Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 359: Just Memories

The voice that suddenly sounded in my ears was really familiar.

Even if you pierce your eardrum, you will never hear it wrongly.

As for this technique of reaching out to the chest as a greeting, I dare not say that it is unique, but it is also rare in the world.

The two phases are superimposed, which is equivalent to genuine plus anti-counterfeiting. It is impossible to make a mistake even if you want to.

So...Sister, we are really safe here.

Feeling the strange feeling on his chest, Wang Luo couldn't help but think of his deceased comrade, General Mo Lin Huang Long.

Laugh at Huanglong, understand Huanglong, and become Huanglong. The trilogy that must be experienced in life has come so quickly...

But that’s about it.

Because objectively speaking, Wang Luo was almost pulled and brought up by Lu Zhiyao on Lingshan Mountain. When they were young, they slept in the room together, bathed together in the Lingchi Pool, and even rubbed each other's backs. During this period, they were manipulated up and down. , and there is nothing shameful about it. Not to mention attacking the chest, attacking other places is not a big problem. Anyway, Lu Zhiyao is still alive. He can just wait until she wakes up one day and attack her again.

However, Wang Luo can be indifferent, but that does not mean that the owner of this memory can also be indifferent. Almost the moment the touch on her chest came, the saint reacted.

In an instant, the long winding river and the sparsely planted groves beside the river disappeared from sight.

Instead, there was a clear sky, and the bright sunshine shone behind itself, sprinkling golden light on the clouds underfoot. And through the gaps in the clouds, one can vaguely see a silk-like river on the endless and distant ground.

And corresponding to this refreshing high-altitude scenery is the bone-shattering wind howling around you!

In the blink of an eye, the saint actually teleported herself and Lu Zhiyao behind her directly to the Gangfeng layer!

The invisible high-Tiangang wind raging here is enough to blow a fully armed Jindan Daoist to pieces of flesh and bones in an instant, or even turn him into ashes.

When standing on the ground, a cultivator can have thousands of unique skills and countless tricks. However, in the Gangfeng layer, all the bells and whistles no longer exist, and the weak are not even qualified to survive and breathe.

It's a pity that Lu Zhiyao is obviously not a weakling. Even in the Gangfeng layer where even Nascent Soul monks can't control themselves, her hands are still not honest, and her fingertips are gradually climbing towards the peak...

"Lu Zhiyao, that's enough!"

With an angry and embarrassed rebuke, Wang Luo felt that the scenery in front of him had changed again. He was still above the clouds in the sky, but the height had climbed at least another thousand meters. It might be shattered to pieces on the spot... At least Wang Luo thought he couldn't stand here.

But both the saint and Lu Zhiyao were able to handle the baptism of this layer of strong wind with ease.

Of course, since the saint has clearly called her name and clearly stated that if you dare to climb up, I will ascend to heaven with you. Lu Zhiyao could not harass her any more, so she immediately withdrew her hand and ducked to the saint. In front of her, he bowed his hands and bowed to her, but it was a proper junior's bow.

But after the ceremony, his voice was still joking.

"Don't get me wrong, Holy Lady. I just haven't seen you for a long time. I want to care about your physical and mental health. From a professional point of view, this is a kind of palpation."

"You!? You are obviously a veterinarian!"

"Haha, the saint can also tell jokes. It seems that she is in a good mood recently." Lu Zhiyao didn't mind being treated like a deer, but she was a little happy at the hint of intimacy revealed in the anger of the saint.

"But, since you are in a good mood, why do you still keep those real beasts jumping around and disturbing your good mood?" Lu Zhiyao said, the corner of her mouth curled downward, obviously referring to the group of people who were searching for wild girls on both sides of the Baihe River. mob.

"Even if most of your power is lost, if you want to kill them all, it will only take the blink of an eye, right?"

When talking about the mob, the saint's tone was slightly sad: "What will happen in the blink of an eye? These people's relatives and friends will gather together to seek revenge for them again, and there will be no peace at all. It's better to wait for them to find them for a few days and then disperse on their own." Forget it.”

Lu Zhiyao said, "Wouldn't it be better to kill until there is peace? Relatives and friends come and kill relatives and friends, friends come and kill friends, until everyone is frightened. The name of a saint can stop children from crying at night, so naturally they will not stop crying at night. Someone is causing trouble for you."


"That gang keeps saying that they want to conquer the Wasteland Girl, but a few hundred miles further north is the wasteland. There are as many wasteland monsters and beasts as there are, and they haven't been seen teaming up to open up the wasteland. To put it bluntly, I still feel that it's not too clear. The saint of the sect is no longer worthy of fear. She doesn’t know the difference between right and wrong, but she still likes to take advantage of people’s danger. Let’s kill them.”

The saint couldn't help but sigh: "What you said is really not what the leader of the Immortal Alliance should say."

Lu Zhiyao, however, was very calm: "This is what I, the leader of the Immortal Alliance, should say. I just confessed it on the throne of Rongcheng last month in front of the people of the world, especially several of the 'Fathers of Desolation' Said: Nowadays, the Immortal Alliance is in ruins, and even the civilized territory cannot be unified. The most taboo is unnecessary internal fighting. If you have the strength, go to the construction site and avoid engaging in this kind of folk witch hunt. If you have to go against the wind, then live or die. No matter - but I personally wish his whole family death!"

The saint was dumbfounded when she heard this: "You, you said that at that time?"

Lu Zhiyao proudly puffed out her chest: "It's true!"

"You!? You are too willful! You also know that the Immortal Alliance is in ruins and people's hearts are in chaos. How can you take the lead in causing civil strife! What will other people think when they hear this?"

Lu Zhiyao shook her head: "Saintess, you have been cultivating immortals alone in Taiqing Sect for too long. You are almost becoming Bo Yi from Yi Yi. You don't know the way of power and intrigue. Now the Immortal Alliance is in ruins and people are in chaos. I, the leader, can't be half-hearted and try to smooth things over. I must give a correct and extreme direction, and then there will naturally be hundreds of great scholars to help me debate and give psychological massage to the people of the world."

The saint was stunned for a long time, and then sighed: "Really... I can't win every time!"

"Well, after all, Saintess is just a big breast, not a great scholar."

"..."The saint was dumbfounded again.

And this made Wang Luo scream and scratch.

I can argue, let me go against the surname Lu, I am also a professional inheritor of deceiving teachers and destroying ancestors.

Unfortunately, all this is just the saint's memory now. He is just a spectator, not to mention participating in it, he can't even post a barrage.

So, looking at the bright smile and the beautiful face in front of him, Wang Luo could only feel the pain of the scratched blood in his heart and the taste of the boiling blood flowing and cooling down in infinite regret.

It's a pity that all this is just a memory.

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