Chapter 458

The Celestial Celebration is over, but the powerhouses did not leave Taixia at all. Instead, they wandered around in Taixia with great interest. They were originally very interested in Taixia, and this time it happened to be the Celestial Celebration. As well as the wedding of the undead Minghuang, there is a gap of a month or two in the middle, and there is enough time for them to play and watch in Taixia.

Lin Xuan and Superman walked together in the imperial capital. Lin Xuan was the host to accompany him. After all, he was the third-ranked superpower in the world. The proper etiquette still needed to be done.

Superman observes Feileimen with great interest. This is a space technology that spans the ages. Eagle sauce is also developing related space technology, but unlike Taixia's Feileimen, Feileimen uses space principles. It is an extremely suitable technique for fixed-point teleportation, which has been improved through a space technique, with excellent effect and strong practicability.

He also participated in the research on the space gate developed by the Eagle Sauce Country. The specific content involves quantum mechanics, breaking the whole person into quantum, and then transmitting information to a very distant place in an instant. This is the research and development of the Eagle Sauce Country. The basic theory of space gates.

This is indeed tenable, but the problem is that it is too troublesome. Up to now, the civilian improvement has not been completed. It has been used in the laboratory for many times.

However, when Superman looked at Feileimen, who was walking in front of him, he was not only a little puzzled, wouldn't it be good to use space technology directly, and why would he need to go around a few big circles, it's like taking off his pants and farting---it's unnecessary!

Lin Xuan stood behind Superman. He knew that Superman had the ability to see through, and he could see the essence of it directly through the decoration and packaging outside the Flying Thunder Gate. However, when he opened his mouth, Lin Xuan still didn't speak. There is no need at all. With superhuman strength, as long as you want to see it, you can see the core essence of every Feileimen in Taixia even in the country of Eagle sauce.

Super vision is no joke, farsightedness, nearsightedness, perspective, night vision... Superman can be said to have evolved the five senses of the body to the limit!

Unfortunately, the systems of practice are different. Superman can see the essence, but it is difficult to comprehend the mysteries. The reason why Superman arbitrarily watched Freymon core.

Sure enough, Superman pondered for a while, but didn't understand the reason, so he could only helplessly shook his head and continued to walk forward.

Lin Xuan smiled and continued to follow, but he didn't see the hands behind Superman's back, using the power of the sun to imitate the power of Feileimen's movement, and successfully opened up a very short space passage in the palm of his hand. , a kryptonite rolls smoothly from one side of the space channel to the other side of the space channel.

The super brain is indeed an incomprehensible computing power. It abruptly finds a balance between the two systems. Then, through its powerful computing power, it directly reproduces all the details of Feileimen's operation. After that, a miracle occurs!

Lin Xuan didn't know about this, and Superman shook his head. Success was indeed success, but he only knew it but didn't know why. If he wanted to decipher the core secret information, he would have to specialize in a similar power system.

No need, let other researchers do research. As a superman, he doesn't have so much time to do research. He still has to bask in the sun!

"Have you considered going to the Yingjiang country to settle down? I can arrange a mansion for you in the metropolis, a car, a beautiful woman, whatever you want, you can have it!"

Superman and Lin Xuan were walking on the streets of the imperial capital. Suddenly, he said, and he admired Lin Xuan in his language and expression, "In Taixia, we advocate equality for everyone. Non-mainstream, ordinary people are ordinary people, and capable people should not be the same as ordinary people, what do you think?"

Lin Xuan was a little silent and did not answer, not because he felt that Superman was right, but there was no need to answer this question. Taixia was divided into two parts three hundred years ago, one part was Taixia where everyone was equal, and the other part was Taixia. It is Taihua, who is supreme.

When someone breaks through the ground and has absolute power, their thoughts will naturally change. Some people yearn for a simple life, enjoying a meal and a scoop of drinking, while others yearn for power. The power in the world, and Tai Xia, can satisfy these two kinds of people!

If you like plainness, stay in Taixia; if you like power, go to Taihua; if Taixia is boring, go to Taihua to play; if Taihua is boring, go back to Taixia to live!

Of course, all of this is only aimed at the powerhouses. As for the others, Taixia and Taihua are still two countries in a sense.

"What you said, Taixia also has, or even more, and Taixia's environment is more comfortable."

After thinking for a moment, Lin Xuan shook his head and rejected Superman's solicitation, even if the other party offered a "temptation" to engage in scientific research together... To be honest, what is the attraction of Lin Xuan's failure to get this point?

"Well, it's a pity, I'm really optimistic about you!"

Hiss~, inexplicably, Lin Xuan's back is cold, and being targeted by an invincible strong man is not a good thing, maybe it's time to learn the many life-saving supernatural powers among the Tiangang supernatural powers, The fetus is easily transformed into a shape, the flying body holds the trace, and it stands upright without a shadow...

Lin Xuan was vigilant in his heart, and then thought for a while. He probably won't be out of Taixia in the near future, um, so he can relax for the time being.

"Thank you Superman for the wrong love!"

Lin Xuan smiled and shook his head, Superman thinks too much, he is not an ordinary powerhouse, but the husband of the undead Minghuang, the bearer of the cauldron in the new era, the emperor of the Xia Dynasty in the wild world, Taixia and the Dragon Clan The middleman who formed the alliance, once he leaves Tai Xia, it will definitely be a huge loss for Tai Xia.

"I'm going to see Xidu, are you going?"

With the distance of the two of them, they visited the huge imperial capital in half a day. At this time, Superman proposed to go to the Western Capital. Lin Xuan raised his eyebrows. At this time, he could not go to the Western Capital. Naturally, he shook his head. Refused, notified Taixia officials and asked them to find someone else to accompany Superman.

Superman's ears moved slightly, as if he was listening to someone. His stomach made a slight noise, which seemed to be ventriloquism... Lin Xuan's perception was sharp, but he was definitely not as good as Superman. Know.


The ventriloquism's voice was still noticed by Lin Xuan, and he asked a little strangely, because he liked to be fine, although he no longer needed to eat three meals a day, but this habit has been maintained, so this is also a subconscious thought, Superman is hungry...

Eat when you are hungry. Lin Xuan took Superman to Qingfeng Xiaozhu, one of the top ten restaurants in the imperial capital, to have a meal before parting. This is also a Taixia tradition.

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