Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 538: Shake people, prepare for war

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Just as Emperor Nanman was watching Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan finally followed his gaze to find the hiding place of the ancient gods, and he used the great power of Heaven's Vision to listen to him. He easily saw many ancient gods and Nanman Qiang standing aside. By.

Headed by the Mother Earth Snake, Zi Lei Qilin, Fengshen Qinghu, Heishui Feipeng, Baixue Xiongzhu, the six ancient gods have reached five, and the lineup of Nanman powerhouses on the side cannot be underestimated. The king of Nanman followed closely.

Unexpectedly, the ancient **** has joined forces with Nanman! !

Lin Xuan also changed his color at this moment. This is really surprising. This is a change that no one thought of. You must know that Nanman is the most hated and hated human beings of all the gods and wild beasts. The gods fed by the power of faith, peeled, cramped and deboned, made delicious soup, used to enhance the strength of the southern barbarians.

This was unimaginable in the age of gods in the wild world, but now, the ancient gods and the southern barbarians are combined, what is going on?

Although Lin Xuan was puzzled by this matter, it did not prevent Lin Xuan from making a decision.

With his strength, he definitely has an advantage against the Mother Earth Snake, but once other ancient gods intervene, he will appear very passive. Dare to shoot at will.

However, once Lin Xuan was involved in the Mother Earth Snake, the other ancient gods would definitely have the strength to fight against the many powerhouses of the Xia Dynasty. Now the Xia Dynasty has been established for a short time, and the powerhouses are all from Taixia, such as Wuzu Qin Fen, etc. Wait, with Qin Fen's strength, facing these ancient gods, I am afraid that he will only end up being abused.

Not to mention the Southern Barbarians!

The strength of the fisherman this time is really not weak!

However, Lin Xuan is not afraid of them. When the moon is in the middle of the sky, the strength of the Moon King Rabbit will increase greatly, and he will become the powerhouse of the peak of the **** king. He will never fall behind against the other four ancient gods. .

Moreover, my wife is also in the wild world, and they are here, so it's not too much to do something!

As for Wanfa Tianren and the old immortal, Lin Xuan thought about it for a while, but he still didn't call them. After all, the wild world is a world copy developed by him. Wanfa Tianren also has a copy of the endless sea king world to guard. As for the old immortal , Ever since I left the cage, I don't know where to go, and I can't get in touch with others for a while.

Calling a few more overlords, the undead come here, should be enough to deal with these enemies... eh?

Suddenly, Lin Xuan felt a little bit of aura in his heart, but it was the sacred beast of the Xia Dynasty, the great marshal of the desolate beasts in the world, Ji Yanlong, who had awakened and his strength was even higher. Although he could not deal with the Mother Earth Snake, he could deal with two or three other ancients God can still do it.

Moreover, the small ball under him roared again and again, as if showing off his own strength. In addition, in the heart of the earth, the twelve golden hairpins of the elves sensed Lin Xuan's plight, and asked to fight one by one, vowing to fight for Lin Xuan. Quartet.

Not to mention, Lin Xuan has forgotten that he has the heart of the world. Today's heart of the world has undergone earth-shaking changes. The entire small world is full of clouds and mists, full of vitality. Rice, and Ziyu Grape, are naturally not just twelve elves, but hundreds of elves.

Relying on the resources inside the Heart of the Earth Rank, the twelve golden hairpins of the Elf have grown all the way to the level of invincibility on the Earth Rank. Although they are not good at fighting, they can still entangle several strong men of the same rank by relying on their affinity with nature. of.

Hiss~, you actually carry so many powerhouses with you? !

Never thought!

At this moment, Lin Xuan felt at ease, especially in a place that others could not see, his empress, Zhu Mingmei, had already arrived and was also sitting on Xiaoqiu's dragon head, but Xiaoqiu didn't dare to stab at all , very docile here? "

"Lin Lang is summoned, there is no reason not to come, is it just the chops above?"

"Yes, they are not weak, I am not easy to deal with alone, mainly because I am worried about the human race within the covenant of the gods."


Among the three major forces of the Xia Dynasty, the Covenant of the Gods, and the Central South Alliance, in fact, only the Xia Dynasty was concerned, that is, the many human races within the Covenant of the Gods.

It is necessary to guard against the eager jumping of the gods of the Eastern Desolation, and to prevent the strongmen of the Central South Alliance from fighting in the Covenant of the Gods.

Otherwise, relying on him and the undead Minghuang, coupled with the many powerhouses of Taixia and the twelve golden hairpins of the elves, they would be able to hold back the members of the Central South Alliance.

As for the Eastern Desolate Gods, they would not dare to take action.

Now that the battle of defending the city of the Covenant of the Gods has become a foregone conclusion, the strength is the weakest among the three parties. They now intend to invest in the Xia Dynasty, naturally because they have not seen the strong men of the Central South Alliance. The Xia Dynasty attacked them, so they turned to the Xia Dynasty.

But if, for a while, the Central South Alliance takes action against the Xia Dynasty, and Lin Xuan and the others are unable to solve these powerhouses quickly and fall into a stalemate, then the gods of the Eastern Wilderness within the Covenant of the Gods will naturally be up for sale. , whoever wins will vote for whoever!

This is very awkward!

Lin Xuan was silent for a while. It was still in the afternoon, and he had to wait until the moon was in the middle of the sky, so that Yue Linger's strength could be blessed. At that time, if an invincible helper was added, the Central South Alliance was bound to be defeated.

However, this is not the main

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