Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 533: Moon Spirit Resolve

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"Are you, a motley bird, dare to follow me?"

Above the sky, Lin Xuan twisted his neck and looked at the Black Water Feipeng galloping from the opposite side with disdain, showing a sneer of disdain. Many of the Eastern Wilderness Gods in his hands had been stunned and thrown into the heart of the world. , there are still small **** watching, there will be no chaos.

Seeing Lin Xuan standing high in the sky, Heishui Feipeng didn't dare to step forward. He knew very well that Lin Xuan's strength was as powerful as that of the Mother Earth Snake, and he could crush its terrifying existence in minutes.

He hurriedly braked in the air, ready to go around a corner to pull out a safe distance, but he didn't expect that Lin Xuan's speed was not much slower than that of his Tianpeng. Just like an endless skynet, a big and generous hand covers everything, completely covering it, as if to capture it.

Of course, as one of the ancient gods, it is not a vegetarian. It walks on the avenue of water. If nothing else, its ability to escape is top-notch. Just when Lin Xuan stretched out his hand to capture Heishui Feipeng, it suddenly turned into a The mass of water vapor made Lin Xuan's capture flutter in the air, and it was completely useless.

When he reappeared, Heishui Feipeng had already appeared hundreds of meters away from Lin Xuan, and he was running away quickly.

It's terrible, this human emperor is really terrible, not only has the physique and strength comparable to the mother snake, but also has a speed that is not slower than it, where the **** is this monster, it's definitely not a human being , must be some powerful ancient god!

Lin Xuan watched Heishui Feipeng flee, but he didn't catch up. It was really unnecessary. Heishui Feipeng's flight speed was not slow. Even if Lin Xuan wanted to catch up, it would take a lot of time. The snake, the wind **** Qinghu, and the purple thunder unicorn were nearby. If the four ancient gods besieged him alone, although his life would not be in danger, he would only be beaten.

not worth it!

Turning around, it turned into a bright yellow thunder light and disappeared into the sky.



Rabbit Erniang sat in the hall of the gods and looked at the battle report in her hand. This battle report was written by the messenger who went to reply to the letter. It clearly wrote the situation of the temporary residence of the gods in Donghuang who went to war, and also wrote a few people. The powerhouse had a terrifying battle there, and finally the situation was summed up: the Eastern Desolate Gods were wiped out.

"No, none at all?!"

Rabbit-eared girl sat on the throne in a daze, and the battle report in her hand fell unconsciously. She leaned back on the seat, her thoughts rolled in her mind, and countless ideas emerged, but they were rejected one by one.

The fallen battle report was picked up by other gods and looked at. All the gods who saw the battle report shrank their pupils, and then let out a loud scream, which attracted the attention of other gods.

"What to do, what to do, what to do, Donghuang is over, Donghuang is over!"

"Damn, it's all to blame for the Sun King, why do you want to lead the team to the Southeast Mountains?"

"Isn't it safe and secure, why, how did it become like this?"

"Your Majesty the Moon King, what are your thoughts?"

"Yes, Your Majesty the Moon King, I don't know what you think."

After reading the battle report, all the gods of the Eastern Wilderness have realized the seriousness of the problem.

It is not a small problem that all the gods of the East Desolation who went on the expedition were wiped out. You must know that the king of the day was going to expedition with a full one-third of the gods. He originally thought that it was in the Southeast Mountains, separated by the mountains and the other side." I scolded the war across the mountain." When the scolding felt comfortable, he came back.

But who could have imagined that the southeastern mountain range between the two sides suddenly disappeared. The two sides met frankly and stared at each other for a while. There was nothing at all. Under the will of the strong on both sides, they were all ready to go home. Now, who knew that a murderous intention would suddenly arise.

The first battle is over, and the second battle will follow. If only the ordinary human race died, it would be But first, the Japanese king was kidnapped by mysterious people, and then the rest of the Eastern Desolation Gods are also...all The army was wiped out.

The strength of the Covenant of the Gods has plummeted by a third. If you can rest assured, increase the number of human races, and win over some wild beasts, you will soon be able to make up for the strength beyond the top combat power. The emperor has led the army into the Eastern Wasteland, and has passed through the moat between the Eastern Wasteland and the North Land, and is nibbling away at the Eastern Wasteland little by little, constantly weakening the control of the Covenant of the Gods over the Eastern Wasteland.

A large part of the ordinary human race left behind has been brought to the Northland.

In the past, the Covenant of the Gods abandoned these ordinary human races, firstly because it was difficult to migrate, and secondly because the Covenant of the Gods could not accommodate so many people, but now because of the southeast battle, the number of gods who settled in the Covenant of the Gods Decreased sharply, and needs to be replenished urgently.

But the Emperor of the North is in a town not far from the Covenant of the Gods.

For a time, all the Eastern Wilderness fell into silence. The current situation is really bad. I originally thought of recalling the Eastern Wilderness Gods who went on the expedition to help the covenant of the gods. The gods of the Eastern Wilderness in their heyday also had to be divided.

But now the East Desolate gods who went on the expedition have been wiped out, and the covenant of the gods has become an isolated city, and it is impossible to get in or out. Although the strength in the city is still available, defeat is already doomed, sooner or later. .

"What can we do now, surrender or fight to the death?"

"East Wilderness is not over, I will not surrender! I swear to live and die together with East Wilderness!"

"Why don't we escape and abandon all the gods and people, we can still get away, the emperor is walking so slowly, just give us time to make a choice."

"Hey, you guys, you are short-sighted, you see the danger, but you don't see the opportunity.

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