Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 91: Demon Dryad (No one is born great, but the starting point is really different...

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This dungeon world is different from the dungeon world that Lin Xuan has cleared before. The intensity of wild monsters is a bit higher, but the effect of killing skills can still be triggered, indicating that the rank of these active vines is still the yellow rank. .

This is a Gobi Desert. Above the sky is a scorching sun. Because of the existence of the fire crow's magic pattern, Lin Xuan not only did not feel uncomfortable, but was very comfortable. The particle concentration is quite high, and it is also very active. When it is moved a little, a large group of fireballs and light spots will appear.

Gobi, Tengman?

Can these two things be mixed together?

Shouldn't it be a wild monster like a scorpion or a snake?

Moreover, after beheading the vine monsters, all the vine monsters turned into ashes also made Lin Xuan quite curious. Is it because of its own death characteristics or other reasons, is it because of the wasteland dungeon?

But I haven't heard that the dungeon can't bring back the spoils of waste!

Although there are many doubts in this dungeon, Lin Xuan has no intention to explore the secrets. In the yellow-level dungeon, there is a knife and a small wild monster. All their vitality is plundered by the "Blood Drinking" skill, and they are continuously poured into Lin Xuan's body. As the fuelwood for Lin Xuan to break and stand up.

From time to time, a few lone vines appeared on the Gobi Desert, and it was the first time that Lin Xuan saw all the vines.

Tengman's hair that can be stretched and retracted freely, the body is a trunk, the roots and feet are stepping on the ground, and the roots go deep into the ground to absorb the nutrients of the earth.

A huge rock was wrapped by the roots of this wild monster. Within a few minutes, the wild monster showed a happy expression, and then the whole rock was blown by a gust of wind, turned into fine sand all over the ground, and merged into the whole piece. Gobi Desert.

Enemy of nature?

The word popped out of Lin Xuan's mind first, and then he stared at the endless Gobi Desert. Could it be that this entire desert was created by these wild monsters!

The next moment, Lin Xuan also knew the situation of the wild monsters.

【Wild Monster】: Demon Tree Demon

[Equal Rank]: Yellow Rank Advanced

[Template]: Ordinary template (in progress)

[Skills]: Absorb rocks, enchanted vine hair, photosynthesis, mixed toxins

Very strong, unexpectedly strong, the yellow-level advanced of the ordinary template can actually have the four major skills, and what is even more frightening is that its template can actually evolve!

All wild monsters or human race talent templates can evolve. As long as you can develop them yourself, even a D-level template or a normal template can be promoted all the way to the king template or even the master template, the myth template.

However, this probability is extremely small. It requires a lot of conditions, or high-level resources, or perseverance, perseverance, wisdom, etc., and now, an ordinary demon tree demon has absorbed a piece of it. After a slightly larger rock, it actually has an advanced template? !

Is there something wrong with the rock, or with the race?

If this is just an example, then it is too lucky to encounter it directly!

I gave this lucky little guy a knife, and the instant death effect was triggered. Before this little guy's brilliant and splendid life began, he entered the underworld and waited for reincarnation. Well, it could also be hell, purgatory, anyway, that's all.

The body is still the same as before, turned into ashes, and lifted up when the wind blows.

Eh, no magic core?

Because it was the first time to see a demon tree demon die in front of him, Lin Xuan didn't know where the demon tree demon died before, and naturally he didn't know if the demon core had fallen. Their companions picked it up.

Wild monsters can also use magic cores, but they cannot acquire skills and can only act as "charging treasures". Of course, there are other uses.

In an undeveloped dungeon, wild monsters die without leaving corpses, and no magic cores are dropped. This is really strange!

In the Gobi Desert, it is difficult to walk in one direction, especially Lin Xuan does not know whether it is morning or afternoon. From time to time, he walks up the high sand dunes and looks around to see where there are many demons. The tree demons gather to find the place to clear this dungeon!

The most difficult part of the land reclamation dungeon is not killing wild monsters, but finding a place to clear the level (boss or a gathering place for monsters).



Is there an oasis in this desert?

If it is an ordinary desert, it is normal to have an oasis, but this desert is not an ordinary desert, but a desert created by wild monsters. Those wild monsters will keep the fertile oasis without harm?

Lin Xuan can't believe it!

However, Lin Xuan was very happy, since he knew that this was an anomaly, then this place might be the place for customs clearance. Very good, let it be dealt with in the past!

The corners of the mouth raised a smile, dreaming of returning to the big bed room in Dongning City, the medicated bath with the right temperature, the skilled massage, the large amount of spiritual food and the medicated meal, and the extremely comfortable big bed, I really want it. Go home and get some sleep!

Carrying the desire to go home, Lin Xuan hurried towards the oasis with the iron rod, and when he came to the vicinity, he found out, what kind of oasis is this, this is clearly a devil's cave!

There are tall and straight trees, the trunks are interlaced, black, red and green, but they are different from the previous humanoids. The big tree-like demon tree demons are mostly green. At this time, they are receiving the comfort of the sun. , using photosynthesis to produce a lot of water, moisturizing the earth!

This year's wild monsters are okay, but they still understand sustainable development!

However, labor and capital have to go You all have to die!

The iron rod in his hand swiped violently, and countless flames appeared out of thin air in mid-air, burning towards the group of tree demons, but the next moment, Lin Xuan was startled, and he saw faces appearing on top of the big trees. , Open your mouth and spit, it is a large black flame!

The black flame and the orange flame intersect, neutralize each other, and dissipate directly!

A fire-breathing tree demon?

This time, Lin Xuan just looked at the word "devil" in front of the tree demon!

As we all know, demons live in the abyss world. The living conditions in the abyss are definitely the worst through the comparison between many copies. All kinds of poisons, poisonous water, and poisonous plants are all over the place. The most commendable thing is that there is no sun in the abyss, but fire Elemental particles are relatively active, and many demon species have fire attributes.

The dungeons of the abyss world are mostly Xuan-level or even earth-level dungeons. After the dungeon of that level is generated, it will send out a clear signal. Humans need to deal with it as soon as possible, otherwise a large number of high-level demons will appear on Blue Star. easy to deal with.

But here, um, Lin Xuan thinks that the creatures from the abyss world invaded a certain world, and then formed a copy space!

The demon of the non-abyss world copy!

Although the rank is relatively low, Lin Xuan is still very interested in it. One is to increase his knowledge, and the other is to accumulate some experience for killing demons in the future.

Since the flames couldn't deal with the opponent, Lin Xuan stirred the wind and light particles, used an iron rod as a knife, and slashed out thousands of bright yellow wind blades with one knife.

Everyone who encounters will die!

Only three breaths of time, the original oasis, all the trees turned to ashes, only a pool of clear water rippling slightly!

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