Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 297: Battle of Mageweave Consciousness

Chapter 297 The battle of magic pattern consciousness (please support!!!)

Lin Xuan was seriously injured!

But it is not as serious as others imagined. The terrifying fire escape of the earth-level toad immortal really hurt Lin Xuan, but he has the golden crow magic pattern and the original artifact, the Leviathan armor, the glass body, the only specialty, the innate body, etc. With the blessings of many magic resistance armors, Lin Xuan's injuries were really limited.

It is a moderate and large area burn for ordinary people!

Coupled with the continuous burning of toad oil, there is indeed a danger to life, but Lin Xuan himself is not without any means of self-healing. Endless vitality is pouring up from the earth, and between damage and recovery, it has reached a subtle level. balance.

Fortunately, the King of Stars came in time, deterred the toad fairy, and helped Lin Xuan to resist the vacuum breaking jade that he needed later, and then a Haoyue spear began to heal Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan started to recover!

But an accident happened unexpectedly.

In addition to being extremely easy to burn, toad oil is also a must-have item for cultivating immortality in the Holy Land of Miaomu Mountain. It can easily sense natural energy through it.

Toad Immortal's plan to use this move to kill Lin Xuan and others is also well thought out. Toad oil can give Huo Dun a terrifying blessing, and its power will increase exponentially, but if such a powerful Huo Dun can't solve Lin Xuan, then it is not yet. The burning toad oil will play a second role, helping Lin Xuan sense natural energy!

This is not because it kindly helps Lin Xuan learn immortality, but it wants to turn Lin Xuan into a toad statue. Once Lin Xuan cannot control the natural energy that enters his body, the huge out-of-control natural energy will turn Lin Xuan into a toad statue. Making a toad statue also achieved the purpose of killing!

But this is an unforeseen consequence after all. What if Lin Xuan's talent is very talented and completes the practice of immortal art for the first time?

Fortunately, nothing like this happened this time. Lin Xuan did not complete the cultivation of immortality, and of course, he did not turn into a statue of a toad.

Because these toad oils have been absorbed by the Golden Crow Magic Pattern!

An accident occurred, and the consciousness of the golden crow's magic pattern was awakened!

In the space of the sea of ​​consciousness, Lin Xuan, who is in the shape of a dragon head, sits in the center of the sea of ​​consciousness, and a terrifying three-legged golden crow slowly enters into it, his tyrannical eyes, and endless golden flames burning all over his body, strange three-legged, like this Looking at it, it was as if a sun had entered Lin Xuan's sea of ​​consciousness.

Hot, scorching, unsightly!

"You, turn into a Golden Crow!"

As soon as it came, the three-legged Golden Crow let out a terrifying cry. Lin Xuan knew what it meant, but it was a pity that it was difficult to obey!

This is a battle of fate. Originally, Lin Xuan wanted to delay this battle for a while, at least after the National High School League next year, before going to Xiaotianguo and slaughtering endless 8 million ghosts and gods. Forge your own soul-killing skills.

But now, the earth-level soul-killing power is only nine layers, which is not too good for the three-legged Golden Crow with the Xuan-level rank, the earth-level power, and the origin of the heaven-level.

It can only be said that Lin Xuan has tried his best to overestimate the Three-legged Golden Crow, but he did not expect to underestimate its power.

However, in this battle, Lin Xuan must win!

With a grab with his left hand, the "Wall of Sigh" shield appeared in his hand, and with a squeeze of his right hand, the "Dragon Sparrow's Injury" long knife was tightly held in his right hand.

The wall of sighs shone with four stars, and the power of killing the soul of the dragon sparrow's wound was shining brightly, overshadowing all the brilliance, and the three-color pattern on Lin Xuan's dragon head flashed, fused with bloodline armed, candle The dragon and the original artifact, the Leviathan Armor were fused together, and a set of ferocious and terrifying soul armor covered Lin Xuan.

The three-legged Golden Crow looked down at Lin Xuan, who was fully armed, his tyrannical eyes were full of jokes, "Do you think you can resist me like this?"

Although it is not a complete three-legged golden crow, it does not even inherit the memory of the three-legged golden crow, it is just a consciousness born naturally, but its power does come from the three-legged golden crow who is the incarnation of the sun, and it can also be manipulated, which is enough.

A mere mysterious ant, dare not obey its orders and seek death!

For a time, the terrifying Sun Zhenyan spat out of its mouth and shot towards Lin Xuan.


Lin Xuan roared and jumped up, but don't forget, the Golden Crow Demon Mark is still on his body, and the corresponding bonuses are not too small. This is still the strength that Lin Xuan can use, including element affinity. Spend!

A knife slashed the endless Sun Zhenyan, and a shield swiped towards the Three-legged Golden Crow suddenly, but before it hit the opponent, the Three-legged Golden Crow told Lin Xuan why it was called the Three-legged Golden Crow, and the third bird footed from The abdomen stretched out and pressed hard against the shield, Lin Xuan fell down at a faster speed.

"Unfortunate Yin spirits enter the holy catastrophe, open!"

In the sea of ​​consciousness, chains of one hundred perils began to appear, two of them bound the falling Lin Xuan, and the other chains of perils turned into cages, trapping the three-legged Golden Crow.

No, I won't be sleepy for long!

Watching the three-legged Golden Crow continue to spit out the true flames of the sun, and the chain of all hardships is showing signs of melting, this is not very good.

After a while, Lin Xuan made up his mind, entered the cage, and fought against the three-legged Golden Crow!

This is the no way, but it is also the best way. The cage is still a little firm, and the space inside is not very large. This is true for the three-legged Golden Crow, but it is not small for Lin Xuan~ Enough to move around.

Making up his mind, Lin Xuan rushed directly into the cage and slashed the tail of the three-legged Golden Crow with a savage slash. The bird sighed that there was no place for the reincarnation of grains, and this slash was blinded!


Although the Three-legged Golden Crow has the origin of the Heavenly Rank, it is only awakened ahead of time after all, and its origin power is still very weak. Now it has been slashed by Lin Xuan. This sword has a terrifying damage bonus to the spiritual body and an indestructible persistence. Sexual damage effect.

This knife is a good start, but it is also the beginning of a long process. When Lin Xuan used the power of Xuan-level soul-killing to kill the earth-level dragon soul, it was still a scattered dragon soul with no main consciousness, and it would take a long time. The current one, a three-legged golden crow of the origin of the sky, has its own soul consciousness, which is not easy to deal with than the dragon soul.


Lin Xuan's light cocoon has been transferred to the camp. Taixia has arranged for a master at the level of overlord to protect him. Although he doesn't know why the immortal toad on the ground level attacked him, Lin Xuan is not dead, and secondly, it is inevitable. There will be a second sneak attack.

Lin Xuan's information has been passed down from Blue Star. Many of the top powerhouses on the front line have read his information, and they have heard of Lin Xuan's name, but I didn't expect to meet under such circumstances. .

"How is his condition?"

"The body has recovered, but I haven't woken up yet. I think there should be a problem at the soul level!"

"Miaomushan's immortal art should not involve the soul level...I'll go look for it...Hey, the undead Minghuang is coming?!"

"...House grass!"

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