Zhou Lu was evaluated by Song Hui as having average talent and admirable idealism.

But it was clear that her average talent did not prevent her from being active and sharp in thinking, and she could quickly grasp the key points from Wang Luo's question.

So Zhou Lu did not directly answer Wang Luo's question, but asked back: "Master, why do you ask this? It's because..."

Wang Luo nodded and admitted her guess.

"Yu Xiaobo set up a formation to deal with me, and you were the first to bear the brunt."

After that, Wang Luo simply told the story of his invitation to negotiate at Biexiang Xiaozhu, and then his encounter with Song Hui and Han's daughter by the lake, which made the three workers who were celebrating their return home quickly fall into the ice cave.

"In short, this is the whole story. I know you have a lot to say, and a lot to say but it's not convenient to say it, so I'll say it next, you listen, until I finish what you are not convenient to say, then you can say it again."

While Wang Luo was talking, he carefully set up a night snack stall under the tree, including laying out fire charms and setting up a grill. In addition, the fresh meat in the ice array was taken out and thawed under the tree by the breeze...

It's a pity that the hungry workers have completely lost their appetite. They just stared at Wang Luo preparing the meal in an orderly manner, but their hearts were already in a mess.

After a long time, Shi Yue spoke first: "Master of the Mountain..."

"Don't worry, it takes some time to preheat the grill, and then I will tell you the first thing." Wang Luo said, "Regarding matters related to the Way of Heaven, I am currently only a unilateral receiver of information and cannot judge whether it is true or false. There are indeed many doubts in Han Jianu's words. For example, if it is assumed that the Way of Heaven despises Lingshan, then why am I, the master of Lingshan, so alive and kicking? My magical power of breaking people's hearts is also vaguely connected to the Great Law, so how can I explain this privilege? For example, I have only heard of this topic related to the righteousness of the Way of Heaven from Han Ying and Han Xingyan so far, but even Yu Xiaobo, who likes to talk big, has not mentioned it at all - if he really has a moral advantage, there is no reason not to talk about it."

While speaking, Wang Luo has neatly completed the preparations for the midnight snack. The grill was burned red by the superior fire talisman, and a trace of the unique fragrance of spiritual wood flowed from it, which contrasted with the fresh meat placed on the side, making people unconsciously salivate.

However, the three people in front of the grill did not move.

Wang Luo did not care. He cut the fresh meat into even-sized pieces with the Qi sword and put them on the grill while continuing to talk about his guess.

"So my point is that the Way of Heaven is elusive, and belief and doubt are up to people. I personally tend to believe it, but you can choose not to believe it. Because it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. It was Yu Xiaobo who set up the Zhuxian Formation, not the Way of Heaven, and it was Bolan Manor who supported Yu Xiaobo in setting up the formation, and it was the Governor's Office that acquiesced to his setting up the formation, which was also not the Way of Heaven. Whether the Way of Heaven likes Lingshan or not, it will not do anything directly to us. It will always impose its will through a layer of agency relationship, so we just need to get rid of the agent. Without a reliable agent, the Way of Heaven can actually accomplish nothing. And this is also a small rule I have summed up when I was reading history books recently."

"Since more than 1,200 years ago, Senior Sister led the team to use the Great Law to make the Way of Heaven dormant, this day is no longer the day that regards all things as straw dogs and has not changed for thousands of years, so when mentioning the Way of Heaven, there is no need to be full of awe like us ancient cultivators, not to mention that the art of stealing the sky was also very popular in the past. Back to the present world, the new immortal Around 300 years ago, the then ruler of Zhouguo, Changsheng Jun, was polluted by the wasteland and almost destroyed a pioneering work by himself... If it weren't for the fact that Senior Sister noticed it in time and led the crowd to directly massacre Changsheng Palace, the Five States and Hundred Countries of the Immortal Alliance would have collapsed. "

"But the problem is that before Senior Sister took action, Jun Changsheng single-handedly resisted the suppression of the Heavenly Dao and implemented various perverse policies in the country. At that time, let alone the heavenly calamity, there was not even a single phenomenon such as drought and flood! The Heavenly Dao of Wuzhou at that time was almost a house dog that was worn out of its wildness by Jun Changsheng, and it was all saved by Senior Sister who came later. So Han Xingyan's bottom line that must not be shaken only made me want to laugh. This Heavenly Dao that even Yu Xiaobo can steal is not worth our attention. "

As he spoke, the small piece of meat that was first put on the grill had already exuded the aroma of oil. Wang Luo casually pinched a little seasoning and sprinkled it on, and the aroma became complex and rich, making the audience swallow subconsciously.

Wang Luo smiled and said, "You have to listen to the story and eat supper. Sit down and listen while you eat. The story is quite long."

Zhou Lu and others sat down as he said, and then each took the barbecue handed by Wang Luo. They felt that their minds were not on the meat at all, but they could not resist the temptation of the meat fragrance, and their mouths kept drooling... There was really a kind of pleasure that could not help but feel evil.

After Wang Luo distributed a round of barbecue, he continued his story.

"I told you the background of the story so seriously, hoping that you can make the following judgments on the basis of grasping the full picture of the incident as much as possible. In other words, how should we deal with the Zhuxian formation? At present, the simplest and most effective way for you is to leave, leave Shijie, or even leave Rongcheng, then neither the ethereal Tiandao nor the real Yu Xiaobo will specifically target you... unless this Zhuxian formation is quite different from what I guessed."

Zhou Lu wanted to speak immediately after hearing this, but Wang Luo directly added a large piece of tenderloin with crispy skin and tender and juicy inside to the tray.

"Listen to me, don't rush to express your opinion. In fact, I agree with what Han Xingyan said. Before things developed to this point, I actually had a choice. Yu Xiaobo came to me for peace talks and offered a very sincere condition, but I did not agree. But it is my business that I did not agree. You are just involved in it by me, and there is no need to force yourself to stand on the same side as me. Of course, saying this is like moral kidnapping, so I will talk about some practical topics to neutralize morality... If you all leave, or even just avoid the edge temporarily, you will most likely be able to stay away from the deterrence of the Zhuxian Formation. But if I am right, once you choose to avoid it, it is equivalent to lowering your own law. It may not really lower your own law, but it will undoubtedly gradually disintegrate my leak-free golden body-although I don't know what golden body I have. So from my point of view, I hope you stay, and then, those who stay will be recorded as disciples of the outer mountain."

After speaking, Wang Luo smiled at the three stunned people.

"Don't worry, you don't need to pay tribute to join the Outer Mountain Gate, and as an Outer Mountain Gate elder, the benefits in the future are also worth looking forward to."

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