Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 536: Outside the covenant of the gods, the ancient gods hide

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The emperor led the army, and the soldiers approached the city, and their power was overwhelming.

On the huge city wall of the Covenant of the Gods, countless gods and people stared at the powerful army below, one after another riding a powerful wild beast, although they were looking up at the many gods and gods on the city wall. Their eyes were contemptuous, and there was no prudence and fear in their eyes at all, and some were just disdain and contempt.

They have gone to the East Desert from the North, and they have no enemies. They do have this arrogance in the face of the East, but now they are facing the covenant of the gods with the city gates closed, it is inevitable that they will not be able to use their hands and feet. The defense of the city wall of the Covenant of God is not weak, and there are also many Eastern Desolate gods and gods sacrificing guards above. It is not easy to climb the wall.

However, no one thinks they will fail!

Because they have human emperors, human emperor Lin Xuan, bring them a better life, stronger force, and bring dignity for the human race from the wild beasts and the totem gods. Since the human emperor Lin Xuan, the human race and the wild The beasts have already attacked and defended different places, and the human race is no longer the ration of the wild beasts. The human race can also tame the wild beasts and make them the mounts of the human race.

Emperor, Wansheng!

"The emperor led his troops here, and he didn't open the door to surrender quickly. If the soldiers of the sky came and slaughtered you, don't say that you didn't expect it!"

A sharp-edged young man in white robe held a long sword and rode a black jade unicorn under his crotch. Shi Shiran stepped forward, his face was solemn, his words were serious, and his words contained endless murderous intent.

Lin Xuan sat on top of the dragon head, looked down at the young general, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, this young general who liked to wear white robes was brave in battle. The beast was beheaded abruptly, made into minced meat, and passed on to the three armies. Lin Xuan named him "Chen Qingzhi", hoping to be like the white-robed general in his previous life.

The gods on the city wall naturally heard these arrogant words, but they looked at the emperor Lin Xuan who was sitting on the dragon head. felt on the body.

The Emperor is so powerful!

However, although the emperor is powerful and there are many strong people under the emperor, it is impossible for them to surrender directly. Even those gods who have already been ready to surrender, in order to make their life easier, they must cooperate with The emperor fights, let the emperor see their ability and strength.

"If the strength of the Xia Dynasty is so strong, as long as you can break through the city gate of my covenant of gods, what about our Eastern Desolate Gods surrendering the city, but do you have this strength?"

A strong man ranked in the second echelon of the gods stood up and roared at the many strong men outside the city.


Lin Xuan raised his head and glanced at Yue Linger, who was standing in the center. He was about to let her open the city gate and welcome Master Wang into the city, but at this moment, he suddenly felt that someone was watching. This feeling was very familiar, no accident. It should be the ancient **** of Central China!

The ancient **** is also here? !

That's right, the ancient gods will come naturally. The last time Lin Xuan was deceived by the Mother Earth Snake, he knew that those deities of the Eastern Wilderness who had been enchanted were taken away by Lin Xuan. Now Lin Xuan leads countless strong and The army surrounded the covenant of the gods, and naturally they wanted to devour the entire Eastern Wasteland.

But the Mother Earth Snake and several other ancient gods had already fought against Lin Xuan. Naturally, they were unwilling to watch Lin Xuan's strength improve step by step. Once Lin Xuan took Donghuang into his pocket, he would have to fight Nanman. Take action against Central China.

In fact, the ancient gods didn't need territory for a long time, because they didn't need gods and people, they didn't need faith, they just needed to find a quiet place, and slowly understand the Dao, and their strength would naturally become stronger.

It was true in the past. After all, hundreds of years ago, the strongest fighting force in this wild world was the Mother Earth Snake.

Then, as the Innate Dragon God and the Innate Vulcan Dragon Lord, he was embarked on the path of the new god, combined with the path of the ancient **** and the new god, the strength obtained a terrifying increase, once approaching Mother Earth Snake, the terrifying ancient **** known as "Mother Earth" had to enter a state of retreat.

But in fact, the Mother Earth Snake did not go to retreat, but left the central Shenzhou and went to the Nanman. The human race of the Nanman does not respect the gods, and the gods they believe in are just a dish that they will use to improve their strength!

It can be said that the southern barbarians have understood this set of self-produced and self-sold products!

And the Mother Earth Snake takes advantage of this, learning from the Buddha to cut flesh to feed the eagle, so that many southern barbarians believe in themselves, and after a period of time, he will cut a large piece of flesh and blood for many southern barbarians.

In fact, the mother earth snake walks on the road of the earth, and its own resilience is extremely strong, and the part where the meat is taken is not the key point. In addition, with its original size, taking a "small piece of meat" is for the southern barbarians. Also a huge amount of blood.

Not only that, it also turned into a human form, personally served as the goddess of the earth mother snake, and gathered a group of powerful southern barbarians for their own use.

Under the belief of the southern barbarians, his strength took the rocket, and the speed of improvement is unparalleled. It can be said that it is the same every day. Compared with before the retreat, his strength has improved too much, although he still has not stepped into the Daoist. , but it is only one step away, and it is possible to take that step at any time.

He, the Mother Earth Snake, has already tasted the beauty of the new God's path. He does not need to work hard to improve all the time, but the taste of his strength rises naturally. It is really wonderful. After hundreds of years of enjoyment, He can no longer be separated from the gods and people. belief.

He wants to continue to be strong, he wants to plunder more gods, and he wants to bring all gods to himself.

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