Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 125: wasteland and successor

In the end, the two sisters still rejected Lin Xuan's "kindness" to go to the Xuanjie demon. Lin Zhenyue was afraid that her sister would be in danger, while Lin Zhenxing remembered the last time that Lin Xuan was almost hammered by that warhammer Tyrannosaurus The misery of meatloaf.

"Forget it, forget it, don't do it anymore, be safe. After all, we are only capable people of the yellow level. It's still too reluctant to deal with the big demon."

Lin Zhenxing was like a different person in the wild.

"Okay!" Seeing that the two sisters didn't agree or insist, Lin Xuan still wanted to go head-to-head with the mysterious monster!

This time, the operation was exceptionally smooth. The three-day training in Diyi Township was originally planned, and the set goal was achieved in one day. The three mysterious monsters have been hunted and killed. This is also thanks to Lin Xuan marking the monsters in advance. The location and the adequacy of preliminary work.

Of course, there is also a strong strength, and the beheading of mysterious monsters has been completed in a short period of time!

This is also something that Lin Xuan did not expect in this operation, but it is a good thing after all!

After thinking about it again and again, Lin Xuan decided to follow the original plan to practice in Diyi Town for three days, and then move to another third-tier city to open up the wasteland. main purpose.

In the evening, go to the bonfire party together, step on the box and drink, and make a big mouthful of skewers, so that the two girls can't stand it!

Oh, this is unbearable!

After eating and drinking, he came to the underground town with the spoils of three mysterious monsters. Now he will give the two sisters the truth of "Gou Dao" that he escaped from the demon king of the underground level, without asking them to Become the undead, but I also hope that they will have one more choice when they face a desperate situation!

Aiming point teleportation, dungeon shelter, fox fake tiger power, clone to attract the enemy, lock blood to fight back... The combination of a set of skill cards caught the eyes of the two sisters, but I didn't expect a combination of sparse and ordinary spicy chicken cards. It's really interesting to be so fierce!

In the next two days, Lin Xuan and the two sisters ran all over the outer central area. They did not dare to go to the outer area. Who knew if they would encounter some wandering demon kings.

He hammered to death two mid-level mysterious monsters, and this time, the Diyi Township experience was successfully completed.

This time, the experience went smoothly without any disturbances. Lin Xuan didn't think it was a good thing. On the contrary, he was more willing to meet a few short-sighted provocations, something happened, and he could teach the two sisters a lesson.

Forget it!

I got on the plane and flew directly to the pre-booked third-tier cities. I didn’t feel it at first, but when I got to the city, the kind of Chinese New Year atmosphere like Dongning came to my face. Every household hung up red lanterns and said goodbye to old peach symbols .

There is no such situation in the emperor, and it may have been like this before, but I don't know when the taste of the Chinese New Year has become less and less in the big cities.

They didn't stay too much in the urban area. These days, they will be sleeping in the wild. The third-tier cities are different from the imperial capital. There are no small towns that are vaguely connected to form a line of defense. He has only one hunter town, and this one. The town is not far from the city, it is equivalent to nothing.

So, this time, it's wild camping.

There are a lot of wild monsters here, although most of them are small monsters of the yellow rank, but it also makes Lin Xuan feel irritable, and he is ready to clean up this area.

Tianlong Chan Chan + Taunt + Sonic Vibration!

The range of taunting skills has been expanded infinitely. In an instant, those who have already slept, those who have not slept, those who are hungry, and those who have just eaten, all swarmed out in a swarm, screaming noisy and uneasy, but their bodies were involuntarily He ran in the direction of Lin Xuan.

The beast tide alarm suddenly sounded in the city, and it was upgraded from the third level to the second level, and then to the first level, and even finally reached the super-level faintly, which alarmed the strong people who were sitting in the city.

"Who just put it here... eh, teacher, why are you here?"

The chief was stopped by his teacher before he could go far, and then the two of them saw an extremely **** twilight. Lin Xuan went to the meeting and entered the endless tide of beasts. Long Yin, Xiang Ming, Huo Guang, The wind, the earthquake, the light that flashes from time to time.

After a long time, everything calmed down.

Countless wild monster corpses piled up into mountains, and many places were still burning with raging fire.

With Lin Xuan as the center, there are probably no more yellow-ranked monsters within a hundred miles. Two or three mysterious-ranked monsters have also arrived this time, and they have been dealt with together.

With the wind and rain, the unpleasant smell was blown away, and the bloodstains on the ground were washed away, and this battle came to an end.

"Teacher, this, this is the main force of this year's school team? That's enough!"

"No, he's a freshman in high school!"


I don't know that there are two big bosses in the dark who are judging him, but soon, a line of guards walked out of the city. There was no imaginary scene of beasts galloping, and some were just a battlefield that had ended the battle!

It's so terrifying, which demon king is eating?

Hey, why are there three little guys who are fighting in the field here, but luckily they didn't die...

Afterwards, the officer who understood what had happened stood there, unable to speak for a long time, looking at the corpses of wild monsters in an unknown number, his heart was full of excitement, this is the future pillar of my Taixia? !

Carloads of wild monsters were pulled back to the city. Except for the magic core, the other materials, animal meat, was even a New Year’s gift from Lin Xuan to the city. As for the sales money, part of it was handed over to the orphanage in Dongning City. , and the other part is reserved for the city's New Year's, I hope they are happy!

The land reclamation dungeon ended very quickly. There were no powerful wild monsters nearby, so naturally there would not be any powerful dungeons. Yan Yan single-handedly swept through the three yellow-order dungeons, completely ending this dungeon reclamation journey.

I wanted to go back to the imperial capital directly, but the guards here were too polite, they just made a table of good dishes, greeted the three, and thanked Lin Xuan for his "full help" during the banquet.

The ground level only protects the city from the invasion of the ground level demon king. Unless the siege of the wild monsters is at a critical moment, they will not take action at all, and Xuanjie, this city does not have it, so their defense is under great pressure.

You must know that Taixia's city level has relevant regulations. If you call for help in a higher-level city for more than a certain number of times within ten years, the level of the first-level city will be automatically lowered, or the city's establishment will be directly cancelled. One is related to resource inclination, and the other One is that many people will be displaced from their homes.

Lin Xuan can be regarded as giving them another wave of life in this city!

The next day, Lin Xuan and the others returned to the imperial capital, ending this experience.

It was on this day that the three of them learned that the Emperor One Dragon Tiger Billboard was updated in real time, and their Xingyue Squad ranked first with the record of three mysterious mid-level monsters!

And Lin Xuan temporarily ranked first in the dragon and tiger with the record of three mysterious monsters!

Although it is temporary, countless Diyi students cheered for it, including senior sophomores, who said, "Diyi legend, there are people who have successors!"

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