"He doesn't seem to understand, Yan'er, I'll tell you later."

Lin Bai breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the boss stop talking. If the meaning of the lotus lanterns affected Su Qiyan's emotions again, he would feel distressed when she looked sad.

Bai's voice came from behind, and Su Qiyan was a little puzzled. Since he was the boss who sold lotus lanterns, how could he not know even the most basic meaning.

But after hearing Lin Bai say that he knew, he stopped dwelling on it.

Just as he was about to take out spirit stones from the storage ring to pay the bill, Lin Bai took out several first and threw them in the direction of the boss, who quickly took them.

The lotus lantern only required five spirit stones, but Lin Bai threw him at least eight or nine.

When he looked up, he saw Lin Bai nodded to him gently, thanked him and put the spirit stones into his pocket.

"Yan'er, let's go."

In order not to affect Su Qiyan's emotions, Lin Bai could only use his breath to lock him, and the extra spirit stones were to express his apology.

After all, the other party was just an ordinary vendor, and there was no conflict between them.

Reaching out and hugging Su Qiyan's shoulders, the two gradually moved away from the stall and returned to the lake.

"Xiaobai, what is the meaning of the lotus lantern?"

Driving the spiritual energy, Su Qiyan lit the wick. It was called a wick, but it was actually a small candle in the center of the lotus lantern.

As the flames rose, the swaying light reflected the entire lotus lantern in a transparent and slightly pink color, which looked no different from a real lotus.


Lin Bai scratched his head, thinking about another meaning of the lotus lantern, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"In fact, it is similar to the meaning of the moon god, and it is also a wish."

"Write your wishes on the river lantern and send it into the river. For the Moon Festival, releasing the river lantern is to express..."

Lin Bai stopped before he finished speaking. He felt that this was the same as mourning for the deceased relatives, but it became a feeling of missing relatives and hometown.

"Express what?"

Su Qiyan was listening seriously, but Lin Bai suddenly stopped talking, with an urging look on his face and curiosity in his eyes.


After coughing twice, Lin Bai changed his tone and continued:

"Putting river lanterns is to express the feelings and emotions in your heart. Whether it is friends, relatives, or Taoist partners, they can deepen their feelings for each other through lotus lanterns."

After saying this, Lin Bai didn't know what he had just said. He said whatever he thought of, even friends, relatives, and Taoist partners.

"Then let's send it into the lake together."

First, according to what Lin Bai said, he carved a few small words on the petals of the lotus lantern. The latter leaned over to look at it, but was stopped by Su Qiyan.

"You are not allowed to look!"

With a little bit of coquettishness, Lin Bai had to suppress his curiosity, turned his head aside and stopped looking, and at the same time was somewhat glad that Yan'er believed what he said just now.

After a moment, Su Qiyan was smiling, holding the lotus lantern in one hand and holding Lin Bai's arm with the other hand.

"Yan'er, what did you write?"


With a mysterious smile, Su Qiyan pulled Lin Bai to squat by the lake and put the lotus lantern in her palm into the lake.

The lake water moved slowly, and the ripples carried the lotus lantern gradually drifting away. Su Qiyan kept looking at it.

Lin Bai squatted beside her, hugged Su Qiyan's shoulders, and gently moved her scattered long hair.

At this time, he could definitely feel that Su Qiyan's happy mood was infected by her smile, and a smile also appeared on Lin Bai's face.

Above the sky, the avenue was running, and no one noticed it, including Lin Bai. A trace of the power of the avenue slowly merged into the lotus lantern that Su Qiyan had just put into the lake.

In a vague space, this is Lin Bai's consciousness space. It seems that he sensed the flow of the avenue in the outside world, and his two eyes slowly opened.

"Is it approved by the Heavenly Dao?"

The voice of the system, without any emotion, suddenly sounded, but soon it closed its eyes again.

Coming to the outside world, Su Qiyan stood up first. There were no more people around, and he looked down at Lin Bai.

"Xiaobai, let's go back."

After hearing Su Qiyan's words, Lin Bai glanced around and nodded.


Standing up and stretching, Lin Bai took Su Qiyan's slender hand again, and the two walked towards the direction of Qiushui Inn.

Time passed slowly, and as the last person on the lakeshore left, the place fell into silence, with only the autumn wind blowing from time to time, and the withered yellow leaves gradually drifting in the lake.


A figure suddenly appeared above the lake. He closed his eyes first, as if he was exploring something, and soon locked onto a lotus lantern that was flashing a faint light in the lake.

"Strange, the power of the Great Dao, whyWill it condense on this ordinary lotus lantern? "

There was doubt in his tone. If Lin Bai was still here, he would definitely recognize this old man. It was the shadow of the old man he met in the Cangming Secret Realm.

Reaching out his hand to pull the lotus lantern into his hand, the old man couldn't help but shook his head and laughed after seeing the beautiful handwriting engraved on the petals.

"This boy and that girl are really two lovers."

On several petals, there were several words engraved, connected together:

[Always be with Xiaobai]

"Since you recognize it, then I won't say much."

The old man looked up at the sky, the stars were twinkling, and a bright meteor passed by, as if responding.

"I may not be able to get away in the near future, those things are getting tighter and tighter. "

After saying this, he put the lotus lantern back into the lake, his figure gradually disappeared, and the road returned to calm.

Only the lotus lantern in the middle of the lake remained, the flame flickering, flickering, and rippling alone along the ripples.

When they came to Lin Bai, they had already returned to Qiushui Inn and walked into the room.

"Yan'er, I'm curious, what did you write on the lotus lantern?"

All along the way, Lin Bai was thinking, but he couldn't figure it out. With Su Qiyan's temperament, it wouldn't be surprising no matter what she wrote.

"It's a secret, and it's also a wish. If the wish is spoken out, it won't work."

Shaking her head, Su Qiyan still didn't say what she had carved on the lotus lantern.

As soon as these words came out, Lin Bai's heart itched like a cat scratching. What on earth was written that was so mysterious?

"Xiaobai, I'm sleepy. "

After saying that, Su Qiyan crawled into his arms. Hearing that, Lin Bai stopped worrying. No matter what it was, Yan'er's wish could only be related to him.

Thinking of this, Lin Bai directly hugged Su Qiyan in his arms like a princess and turned to walk towards the bed.

"Go to sleep."

First, he put her on the bed, and Lin Bai followed closely and lay on his side beside Su Qiyan.

"A kiss before going to bed?"

In the dim room, Lin Bai's voice sounded. Su Qiyan had just closed her eyes in his arms, and then slowly opened them again.


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