Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 420: Heart-piercing Technique

The Kyushu Immortal World before the Heavenly Tribulation is described in today's history textbooks as a bottomless abyss that eats people without spitting out their bones. In the more than ten thousand years of the immortal calendar, there has been almost no complete peace year. In the land of Kyushu, even the land near the foot of Lingshan Mountain, there is no year without turmoil. And every time there is turmoil, whether the righteous path defeats the evil path, or the demonic path suppresses the righteous path, the ending is almost without exception that the lives are devastated and devastated.

To sum up, the more than ten thousand years in the old immortal calendar were the more than ten thousand years that hundreds of millions of creatures were tossing and turning in the evil fire in order to survive.

For Wang Luo, an ancient monk who has personally experienced the heyday of the old immortal calendar, the various stories in historical textbooks can only be said to be...

Everything you said is right!

In that era when there were no laws and regulations and the laws of heaven were unkind, it was really a luxury to expect a group of practitioners who could easily move mountains and reclaim seas to know how to "restrain." And a thought from a superior person can often determine the life or death of hundreds of millions of people.

But in fact, in Wang Luo's view, the cruelest thing about the old world was more than that.

For today's people, the cruelest thing about the old world is that it was an inhumane era. Even if it is as strong as the bond of blood, it is just a fig leaf of gentleness on the road of spiritual practice. When you lift it, all you see is father and son killing each other. , the couple turned against each other. The so-called family is just a name used by a few family leaders to squeeze the collateral branches.

Although Wang Luo remembered that for most of the twenty-odd years, he lived a comfortable and comfortable life, fully enjoying the warm friendship between his classmates. But as an orthodox practitioner who has traveled in the real Kyushu continent, Wang Luo knows very well that his experience is not representative in any way.

The world outside Lingshan is a world of great struggle that has lasted for more than ten thousand years. Although Kyushu is large, it cannot carry the endless desires of practitioners who hope to ascend. Although there are many practitioners, they cannot establish a stable and orderly rule like the heavenly palace. Therefore, all the resources needed for spiritual practice are competed for, and all means are used to compete for them. And here, there is really no room for human affection to grow.

Many times, even mortals who are isolated from the path of immortality can still enjoy a family relationship, but practitioners cannot. Mortal emperors would complain about the cruelty and ruthlessness of being born into an emperor's family, but the ruthlessness of immortal cultivators is better than that of emperors.

Of course, those practitioners who are truly at the top can enjoy all the beauty in the world with ease, including family, friendship, love... everything is at their fingertips. But the argument that why not eat minced meat is obviously meaningless.

Looking back at the New Immortal Calendar era, it took a completely opposite path. The constraints from the level of the Great Law almost forcefully squeeze hundreds of millions of practitioners - practitioners with different talents, temperaments, and circumstances into a rather cramped box, forcing them to face each other day and night and live in harmony. As a result, communication and emotions between people also grow, and in turn form the glue and lubricant of the social structure of billions of creatures on the Internet.

Today, after thousands of years of reproduction, the Immortal Alliance civilization has become a towering and spectacular skyscraper. Its shadow is enough to cover the remnants of the old era in Tianzhizuo, and all the living beings in the building can overlook their predecessors. But the building is not a static sculpture, but a machine that is running at high precision and speed all the time. Once there is an irreparable error in any joint, it may trigger a chain reaction, eventually causing this high-rise building to resemble the heaven of the past. Fall to destruction.

Of course, such a towering building naturally has its own defense and repair mechanism, whether it is the two generations of Immortal Dry Forest Chiefs who protect the Immortal Alliance, or the diligent tuners who hold music boxes and jade vases, as well as countless living beings operating within it. , all maintaining the stability of the building in a dynamic way.

But in Wang Luo's view, these are not the most important things.

Humanity is the core of the stable continuation of the civilization building supported by hundreds of millions of people. If there is no bonding and lubrication between people that transcends reason and interests, then the building will fall apart almost instantly.

"So, not only is this poison not weak, but it targets our vital points with precision and sharpness. The person who designed and transported this poison is undoubtedly the biggest obstacle to Rong City's westward journey at this time."

In front of the hospital bed, Hai Qingyun frowned and was silent for a moment.

He was not able to fully follow Wang Luo's thinking. As a modern person who has been immersed in the sophistication of human society since childhood, it was difficult for him to have a particularly deep resonance with Wang Luo's "alarmist words". But seeing his daughter and son-in-law, two young people who were supposed to have a bright future, have been ruined by this unknown crime, one has been ruined, the other has been heartbroken... and the aftermath has not stopped, causing people on the front line to panic.

He really couldn't help but not believe it.

After accepting Wang Luo's point of view, Hai Qingyun tried to open up his mind and soon came up with some ideas.

"Mountain Master, although I can't help you figure out the nature of this desolate poison for the time being, but...since the mountain master thinks that all this is caused by the desolate poison, I think we might as well try blindly banning drugs and fighting poison with poison. Although it doesn't work. Treating the root cause may be able to treat the symptoms.”

Wang Luo's expression brightened: "Treating the symptoms is good enough. If a good cure for the root cause doesn't work, you can go to the wasteland to find it. If you catch the mastermind behind the scenes and whip him severely, you can always torture out the answer... But at this stage, at least there must be someone who can. A means to quickly stabilize the rear.”

Hai Qingyun pondered for a moment and said: "The mountain master should know that the current Immortal Alliance strictly prohibits the use of magic to brainwash people."

Wang Luo nodded immediately: "I see, it is indeed a good way to use absolutely tough brainwashing methods to wash the changed and ruthless men and women back to their original forms..."

Hai Qingyun couldn't help but shake his head: "Mountain Master, this is definitely not a good idea! Not to mention that brainwashing techniques may bring various harm to people's body and mind. Just allowing this technique to be widely implemented may also cause huge consequences. It’s not like there are no lessons learned in the 1,200-year history of Xinxianli!”

Wang Luo nodded silently, indicating that of course he knew.

There were indeed painful lessons in the history of the Immortal Alliance. There was once a wise and powerful king of a small country. He felt deeply that his people were incompetent, lazy, distracted, and morally corrupt... So he secretly built a brainwashing array, and used the power of the earth to activate the array during the national celebration. Hundreds of thousands of citizens became his loyal supporters overnight, as selfless and loyal as worker bees.

However, worker bees can only support the hive, but cannot support a highly complex civilization. The simplification and controllability of the human heart allowed the king's will to be implemented at an unprecedented speed, and even a slight tremor at the top would cause the earth to shake at the end. The king of that small country is indeed wise and powerful, but no matter how wise or powerful a person is, it is impossible to maintain perfection all the time, and as long as he has the slightest flaw, hundreds of thousands of worker bees will amplify his flaws to the point of being irreparable.

In the history books, as expected, the king of that small country failed to control the state machinery that he personally catalyzed to extremes. After causing a serious humanitarian disaster, the neighboring powers intervened forcefully and was able to correct the chaos.

The neighboring big country was Zhu Wang, who single-handedly suppressed and abolished the mind-control formation, and quickly arranged for the hundreds of Immortal Alliance countries to organize manpower and material resources to rescue the hundreds of thousands of brainwashed citizens. It was Lu Zhiyao, the Lord at that time.

Based on Wang Luo's understanding of his senior sister, perhaps the tragedy that occurred in that small country was a deliberate display by his senior sister to scare the rest of the country. After all, as powerful as she is, she has never used direct brainwashing and mind control methods to control citizens, so naturally no one else is qualified to use this method.

Nowadays, almost all the countries of the Immortal Alliance have jointly stipulated that only in the most extreme cases, limited brainwashing will be allowed on a small number of people in the name of medical treatment, most of which are used to cover up some painful memories, or to It is a limited correction of some anti-social personalities that are really hopeless. The restrictions are so severe and cumbersome that they are no different from euthanasia.

Under the current circumstances, the side effects of open brainwashing are also conceivable.

Even couples like Jiang Shanghan and Haiyun, who have completely broken up, can use brainwashing to regain their loving appearance... Then all the people in the world who fail to court are equivalent to seeing the shortcut for lovers to finally get married!

At that time, I don’t know how many people will lie about being poisoned in their homes in the name of treatment, and come to seek doctors to brainwash their sweethearts!

Of course, during the actual operation, the doctors naturally have to first identify whether the other party is really infected by the desolate poison, and whether the emotional rift is really caused by the desolate poison... But this kind of desolate poison that specializes in hitting people's hearts is inherently weird and difficult to prevent. Only by Only the upgraded tree eyes can detect extremely small traces. What's more, the observation feedback given by Tree Eyes also needs to be interpreted by people. There are too many things that can be vague or even subjective.

So, will there be some people who maliciously interpret the results of the tree eyes and send innocent people to the brainwashing table to create an unwarranted marriage? Will there be some powerful people who are so bold that they take the opportunity to do whatever they want blatantly?

It's simply too possible!

Therefore, this is indeed an extremely powerful banned drug.

While Wang Luo was thinking, Hai Qingyun said with some seriousness: "And if you want to go deeper, maybe this is the result that the wasteland wants? With just a little bit of wasteland poison, less than a hundred victims can be killed. The Immortal Alliance lets go of its taboos and destroys itself..."

Wang Luo couldn't help but laugh after hearing this: "So Doctor Hai, are you kidding me when you specifically proposed this forbidden drug that cannot be used?"

Hai Qingyun said seriously: "I don't dare to joke... As a medical practitioner, drinking poison to quench thirst is never uncommon, and there is no need to avoid it. When it is absolutely necessary, forbidden medicine is also a good medicine. I just have to inform the mountain master about the poison of this medicine. , I hope the mountain owner will be careful when using medicine."

So Wang Luo also responded solemnly: "Okay, I understand. Doctor Hai, please rest assured. If you take the initiative to bring this up, you are taking a huge risk, and I will not betray your trust."

Hai Qingyun nodded slightly.

Wang Luo had reached this point, so there was no need to say the pretentious words in his heart.


After leaving the snow-white small building outside the fortress, Wang Luo quickly informed Lu Youyou of the matter in the Ascension Record. After all, whether it was decision-making or taking the blame, it was impossible to leave the country without Zhu Wang. But Lu Youyou gave feedback quickly this time.

As expected, there was only one sentence.

“Let go and do something.”

Obviously, this is not only Xiaoluer's trust and support for him, but also further confirms Wang Luo's judgment of the current situation - at least when facing the wasteland chess player who enjoys provoking people's hearts, the protagonist of the Immortal League must It's Wang Luo.

Both Lu Youyou and Lu Zhiyao were unable to leave the show in person due to some temporarily unexplainable restrictions, and even had to take the initiative to maintain distance. Then, as a pioneer and the owner of Lingshan Mountain, Wang Luo has a duty to do so.

"Okay, then leave it to me... handle it as you please."


After that, Wang Luo immediately called for frontline commander Guan Dingnan, notified Marshal Guan Tiejun, who had just completed his inspection, and convened a small gathering of high-level military officials to share the conclusions that Xiaolouzhong and Hai Qingyun had worked out together.

As expected, Wang Luo's speech caused considerable controversy. Whether it was the existence of a poison that specifically incited men and women to turn against each other, or the treatment plan of forcibly detoxifying through brainwashing, it was too contrary to common sense. The backlash was almost overwhelming for the small meeting room within the fortress.

Wang Luo was not surprised by this. In this kind of meeting, if they dare not express objections to things that are too contrary to common sense, then they, the senior military officials who are qualified to participate in the meeting, will be sorry for their qualifications to participate.

But it is a pity that just as Wang Luo did not convene a gathering of medical masters before, he did not have the time and energy to convince everyone. Now that the top military officials are summoned, they just need to be told clearly what kind of mission they will perform next.

You can object and support your objections, but the final conclusion will not change.

Although Wang Luo's conclusion was opposed by almost most generals and experts participating in the meeting, it was supported by Guan Dingnan and Guan Tiejun. The father and son, who had never disagreed, reached a very efficient consensus on supporting Wang Luo.

Fully use the tree eyes to check the infiltration of wild poisons on the front lines. Those who encounter the wild poisons or show similar signs will be subjected to strict desert treatment. Those whose minds have been distorted will be directly corrected through brainwashing... During this period, The military's desertion eradication team must make every effort to analyze the devastation poison and strive to come up with a legal-level desertification plan.

At the same time, the order from Lu Youyou to let things go was quickly delivered to the venue by the recorder of the Golden Deer Hall.

At this point, no matter how stubborn the opponents are, they realize that there is no possibility of any change in the conclusion, so they have no choice but to firmly express that they will carry out the next stage of the task of eradicating wasteland.

However, when the crowd gradually dispersed and only Wang Luo and Guan Tiejun were left in the conference room, the old man showed amazing insight.

"Master Wangshan, there is no third pair of ears here, and I'm just a little curious: You are not willing to promote banned drugs as a temporary treatment. Do you have no hope in normal permanent treatment?"

Wang Luo heard this and replied: "Yes."

Guan Tiejun nodded: "I think so. If there are other ways, Hai Qingyun will not make this suggestion, and his suggestion is actually the result of your guidance and guidance, Master Wang Shan. But I want to know, from It only took you half a day at most to realize the existence and nature of this poison and make the judgment that there is no hope of curing the root cause... What made you make such a quick decision? Have you already caught the desolate poison and even the person who used it? clue?"

Wang Luo nodded slightly.

So Guan Tiejun didn't ask any more questions: "Okay, in that case, Master Wangshan should really let go and do whatever he wants. During this period, if this pioneering frontline encounters any situation, I will fight for you to have the space to do whatever you want."

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