Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 188 I really don’t want to be treated this way

Chapter 188 I really don’t want to be treated like this...

Outside Yongxia Palace, the flying shuttle Zhaoxue returned to the silver thread under Han Ying's spiritual movement and was collected around her waist. Wang Luo jumped off the shuttle lightly and stepped onto the land illuminated by the glow.

At this moment, he and Han Ying were the only two people on this red land. Zhang Jiasanlang, who was particularly knowledgeable and knowledgeable, when he heard that Wang Luo insisted on going to Yongxia Palace, he took his maid Chi Xuewei and expressed that he wanted to walk around in an open space nearby. This left enough space for Wang Luo and Han Ying.

Han Ying was obviously really eager to rush to Yongxia Palace. After a short hesitation, she drove the shuttle with Wang Luo across the chaotic time and space and arrived here.

After landing, Wang Luo looked at Han Ying and saw that she was looking up at the sky. Her eyes were attracted by the glow above her head, as if there was something hidden in the sky as clear as ruby ​​that she could not resist.

After a long time, Han Ying breathed out softly as if she was relieved. At the same time, in the distant sky, the shadow of the Golden Deer Hall trembled slightly, like a resonance.

Wang Luo asked: "So, who are you?"

Hearing this question, Han Ying was startled, then looked away, and sighed quietly: "Alas, is the flaw on the writing board still too heavy?"

Wang Luo was silent for a moment and asked, "So do you think your only flaw is the writing board?"


Han Ying was embarrassed for a moment and even blushed. Of course she knew how far-fetched her act of hastily pretending to be a liaison officer and requesting a field trip was, but...but what could she do?

"So, who are you?" Wang Luo repeated his question.

After a long time, Han Ying asked, "Can I not say it?"

"Yes, I respect your privacy." Wang Luo nodded, "But only by being honest can I help you."

"I..." Han Ying forced a smile, and countless rejections were brewing in her heart. However, when she looked down at the blood-stained land outside Yongxia Palace under her feet, she listened to Wang Luo's patient and gentle breathing. Voice.

No excuses or clichés can be said.

In fact, if she found Wang Luo in such a hurry today, wasn't she ready to reveal the truth?

In fact, she still didn't believe, and she didn't want to believe that the person in front of her was the Lord's legendary junior brother. However, no matter who he was, at this moment, she had no choice.

After a long, long time, Han Ying finally gave up her inner struggle. She raised her head and met Wang Luo's eyes, her red eyes filled with frankness.

She spoke her answer word for word.

"I am Lu Youyou."

This answer surprised Wang Luo.

"You've been thinking about it for so long, can't you think of a more reliable answer?"


For a moment, Han Ying felt that all her trust was wrong, and a volcano seemed to be roaring in her heart: "You are the one who asked! Now you don't believe me!?"

Wang Luo said: "But your answer seems to be saying to me: You are my father."

"I'm not your father!" Han Ying said angrily, "Use your own brain and think about it! Didn't I reveal enough flaws after meeting you? With Yongxia Palace Tianque Resonance Golden Deer Hall, except for Lu Youyou, I Who else could it be?”

"Can resonance in the Golden Deer Hall prove that you are Lu Youyou?" Wang Luo couldn't agree. He followed Han Ying's example and walked to a place full of glow. He looked up at the sky, and his spiritual thoughts gradually rose. Reach the sky's limit.

Then the golden light of the Ascension Record beside him shone, and the remaining spiritual power of the earth's veins in Lingshan gathered together, holding him slowly in the air. His spiritual thoughts went one step further, breaking through the limit of the sky.

In the distance, the shadow of the Golden Deer Hall trembles...

Then Wang Luo was forcibly pulled down by a soft force.

"Don't touch it!" Han Ying said urgently, "It took me a lot of effort to sort out the energy here! And the Amyrlin Seat is very sensitive. If an outsider like you touches it, what if you don't recognize that the sky is missing?!"

Wang Luo asked: "You can just say that I resonated with you but didn't resonate with you."

"You..." Han Ying became even more anxious, "Then what do you have to do to trust me?"

Wang Luo asked: "Tell me about senior sister. If you are really Lu Youyou, you should be the person who has been with senior sister for the longest time."

"Lord, she, she..." Han Ying was confused at the moment and didn't know where to start. "Her story has been circulated in the Immortal League for thousands of years, and many folk enthusiasts have studied her in detail. "Every detail I said may not be surprising, so how can I prove my identity?"

Wang Luo asked: "Does she still draw pineapple books?"


Wang Luo said: "If you were really the heir to her legacy, she would probably ask you to help with hooking up threads and sex, right?"

"..." Within a few breaths, Han Ying's face was as red as her eyes, "She, she has been painting, although she has never announced her works to the public. But, in private, she does I can draw something... that she likes, and I am indeed always called to help..."

Wang Luo asked curiously: "Am I the protagonist of this book?"

"You!?" Han Ying was speechless, never expecting that someone could ask such a question, "Do you think there should be you?!"

"I don't know, that's why I asked." Wang Luo said, "I didn't have it when I was an assistant before. But sometimes, I always feel that some of the abused beautiful girls in her works have inexplicably many similarities with me. "

Han Ying was startled when she heard this, and some unhealthy memories emerged uncontrollably in her mind.

Then, as if struck by electricity, a fatal association was formed.

"So, the young man who was in love with the hairy uncle, was actually me?!"

Hearing this, Wang Luo finally confirmed the other party's identity.

This is indeed something that only people around Lu Zhiyao can say.

"So, Xiaolu'er, is it really you?!"

"Xiaolu!?" This presumptuous name made Han Ying startled again, and then closed her eyes and sighed, "That's why I don't want to say it... And why did you recognize me for this kind of thing..."

However, before Han Ying could vent the depression in her chest, Wang Luo had already stepped forward and questioned with confusion.

"So why did you hide it from me? It seems that you don't reject my existence, so wouldn't it be better to recognize me earlier? And why do you have to borrow Han Ying's identity? In addition, Rongcheng's development is such a big thing, you don't go back to the Golden Deer Hall to take charge, but you have to be a liaison here?"

"..."A series of questions only made Han Ying's depression increase exponentially.

After a moment, she finally couldn't hold it back anymore and burst out, "Whose responsibility do you think this is?! If you hadn't absorbed my authority and prevented me from returning to the throne, why would I be here as Han Guming's daughter!?"

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