Almighty Leveling System

Chapter 759: Wu Dingke

However, no one answered his words, and then shouted again, but still no one answered his words, which made him very depressed.

But at this time, I heard a faint sound from the next room.

"Hmm ..."

Lu Shan was shocked. The sound was like someone was tinkering with something, but he shouted for a long time. Why didn't anyone answer his own words?

I could not help looking at the next room. There was no door in this room, but there was a curtain covering it. Lu Shan slowly came to the bad side and found that the light inside was very dark through the gap in the curtain.

This made him murmur a little, why wasn't the light turned on in the room during the daytime, and there was still someone tinkering with it, and he shouted several times, but no one responded, and it gave him a dark feeling.

"Did you come to a black shop by yourself?"

Lu Shan's mind suddenly came up with such an idea. Although he didn't worry about what the people here would do to him, he could bring Chen Ling himself.

Thinking of this, turning his head and preparing to leave. But at this moment, a hoarse voice came out of the room.

"Now come, come in!"

This sound is like the sound of metal friction, making people hear the scalp tingling. Through the odor coming from the air, Lu Shan can clearly distinguish it. The smell is mixed with blood, which makes his heart even more. There was some uneasiness.

However, it seems that the other party has found his arrival, so he did not cover up any more, just opened the curtain and walked in.

What came into my eyes was a room of more than 20 square meters. There was a dim electric light on the top of the room, and there were shelves around it, and even the windows were blindly dead. No light could penetrate into it.

In the middle of the room, a skinny old man was sitting on a low bench, and in front of him there was something he hadn't seen before, this thing looked like a deeper barrel at the bottom.

However, the material was made of stone. The old man was holding a mallet in his hand, and was constantly pounding toward the thing in front of him.

Lu Shan finally understood and understood that the gurgling voice came from there, but he didn't know what the old man was doing.

But when he saw something on the small shelf beside the old man, he felt a kind of nausea immediately, because it was a transparent glass bottle, and some bottles were red liquid inside.

There are some animals' internal organs in the bottles, and the **** smell in the air is the liquid in the red bottle, which should be the blood of some kind of animal.

"Old man ... you ... what are you doing?"

Lu Shan was stunned, and couldn't help but stand at the door and asked, he didn't go any further. Although she was not afraid of the old man, this environment made the average person creepy.

The old man slowly raised his head, his thin body was like a skull frame, his two eyes were deeply sunken into it. In this dim environment, it was a sudden look, as if he saw a skull bone.

Lu Shan took a breath, and the old man raised his dry right hand, pointed at the thing in front of him, and said, "I'm preparing a potion." Then he slowly stood up from the ground with a black pestle in his hand. Walking stick slowly walking towards Lu Shan.

Lu Shan quickly lifted the curtain. He didn't want to continue to communicate with the old man in this room. If he were to be an ordinary person, I would have been scared to death for a long time.

However, due to politeness, he did not lower the curtain, but waited for the old man to slowly come to the living room.

The old man glanced at the girl lying on the stool and turned to look at Lu Shan. "This girl has been possessed by evil spirits, it is an ominous sign! Take me away quickly!"

After saying this, he let Lu Shan take the girl away quickly. Lu Shan was very depressed. The other party asked nothing, and said that Chen Lin was possessed by something evil. What the hell?

"Old man, I don't quite understand what you said? My friend is just weak and I want to take a break here. I hope your old man will be convenient for a second or two!"

Although there is dissatisfaction in the heart, there must be respect for the elderly, not to mention that there is a demand for others now. But what was unexpected was that after his voice fell, the old man suddenly said with a smile:

"I can foresee your future, as well as the future of all the people I've met. So I can conclude that this girl will bring you ominous signs!"

The monk Lu Shanzhang had no idea what he was talking about, what he could foresee his future, and the future of all the people he had seen.

What makes him even more strange is that the old man even spoke to him in Chinese. It seems that the old man was also a learned person, but he ignored his problems, which really made him feel depressed.

Isn't he a clear priest about what kind of past and future is, than this old man?

When he thought of this, he suddenly thought of one thing. In this country in Myanmar, there is a belief in the existence of witch gods, which is usually called the sorcerer in our mouths. The words immediately determined the identity of the other party.

"Your old man is a wizard?"

Lu Shan frowned and asked the old man.

"I'm Wu Dingke, the witch god. You should leave with your friends, and finally advise you to say a word, it is best to go all the way after going out!"

The old man said blankly to Lu Shan. Lu Shan didn't understand why the old man said so, but there was no way to communicate when he saw him like that.

In the end, Chen Ling, who was lying on a long bench, walked out of the hall of the tile house. When he came outside, he looked back at the old man unwillingly.

At this time, an ordinary off-road vehicle quickly stopped beside the clinic and got off four people from the vehicle.

These people wore lighter casual clothes, panic-looking faces, and carried light submachine guns on their backs.

Lu Shan's heart was startled, and he wanted to run away with Chen Ling. He thought it was from General Wu Gang, but soon discovered that these people did not bother him at all, but opened the back door of the off-road vehicle , Carry a stretcher out of it.

A young woman in casual clothes was lying on the stretcher, but because her hair was covering her face, she could not see her face, but her hands were stained with blood, and there was some blood on her clothing.

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