Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 182 A bold hypothesis

According to Han Wu, Nanxiang is a crucial link in the strategy of Rongcheng's land reclamation. Most of the military forces prepared by the Immortal Alliance for this land reclamation will be deployed in Nanxiang.

As the western outpost of Rongcheng, Nanxiang has been guarding the border of civilization for the Immortal Alliance for nearly a thousand years. There are countless legends around it and the wasteland to its west, but among these stories, the most brilliant and dazzling is always the story of the Dinghuang Corps guarding civilization like a reef in the tide of wasteland.

In the original plan, it was Nanxiang that actually served as the pioneer of land reclamation.

The Dinghuang Corps of Nanxiang secretly began preparations for the land reclamation operation as early as 20 years ago. The design of a new armament system, the organization and training of new arms, the research and development and production of new weapons... The sword star destroyer that stood on the outskirts of Nanxiang and pointed to Jingzhou in the west was developed by the Golden Deer Hall during these 20 years, and finally turned the prototype drawings drawn by the former master into reality.

Today, the Nanxiang Dinghuang Corps, in terms of military strength and morale, is at its peak since it rushed to Yueyang a hundred years ago and won the last pioneering war. The soldiers may not know that their country is about to host a new round of pioneering, but they have the confidence and ambition to face any challenge, crush any wilderness tide, and establish unprecedented great achievements.

Therefore, when they learned that the role of pioneering pioneers was temporarily transferred by the state lord Lu Youyou - at least part of it was divided to Lingshan, the impact on morale was self-evident.

Therefore, according to the idea of ​​Han Wu, or Han Guming, or the Golden Deer Hall, it would be best for Wang Luo to go to Nanxiang to mingle with the soldiers of the Corps before the formal launch of the pioneering. With his communication skills shown in Shijie, it should not take long for him to be like a fish in water in Nanxiang and win the trust of the soldiers. This will be of great help to both the pioneering action itself and his reputation in the public opinion field.

Recently, the Immortal Alliance sent a special envoy group, including various leading figures from the Five States and Hundred Countries, to Nanxiang for a field investigation, and Han Wu thought that Wang Luozheng should join them.

Since we are going to blend, let's blend together. The joy of gathering together is incomparable to being alone.

Wang Luo had no reason to object to this - you can work anywhere, and considering the upcoming prosperity of Nanxiang, the salary there may be a little higher than that of Shijie.

Moreover, being able to enter Nanxiang openly and approach the wilderness is exactly what he sincerely wants.

So Wang Luo readily accepted Han Wu's suggestion and gave him a 20% opening discount on behalf of Qijin's boss. Only then did the guests and hosts have a good time and dispersed.


However, the next morning, when Wang Luo was about to ask Zhao Xiuwen and Zhou Lu, a pair of Nanxiang natives, what they needed to prepare for a trip to Nanxiang and what local delicacies they should not miss...

An accident came.

And an uninvited guest came with him.


The burly old man stood at the door of the stone mansion, his fierce face full of embarrassment.

Wang Luo looked up at him, waiting for him to resolve the embarrassment by himself, and did not intend to be polite.

Although the conversations with Han Wu were relaxed and pleasant, the old man full of animality had always behaved politely in front of Wang Luo...but Wang Luo knew that it was just a fragile disguise.

Han Wu always had a violent beast hidden in his heart, but when he was in the Rongcheng civilization, he would do his best to wrap it up so as not to hurt others.

Wang Luo did not mind or fear Han Wu's nature, he just had no interest in pretending to be nice to a suit.

After a moment, Han Wu let out a long breath and said, "Sorry, what I said about Nanxiang last night is invalid. You may... or rather, I don't recommend you to leave Rongcheng now."

Wang Luo frowned: "House arrest?"

"No, because you have an important mission in Rongcheng."

Wang Luo nodded: "So it's house arrest."

Han Wu said: "At least I have tried my best to explain it. It's not my responsibility to understand it in any way you want. In short, the special envoys will come to Rongcheng first, so you need to stay here, uh, to receive them."

This reason is indeed reasonable, but it is obviously not the truth, at least not all.

And with Han Wu's personality, if there is something he doesn't want to say directly, then he really can't say it directly, so Wang Luo didn't ask the bottom of it, but just weighed it in his mind and agreed for the time being.

Seeing Wang Luo nod, Han Wu also breathed a sigh of relief: "It's great that you agree. I'll go back and report now. I'll contact you if there's anything later."

After saying that, the sturdy leader of the hearers turned into a twisted vortex and disappeared without a trace.


The next moment, Han Wu appeared in the Governor's Mansion.

It was still the small and simple office. Han Guming was carefully reviewing a document behind the table.

Han Wu grinned. Facing his boss and his own body, the beast in his body was slightly indulgent. Flames burst out of his red pupils, and his words were not so polite.

"The matter is done. You can reply to the general manager."

"Thank you for your hard work." Han Guming nodded, but his eyes did not move away from the documents at all.

Han Wu pulled the chair in front of the table by himself, put his feet on the desk, and commented: "The king should have a big problem."

"Don't make random guesses."

Han Wu took a sip and said, "Why are you even guessing! We just agreed to let Wang Luo go to Nanxiang to make money, and Mo Yu came all the way to talk about some important mission, asking Wang Luo not to leave. ...Isn’t this the king’s problem? Or is it because she, an old lady, has fallen in love with Wang Luotian’s natural Taoism?”

"Be careful!"

Han Wu didn't care about this kind of warning, which had no real deterrent, and continued: "What should I say with caution!? I was so greedy when I saw the Taoist body, I don't believe that she is not tempted!"

Han Guming was speechless for a moment!

Han Wu added: "Do you want to clarify the issue with the king? She can't talk about anything openly and has to beat around the bush..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Han Guming shaking his head.

"Absolutely not. The fact that the king is trapped in Yingying's body can at most maintain the tacit understanding at this time. Once it is made clear, it is beyond the duty of a minister. And you should know that in the process of pioneering Rongcheng, the word duty is the most important Something insurmountable.”

Han Wu said unceremoniously: "I will carry you overtly and covertly to cut down the vassal by exploiting the wasteland. Fortunately, you, the vassal king, are willing to actively cooperate."

Han Guming said: "Even if you think about it from the most utilitarian point of view: Only by actively cooperating can you make it possible to retire. All other choices are just being smart."

Han Wu sneered, but did not refute.

But for some reason, he suddenly had an idea.

The time the king stayed in Rongcheng was too long. If...

If we say she stays here forever...

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