Turning his head to look at the others, Lin Bai slashed out with his sword. No matter how they tried to escape, they could not escape the power of his sword.

While retracting his sword, Lin Bai released the Chaos Heaven Body and exhaled lightly.

This time his body did not change, he just transformed the spiritual energy in his dantian into the power of chaos.

In addition, he used the holy item Canghai Sword, which did not consume much of his own energy.

"Xiaobai, you shouldn't have killed him."

With a bitter smile, Su Qiyan walked to his side.

"Why, do you know this Emperor Wu?"

Hearing Lin Bai's words, she nodded, and thinking of the other party's power, she felt a headache.

"One of the ancient families, the Wu family, has three great emperors in charge."

"Wuling's grandfather, that is, the Emperor Wu, is also the current head of the Wu family."

"It is rumored that he has the strength of the third level of the Great Emperor."

Hearing this, Lin Bai was also shocked. How strong must a family with three Great Emperors be?

However, in order to let the empress obtain the inheritance in the temple, Lin Bai felt that it was not a loss to kill him.

"It's okay. Who doesn't have a few enemies when walking in the rivers and lakes?"

With a relaxed smile, Lin Bai touched Su Qiyan's head.

His expression seemed free and easy, but in fact, he had already begun to calculate how to deal with it.

Compared with the Great Emperor, his current strength is like a firefly competing with the bright moon. There is no chance of winning.

But now they are in the secret realm, and everyone is in a state of imprisoned spiritual energy.

Lin Bai guessed that even if the Martial Emperor was stronger, his physical cultivation would be at best at the Saint Beginning Realm.

If he tried his best, he would be sure to kill him.

"Be careful."

Su Qiyan knew his strength. The clone that Lin Bai released casually before had the cultivation of a high-level Great Emperor.

To be called high-level, the cultivation must be at least the sixth level of the Great Emperor. With Lin Bai's strength, it is normal that he is not afraid of the ancient family.

[Host gets a pursuit value of 1806]

What the hell?

Lin Bai was shocked and turned around to look around. There were only two of them left, so the only one who could contribute to the admiration was the Empress.

And he was so adoring that he couldn't express it in words. Lin Bai brushed his long hair between his eyebrows.

There was no way. The Empress was too strong and too handsome.

Arriving in front of the temple, Su Qiyan jumped and placed the core in the groove.


The moment the core was reset, the pattern on the door of the temple flashed a dazzling light.

The long-sealed door rumbled, and the "click" sound of the mechanism could be heard faintly.

Lin Bai caught Su Qiyan who had fallen down in his arms and looked at the door that slowly opened.

The yellow sand was flying all over the sky, wrapping the figures of the two in it.

"Go in."

Lin Bai took Su Qiyan's hand, and the two walked into the opened hall.

Turning his head to look behind him, after they entered, the door of the temple closed again.

"It can be considered as saving some trouble."

Lin Bai murmured in a low voice. Although most people didn't know where the temple was, some lucky people would find it by accident.

Now that the door of the temple was closed as the two entered, they could block the people who came to the temple from the outside world.

"Can you let me go?"

Lin Bai had been holding her hand, and Su Qiyan couldn't move forward to explore.

"No, just follow me."

Turning around and patting her head, Lin Bai smiled evilly, and then looked at the scene in the palace.

His words made Su Qiyan snort coldly, and she turned her head and began to scan the surroundings.

There were several night pearls inlaid on the top of her head, and the light was not too dim.

A few hundred steps away from them was the center of the temple, where a stone pillar stood.

"Where is the inheritance?"

Looking around, except for the stone pillar in the center of the hall, which was a bit abrupt, there were only a few rooms.

The two of them came to the stone pillar one after the other. Lin Bai found that it was only three meters tall, and there were also mysterious patterns carved on it.

He reached out and touched it, and the smooth touch was transmitted to his fingertips. Apart from that, there was no other feeling.

"There seems to be writing over there."

At this moment, Su Qiyan, who was standing behind him, suddenly spoke.

Lin Bai turned his head and saw that there were indeed many words carved on a vertical stone wall.

After finding that he only needed to use all his strength to hit the stone pillar, Su Qiyan hurriedly wanted to try forward.

"Wait a minute."

As soon as he took a step, Lin Bai used force in his palm to pull it back, and pulled the veil off her cheek.


Su Qiyan touched her cheek with her other hand, and looked at Lin Bai with puzzled eyes.

The latter chuckled, gently pulled, and hugged her waist.

"After breaking through the saint's physique, you and I have equal strength."

"If I want to hug you, you will definitely push me away."

"So, I want to hug you enough before that."

Hearing this, Su Qiyan's face flushed. She didn't expect Lin Bai to suddenly embrace her.

"Then you can't be so sudden..."

"At least tell me first."

Hearing the mosquito-like voice of the empress, Lin Bai's arms around her waist slightly exerted force.

A soft touch came from his chest, and smelling the faint fragrance from the tip of his nose, Lin Bai couldn't help but lower his head and gently touch Su Qiyan's cheek.

"Don't kiss, your saliva is left on my face!"

Su Qiyan patted his back, and Lin Bai moved his lips away with reluctance.

"Go, after accepting the inheritance, your physical realm will be the same as mine. "

Releasing her arm, Su Qiyan reached out to wipe the saliva on her left cheek and glared at him fiercely.

Turning around to calm down her shame and anger, she exhaled lightly.

At the same time, she began to get excited. When she also reached the physique of a saint.

If Lin Bai wanted to tease her again in this secret realm, she would have the strength to resist.

Thinking of this, Su Qiyan took three or two steps to the stone pillar, concentrated all her strength into her fist, and suddenly blasted it out.

"Bang! "

A muffled sound was heard, and a few words lit up on the stone pillar.

[Physical Fitness Level 100]

It was Su Qiyan's physical fitness level, and then a ray of light suddenly lit up, covering her figure.

The empress instantly felt that her physical fitness was rapidly improving under the bathing of this light.

The tingling feeling spread throughout her body. Although the improvement was very slow, if she continued like this, she would be able to reach the physique of a saint within three hours.

Lin Bai saw Su Qiyan sitting cross-legged on the ground, looking at the room not far away, intending to go in and take a look.

Maybe there are other treasures besides the inheritance.

Unfortunately, he made a mistake. As one room was empty, two rooms were empty, and there was only one room left beside Lin Bai that he had not entered.

"It shouldn't be. How can such a large temple only have the inheritance of strengthening the physical fitness? "

With a frown on his face, he walked into the last room without much hope.

Sure enough, it was still empty, nothing there. Lin Bai turned around and left the room in disappointment.

He walked to the stone pillar again, checked around Su Qiyan, and suddenly found that there seemed to be a parchment scroll on the top of the stone pillar.

"What is that?"

When he entered the hall, he was only looking for the inheritance, and did not observe carefully.

With a light jump, Lin Bai took the parchment scroll from the top of the stone pillar, came to the side and looked down.


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