"That's right."

Nodding gently, Lin Bai's face reappeared a smile.

Just as his wife said, whether it is the old man or the way of heaven, there must be some tricks in the bottom of the box.

"Wife, take a rest when you are tired, let your husband stretch his muscles."

Pinching Su Qiyan's face, Lin Bai watched her kill the demons one after another, and suddenly felt itchy.

"Husband, you still need to save your strength. The great terror of the Fallen Sea Relics, if it is really as powerful as recorded in ancient books, you still need to take action."

Thinking of the things sealed in the Fallen Sea Relics, the smile on Su Qiyan's pretty face disappeared.

Instead, she became a little worried. The final battle must be ended by her husband.

She was afraid that Lin Bai would be injured.

Even if it was a small injury, she felt distressed.

"Don't worry, your husband is sure."

Lin Bai smiled comfortingly when he noticed the worry on Su Qiyan's face.

Although it is unknown how strong the sealed thing in the Fallen Sea Relic is, Lin Bai guessed that no matter how strong it is, it should not exceed the Immortal Realm by much.

After all, the suppression of the will of heaven and earth is here.

If it is too strong, it will definitely be expelled.

"This area has been cleaned up almost."

"Just now I felt that the formation of the sect was triggered. I am worried that the Tianzi Holy Palace is also being attacked by the demons."

"Husband, let's go back first."

After hearing Lin Bai's comforting words, she nodded first, then scanned the surroundings and saw that there were no living creatures around.

Then she looked back in the direction of the Tianzi Holy Palace.

The space cracks leading to the spiritual essence of the demons are everywhere, and it is unknown how many people have died now.

The Tianzi Holy Palace is their foundation. If it is destroyed, Su Qiyan will definitely feel uncomfortable for a while.

"Okay, but you don't have to worry, my lady."

"I have set up five or six god-level formations in the Tianzi Saint Palace. Even if you enter the fairyland, it will take some time to break through."

A few months ago, Lin Bai had replaced all the Tianzi Saint Palace with god-level formations.

He has mastered the master-level formations, so it would be a waste if he didn't use them.

Moreover, the chaos power consumed by setting up the formation is not much, and it would be a bit troublesome to pull the formation stones to the sky.


Su Qiyan nodded, believing in her husband's words.

But the most important thing at the moment is to wipe out the demons outside the Tianzi Saint Palace.

Only then can we eliminate the trouble forever.

"Let's go."

The two figures disappeared instantly, leaving only Lin Bai's words gradually floating out.

Tianzi Saint Palace.

The disciples in the sect were standing behind the light curtains at this time, looking at the countless figures outside with horror on their faces.

"Oh my god, what the hell are these things!?"

"They, they are attacking the formation, are we going to die?"

A timid girl, tears gathered in her eyes and slid down her cheeks.

"Bullshit, this is the formation set up by Master Lin Feng, how can it be easily broken!"

However, as soon as the girl finished speaking, she was hit on the head by the male disciple next to her, and scolded in an unquestionable voice.

Mo Yunfeng stood on the top of a tree, his face a little solemn.

"Liu Muyun, you have to be careful..."

Tian Zi Sheng Palace has a protective formation set up by Master Lin Feng, but Liu Muyun's sect does not have it.

There are all these blood demons nearby, even if he wants to go out to find Liu Muyun, he will be torn to pieces by them the next moment.

He can only stand on the tree, looking at the scene outside, holding the tree trunk beside him tightly and anxiously.

"Speaking of which, why are there only three monsters? Where are our Master Lin Feng and the Empress?"

Just then, a voice suddenly sounded, and everyone reacted.

Since these monsters arrived, Master Lin Feng and the Empress have not been seen.

Only three figures are standing in the sky, Xiaofeng and his group.

"I can't see through the strength of these blood demons, and each of them can bring me the breath of death."

"Can you feel it?"

Xiaofeng stood in the middle, without turning his head, his face was full of heavy, and asked Xiaohu and Xiaolang.

"Me too, I have only felt this feeling in Master Lin."

Xiaohu nodded, his face was no different from Xiaofeng's.

Xiaolang stood on the far left and said:

"Me too!"

As for the senior officials of Tianzi Shenggong, they were managing the order of those chaotic disciples, and turned their heads from time to time to look outside Tianzi Shenggong.

Fearing that the formation would be broken.

"Wait, it's raining?"

"No, the rain is actually red!?"

"The emperor fell, or something else?"

Seeing the blood rain falling on the formation, the crowd suddenly felt a tremor.

Only when the emperor falls will the blood rain fall.

Apart from this, there is no other thing that can cause the blood rain to appear.

""Swish, swish, swish!"

At this moment, the blood demon outside was falling rapidly.

At the same time, a strong momentum spread, and all the demons wrapped in front of the formation fell to the ground.

"Look, it's Master Lin Feng and the Queen Mother who are back!"

Almost everyone saw Lin Bai and Su Qiyan holding each other's hands, and Su Qiyan was holding a person in her hand.

"Fuck, our Queen Mother is so strong, she didn't even raise her hand, and killed them all with just her breath?"

Some people exclaimed, some people were shocked, only the old man Luo from Ba Dao Peak shrank his neck secretly.

He was most familiar with the breath on Su Qiyan's body.

It was because he was wrapped in this breath for two days and two nights, and his five senses were lost.

"Who is the person in the Queen Mother's hand?"

"I don't know, she lowered her head now, as if she had never seen it before. "

As the blood demons were all killed, the disciples' attention was attracted by the figure in Su Qiyan's hand.

When Mo Yunfeng saw the familiar figure, he was relieved.

Then he flew up quickly and came to Lin Bai and the others.

"Yunfeng, we rescued her halfway, you take care of her first."

Seeing Mo Yunfeng coming, Lin Bai looked at Liu Muyun in his wife's hand.

Su Qiyan moved slowly and handed her to Mo Yunfeng's arms.

"Thank you, Master Lin Feng, thank you, Queen."

Realizing that Liu Muyun was just unconscious and not seriously injured, Mo Yunfeng hugged him and bowed repeatedly to thank him.

"No need to be like this, as a member of the sect, we are all family."

First smiled lightly, then Lin Bai's face became heavy and patted Mo Yunfeng on the shoulder.

"No one in her sect survived. When we found her, we were a hundred miles away from Tianxin Sect. "

"When she wakes up, you must comfort her."

When Liu Muyun was found, she was surrounded by several demons.

One of them almost cut her throat with his claws, but Lin Bai acted in time to save her.

Liu Muyun was also too frightened and fainted, and was finally brought back by Su Qiyan.

"Got it."

Bowed deeply again, no matter what, as long as Liu Muyun was not injured, it was fine.

Turning around and carrying her into his own courtyard, Mo Yunfeng put her on the bed and exhaled heavily.


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