Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 422: The lonely shadow

Seeing this enthusiastic and cheerful middle-aged uncle, scratching his head and laughing, as if he had just experienced something joyful... Ma Cong couldn't help blinking and shaking his ears, not sure whether he had just seen or heard something wrong. What.

And in the blink of an eye, Ma Cong suddenly realized that when he just met him, he might have been somewhat absent-minded, or maybe the pressure accumulated in the morning made him temporarily in a trance. As an elite member of the Shenfeng Battalion, he didn't realize that there were actually many details hidden in the opponent's body that made people think deeply...

Uncle Lin's white shirt and green shawl were obviously a temporary change, and he was dressed hastily and awkwardly. From the open placket of the white shirt, one could see that the inner shirt was stained with blood. The dark brown trousers are also clearly stained with dark marks.

In addition, although his hands have been washed, I don't know whether it is because he has never paid attention to the details of life, or because the blood stains of practitioners are particularly difficult to eradicate... From the gaps between his nails, you can also see wisps of dark red.

Of course, these are not solid evidence. The red marks on the nails and lining may just be some kind of plant juice similar to blood. As a soldier of the Shenfeng Camp, Ma Cong should have been particularly sensitive to the smell of blood, but at this time he could only smell the unique air of Green Wood Garden using the fragrance technique, and could not detect the smell of blood and death...

But even so, Ma Cong still felt as if the biting cold wind from the Molin Holy Mountain was blowing in his heart, freezing for a moment from the inside out. He froze in place, looking at Uncle Lin in front of him, hoping that this middle-aged man would tell him that it was all a joke after laughing.

But Uncle Lin didn't seem to realize it, and was still beaming about his happiness: "Oh, sometimes you have to be more cheerful and decisive in life! Really, with one blow of the ax, half of the worries in the world will be reduced! It feels like the whole person is It’s twice as easy! In the past, I was very envious of you single young people, who were full of energy and full of hope, and seemed to be able to do anything. But I haven’t even graduated from college, and I was locked in by the so-called childhood sweetheart. Well, it’s like having your Pipa bone broken and your Dantian broken. But now that I think about it, happiness is true happiness after experiencing pain, don’t you think so?”

Ma Cong responded blankly, his hands beginning to tremble slightly.

At this time, I heard Uncle Lin say again: "For example, my wife has always been in charge of me in the past and asked me to eat vegetarian food with her. It is said that only vegetarians have the opportunity to learn more about wood movement. Achievements, I am a person with a natal metal body, what is the use of having such a high level of magic and magic! But I can't do it! She won't eat it herself, and even stops me, saying that the smell of meat on me makes me sick. ! Then I was confused before, and I actually hadn’t eaten meat for more than 20 years. Fortunately, no one asked me to eat pork anymore. I just took several bites, and even the raw meat was so delicious. The thing is, there is no way to describe the taste in words. If you haven’t experienced twenty years of depression, you will never understand the beauty of meat, hahahahaha!”

With a burst of laughter that shocked the entire corridor, Uncle Lin grinned, revealing two rows of teeth that were not very neat. But this time, Ma Cong could clearly see that there were strands of flesh sandwiched between the teeth, and there were even more teeth between the lips and tongue. There are threads like hair...

"Ugh!" Ma Cong suddenly felt an unprecedented nausea and retched on the spot.

However, as an elite member of the Shenfeng Battalion, mere mental stimulation could not make him lose his mind. While retching, he had already removed a green mark on his waist. It was originally issued to him for the purpose of suppressing unnecessary disturbances during receptions at the Tiezi School Ground. But now, someone else needs to be suppressed.

"Lin Shoude!" Ma Cong shouted loudly, and the precious light accompanying the green seal shone, immediately making the middle-aged man freeze in place, and his laughter stopped abruptly.

At the same time, Ma Cong immediately sounded the alarm in the fortress with his magic talisman. Amidst a sharp and piercing sound, the corridor was filled with flashing red light.

Under the red light, the frozen smile on Lin Shoude's face looked particularly terrifying.

Fortunately, in the next moment, a man and a woman, two young warriors wearing cyan armor, flashed to Ma Cong's side.

Seeing them, Ma Cong's expression relaxed slightly.

Although they are not affiliated with the same battalion, they are both from the original Nanxiang Dinghuang Seventh Army, and they are also comrades who have interacted with each other many times. These two people are now responsible for the internal defense of the fortress. Their military ranks are half a level higher than their own. They are truly elites whose quality is no less than that of the Shenfeng Battalion. After the alarm is raised, it is always reassuring to be able to call these two people immediately.

"What's going on?" The young man looked serious.

Ma Cong immediately responded: "Lin Shoude was corrupted by the desolate poison, killed his wife, and... engaged in cannibalism."

"What..." The man suddenly looked shocked, but without thinking too much, he immediately said to the female comrade beside him, "Go and see the Green Wood Garden, then report back to me immediately, and call the people from Bahuang Pavilion by the way. Come here...why are you standing still? Go and check if the situation is true!"

But he saw his female comrade who had been his partner for many years put on an indifferent smile: "No need to check, it's true."


"Xu Fangxing, I know her. I just saw Lin Shoude holding her head and chewing on her head, while half of the rest of the body went into the steamer..."

"You!?" The man couldn't believe his ears, and then looked at his comrades who had been partners for many years, like brothers and sisters, with horrified eyes, "You saw it with your own eyes, why didn't you deal with it... You were also poisoned?"

The woman smiled: "Maybe? But what does it matter? I don't have a boyfriend, and I'm not a passionate lover. Even if I'm poisoned, I won't hurt others. It's a pity that I don't Shu Quan is a counterexample of being hurt by love, so he won't have any good luck... Haha, you are not worried about yourself, are you? Oh, Luo Yu, don't worry, I have never liked you, but you have a crush on me. It’s been so long since I’ve had to worry about my own safety. If you get infected by me, you’ll be in trouble.”


This time, even Ma Cong felt dizzy.

When did this desolate poison actually break out in such a violent the heart of the mountain fortress? ?

At the same time, the woman was still smiling happily: "To be honest, this desolate poison has helped me a lot! In fact, I don't want to serve as a Qinglong Guard on the front line of pioneering, but the military orders are like mountains, let alone arrange for me to do it. In terms of frontline internal affairs, even if I was asked to follow Jiang Shanhan's example and lead a team deep into the wilderness and risk my life, I have no choice. It's fine now. I am poisoned by the waste and openly derelict in my duties because of it. It is absolutely impossible for me to do so. Don't trust me anymore. But because everything is caused by poison and not my subjective will, I will probably not be severely punished. I will be temporarily deprived of my rank and locked up for a period of time, and then I will be able to escape. I have military status and stay away from this dangerous place. Then, with my experience in Qinglongwei over the past few years, wouldn’t it be better to work as a security expert for a large business group like Bolan Village?”

The woman was chattering, her expression was relaxed and comfortable, and she even had time to wave goodbye to the people who were gradually approaching on both sides of the corridor.

"Goodbye everyone, I'm leaving the front line temporarily..."

At the same time, a cold light from a sharp weapon suddenly flashed across her face. But he saw that his comrade Luo Yu had already drawn the Qinglong Guard's sword!

"Hey, you don't want to do it just like that, do you? Calm down, Luo..."

The next moment, a burst of hot blood splashed onto her face, instantly interrupting her words.

Luo Yu held his sword upside down and stabbed the indestructible sharpness into his heart!

Almost as soon as his heart stopped beating, the smile on the woman's face disappeared, replaced by a look of confusion, and then panic.

Luo Yu spurted out a mouthful of boiling blood, but a smile gradually appeared on his face.

"Sure enough, I was the one who was poisoned..."


For the parties involved, what was like a nightmare experience was finally presented to Marshal Guan Tiejun, but only two lines of words on the briefing paper were presented.

"At noon today, the toxicity of the frontline desolate poison [Separation] intensified. Two people were violently poisoned in the fortress, causing three casualties..."

Guan Dingnan, who handed over the briefing with his own hands, was now full of fatigue from exhaustion. His short black hair was suddenly stained with white spots, and his whole body looked haggard.

But even though he was extremely exhausted, Guan Dingnan could still clearly capture the sudden surge of emotions in this small conference room.

Even though the senior generals sitting around the long table were used to seeing life and death, they could not help but be touched and even frightened after reading Guan Dingnan's briefing.

The silence seemed to last for a long time before it was broken by a young woman's voice.

"This desolate poison...has become so weird and difficult to prevent? Even the mountain fortress is unsafe?"

In an instant, countless pairs of sharp eyes looked towards the sound. That was the last seat at the long conference table. In theory, people in that position were only qualified to attend and had no right to speak at will. But since no one had spoken just now, this person's transgression was nothing. What's more, there are indeed many people who want to know the answer to this question. Someone asked in advance to see what the marshal's attitude was.

But Guan Dingnan shook his head first and gave an answer.

"This poison of separation has always been weird and difficult to prevent, and it has not changed in nature now. After the desolate poison broke out in the fortress, I re-examined it with the tree eyes and found that there were clear signs of the desolate poison on every person involved. So at least as of now, The desolate poison has not completely broken through the limits of Jianmu Shuyan.”

These words were also spoken to the generals present to prevent them from panic.

However, the woman present was still puzzled: "But as far as I know, the basic nature of this poison called separation is that it does not affect the poisoned person, but affects the spouse or loved one of the poisoned person like beating a cow across the mountain. But this time, Huang Du directly influenced... Lin Shoude and Gong Jie's thinking? "

Guan Dingnan shook his head: "No, they are the victims of cattle beating across the mountain. The people who were poisoned were Lin Shoude's wife Su Xiujuan, and Luo Yu. Among them, Su Xiujuan has... The specific analysis of this is recorded in detail at the end of the briefing. President Gu Shishi, if you need it, I can share it with you."

The person ranked last was none other than Gu Shishi, the current vice president of Lingshan Construction Investment Association.

Although her status is far different from the generals and marshals present here, as the actual person in charge of Lingshan North District, she was also summoned here. Her mission is to keep abreast of the latest situation of Huangdu, and then find ways to comfort and manage the North District.

During this period of time, although the desolate poison in the Western District has not spread further, the trend has become quite pessimistic...and this trend has spread to other areas through various channels.

So all the generals and marshals had to take precautions.

Gu Shishi also had a clear understanding of her mission. Since there was something she didn't understand, she insisted on asking: "I don't know if I am wrong in understanding it this way: judging from the current situation, no matter which side of the man or woman is poisoned, the result is actually They’re all pretty much the same, so there’s really no need to be so detailed.”

Guan Dingnan shook his head again: "It still needs to be separated, at least to accurately identify whose body the desolate poison resides in. With the technology we have now, there is still a way to correctly extract the desolate poison. Then, at least as of now, after the desolate extermination is completed, there are still There is no sign of recurrence.”

Gu Shishi asked: "Is it similar to the production of antibodies? How reliable and timely is it?"

This time, it was Guan Tiejun who answered in person.

"In conclusion, it is indeed very similar to antibodies, but the specific principle is not yet clear, so the reliability and timeliness are still unknown. Just as we are not sure now, why the wild virus has not spread beyond the military restricted area and spread widely to Rongcheng... But no matter what, President Gu, you must be prepared for the impact. "

Gu Shishi looked solemn: "The North District has experienced many expansions. Now, although it has passed the frenzy period of opening, the daily passenger flow is still hundreds of thousands! If the desolate poison really spreads to the North District, then I suggest that we immediately Closed for business, safety first!”

Guan Tiejun said: "The North District cannot stop. Now one-third of the direct help to the west of Rongcheng comes from your North District. Although it is a risky move to open a commercial area adjacent to the front line, the benefits and risks coexist, and We can no longer divest ourselves of this profit, so President Gu, your mission is very important.”

Facing the marshal's pressure, Gu Shishi broke into a cold sweat and nodded vigorously.


The agenda after that was uneventful.

Although the poisonous incident in the Hill Fortress was an unforgettable psychological shadow for those involved, in the end it was just a couple of sentences on the briefing sheet.

Such words are not only found in the briefing papers of Guan Dingnan and his family? Ever since the Mountain Lord Wang Luo announced the existence of the Separation Poison that day, the poison has spread almost everywhere on the front lines, and the resulting tragedies have continued one after another. These generals and marshals have long been numb - compared to fear and uneasiness, numbness is a safe emotion!

If there weren't some high-level conference rooms on the front line with permanent tree-eye guards, they wouldn't even know if they could trust their comrades in the same room!

Faced with this increasingly bad situation, the generals did nothing but urge the old professors and doctors to come up with better deforestation techniques as soon as possible.

If we didn't wake up every morning and see Rong City moving westward along the Blood River in the wasteland, people would even wonder whether this pioneering road was actually being followed.

In a gray atmosphere, the meeting ended calmly. The generals took their seats and went to cast their shadows. However, Gu Shishi, who was at the bottom of the table, stood up - she was present in person.

Also here is the landlord Guan Dingnan. The two of them didn't have much interaction on weekdays, but now that the meeting was over and their colleagues were leaving, they couldn't help but exchange pleasantries.

Guan Dingnan was a little tired, but he still showed his friendship as a landlord: "President Gu is coming alone? Do you want me to send someone to see you off? Don't worry, they are all innocent people."

But Gu Shishi shook her head and said: "No need, I'm familiar with the way here, so it's fine to go alone. Besides, it's good to be alone."

"That's it."

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