her status in the wasteland is quite different.

After thinking for a while, Lu Youyou did not answer, but silently lowered her head and closed her eyes - out of sight, out of mind, this is her attitude towards Bai Cheng.

Wang Luo smiled: "Then I'll be back soon."

After that, his figure disappeared in the fortress.

The next moment, he stepped onto the former red ridge and stood beside Guan Tiejun.

The former coalition marshal has now been firmly imprisoned in the paper man. He seems to be indifferent to everything in the outside world. He only cares about carrying the rope on his shoulders, keeping his feet on the ground, and dragging Rongcheng westward step by step, like a godless puppet. ...In fact, although Song Hui used excellent paper man drawing techniques, he was limited by the basic principles of this technique, and he could not let Guan Tiejun return to human agility before completing his mission.

However, even though he behaves like a zombie, Guan Tiejun can actually sense what is happening in the outside world. So Wang Luo came to him and whispered.

"Marshal, please slow down a little and wait for my good news."

Guan Tiejun naturally didn't respond and didn't even look at Wang Luo. However, his steps seemed to slow down a little bit.

So Wang Luo nodded, and then a strong wind whipped up under his feet, flying towards the old man on the blood river in the distance.

The journey of dozens of miles is here in an instant.

When Wang Luo landed on the surface of the Blood River, Zhang Jincheng had a look of admiration on his face. He bowed seriously and bowed his hands in a big salute.

"I have met Master Wang. I am flattered that Master Wang is so candid. I am also amazed by the courage of Mountain Master."

Wang Luo said frankly: "This place is within the scope of the Star Destroyer Divine Sword. There are more than a dozen Divine Sword fortresses ready to attack. No one below the True Immortal level will be spared. As long as you are fully integrated, you will dare to face the immortals alone." There is no need to praise others for their courage."

Zhang Jincheng handed over his hand again: "The mountain master is ridiculous. In fact, I have no choice but to do it... However, since the mountain master is willing to have a dialogue with me instead of directly fighting with me, I think the Immortal Alliance has already responded to my appearance. It was speculated.”

Wang Luo was noncommittal and just said: "No matter how many speculations there are in the Immortal Alliance, it is still the matter of the Immortal Alliance. Since you sincerely surrender, you should fulfill your obligation to surrender your troops as soon as possible and say something useful."

Zhang Jincheng was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but smile on his face: "Thank you Mountain Master for giving me the opportunity to speak. So... where should I start? Why don't I pick up the urgent matters first, in short. Mountain Master Wang, please Those of you who can hear me speak. Today, not far from your route, there are 200 million people living in the place where Mingzhou used to be, and 200 million innocent people have not been abandoned. Despite the poisonous pollution, it still retains its appearance at the beginning of the Heavenly Tribulation, and established a dynasty that lasted for thousands of years, named Xinheng. Of course, there is no need to deny that the mortal dynasty living in the desolation is just the use of the immortals in heaven. But for all living beings in the New Heng Dynasty, we have always looked forward to the civilization of the world. For the past thousands of years, we have been looking forward to talking to you and joining forces. The power of the true immortals is endless, and we have spent thousands of years of hard work, but we have not been able to spread our voices out of Mingzhou. But now, the heroes of the Immortal Alliance came to Mozhou with the power of heaven, and wiped out the governors of the Heavenly Court in Mingzhou and Mozhou, as well as hundreds of millions of people. The army of all kinds of beasts has made Heaven’s power here unprecedentedly weak...then we have no reason to miss this golden opportunity.”

After a pause, Zhang Jincheng's face became a little more solemn, and he added: "Last night, I persuaded several immortal officials from the two states who have temporarily replaced them to surrender to the Immortal Alliance. Although those few people have immortal cultivation and have been granted the title of Heavenly Court, But after witnessing the power of the Immortal Alliance, they had no intention of dying for the Heavenly Court, but they couldn't leave their jobs due to their responsibilities, so... I only hope that the Immortal Alliance can remember that they have never done evil and have taken the initiative to surrender, and stay on the right side of the sky, far away from the wasteland. In heaven, we can open up a peaceful paradise for them. They can give up their immortal cultivation just to save their lives."

As soon as he said this, Wang Luo hesitated for a moment, while the dignitaries from many countries far away in the mountain fortress immediately exploded.

There was a rush of footsteps outside Lu Youyou's door soon, and then the door was pushed open forcefully.

Butian Lord Gao Heng, with an anxious look on his face, said straight to the point: "Lord of the Deer Kingdom, this must not be done!"

Behind Lord Butian, Lord Yulong and Lord Qingyuan came hand in hand. Although they were speechless, their attitudes were clear at a glance.

Lu Youyou sighed: "Of course I know the risks of this matter, but at least let's listen to what that person has to say first."

Lord Butian said coldly: "Master Lu, what's the benefit of listening to him? Yesterday's battle, we have fully proved that the pace of the Immortal Alliance's pioneering is unstoppable. Now we need to be careful of taboos, not on the frontal battlefield. There is no powerful enemy, but this kind of conspiracy to attack the enemy's weakness! Our strength has shortcomings after all. Once someone breaks into the barrier, it is easy to make the same mistake as Bai Cheng! Listen to his excuses and integrate into the territory of the Immortal Alliance without any bloodshed. We can defeat hundreds of millions of wild beasts in one day and one night. Naturally, we can also defeat hundreds of millions of other risks in one day and one night... I know if these words are true. It sounds good, so I, the Shame of the Immortal Dry Forest, propose to activate the Star Destroyer Divine Sword immediately and kill the demon named Zhang on the spot!"

Lu Youyou said helplessly: "Of course I know Lord Butian's good intentions. But you should also know the difficulty of this matter. There is no need for that person to say anything in a nutshell. His appearance itself is enough for us to throw the mouse away. Immortal The alliance's pioneering weapon is indeed extremely powerful and can destroy any wild demon, but the price is that it cannot be abused against targets other than wild will only accidentally hurt one or two people. But if there are really 200 million innocent people, who dares to do so. Let the footsteps of the Immortal Alliance's pioneering be stained by such a sea of ​​blood? "

Butianjun argued: "Not to mention how ridiculous it is for 200 million innocent people to suddenly appear in the wilderness. Even if there are 200 million people, they are still in Mingzhou. The end of our pioneering this time is only Crazy Lake. What's going on in Mingzhou? Even if the people there are dead, what does it have to do with us?"

Lu Youyou said: "If we really watch 200 million compatriots being slaughtered by the wild demons and remain indifferent, then Crazy Lake will be the eternal end point of the Immortal Alliance's pioneering, and we will never be able to take a step forward! And those who set the wilderness for Kyushu And the martyrs who sacrificed their lives will never be able to rest in peace! Lord Butian, the most important reason why the Immortal Alliance has been able to flourish under the high pressure of the demons in the wasteland is that our hearts have moved the way of heaven! It has real power! If even the kings like us can’t wait to give up our ideals, why should the Immortal Alliance be protected by the Great Law?”

As soon as these words came out, no matter how unwilling Lord Butian was, he had nothing to say for a while. He just left one sentence bitterly: "Master Lu, your theory is indeed correct. I can't refute it, but I know that benevolence in one moment will be backfired in the future!”

Lu Youyou also said: "Then enduring this backlash is a difficulty that we must overcome...Pioneering is never a matter of course. I am afraid that I understand this better than anyone here. I have spent the most difficult years. Come here, there is no reason to fall on the eve of victory.”

Therefore, Lord Yulong and Lord Qingyuan also shook their heads and stopped arguing.

Unlike Lord Butian, their attitude was not so absolute. Since Lu Youyou did give a reason, they would accept it tentatively.

What's more, whether the Immortal Alliance accepts the surrender of Zhang Jincheng's New Heng Dynasty is not a matter for them to decide.

The person on the front line has not nodded yet.

At the same time, on the Blood River, Wang Luo pondered for a while and asked: "Senior Sister Bai Cheng, what do you say? Does this New Heng Dynasty really exist?"

After a moment, Bai Cheng's voice sounded in his mind.

"There is no doubt that the internal situation is not complicated. In the past thousand years, the left and right sides of the sky have been in a state of ebb and flow. Although the heaven does not admit defeat, the reality is before our eyes and we have to see it. The right sides of the sky have gathered together. The mere ant-like mortals, degenerate species, and things in the cocoon gradually got rid of their dependence on Taixu Tianzun, and relied on the power of mortals to gradually overwhelm the immortals. The mystery of this really moved the hearts of the immortals in heaven. Mingzhou has become a testing field, and the immortals want to know the secrets of mortal growth and draw nutrients from it... That's about it."

"I see." Wang Luo nodded, and then looked at Zhang Jincheng with a more playful look, "So, you are the comprador for the connection between the New Heng Dynasty and the Heavenly Court?"

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