Almighty Leveling System

Chapter 479: Airflow sensing

Inside the gangway behind the secret door ... The high team in white coats that appeared in the video just now, and four militants in camouflage uniforms stood there quietly, waiting for all the secret doors to rise Then they came out with a stern face ...

As soon as the five people stepped out of the martyrdom, Lu Shan, who had been waiting for a long time, fluttered into shape and quietly got into the martyrdom from their side. Speeded up and went all the way to the depths of the martyrdom.

The four militants who came out with the high team were distinctly unusual, especially one of them with a beard and a face. When Lu Shan got into the martyrdom, he shook his body suddenly, Huo Di turned his head toward Look in the martyr ...

At the same time, the guy took the automatic rifle on his shoulders and took aim at the direction of the martyr.

Several other people were also taken aback by the beard's move. The other three were all conditioned to take off their guns at the same time, quickly opened the insurance, and aimed the muzzle at the martyr.

Lu Shan, who had just sneaked into the martyrdom and was not ten meters away, was so scared that the soul almost flew out. He hurriedly stopped, and even the atmosphere didn't dare to breathe again. Not only did he temporarily stop breathing, even his heartbeat was also taken by him Suppressed as if it stopped beating.

He can't help but not be afraid! After all, this martyrdom is only two meters wide in total, and it is bare without any cover. Once the four armed elements use automatic rifles to shoot at the martyrdom, then no matter how flexible his skills are, it is impossible to dodge. Get it.

And once he had a shot in his body ... then it is estimated that he would no longer be able to maintain the status of stealth. It is really going to be the time when ... he is blocked in this martyrdom, isn't it a dead end? Even if he had iron all over his body, he could get a few iron nails! Even if a bullet can only take him more than 20 points of health, but how fast does the automatic rifle bullet fire, four people at the same time holding the automatic rifle and burst a few times at him ... I guess he is still alive The potion can replenish the life value at any time, it is too late, and the life value must be lighted up immediately, and it will be hung up!

If a normal person is in such an extremely tense situation, the heart will beat like a cymbal drum. In a relatively quiet environment, even ordinary people may hear such a sharp heartbeat. Not to mention these are masters with special training at a glance!

Fortunately, Lu Shan not only learned stealth skills, but his stealth skills were up to level 6, so no matter how nervous he was, but with his skills of stealth skills, he strongly suppressed the heart beat, but it was also fundamental. There was no such thing as a heartbeat, let alone that those people were still nearly ten meters away from him. Even if someone really stuck to him, it was impossible to hear his heartbeat.

"What's wrong? Anything?"

Seeing this, the high team turned around quickly and asked warily, "What's the situation?"

The bearded man first shook his head slightly, then closed his eyes ... and even slowly walked a few more steps into the martyrdom, and stayed for a while, less than three meters away from Lu Shan, and then opened. Open your eyes ... Some doubtfully glanced deep into the martyrdom, then turned around and walked out of the martyrdom, and said to the high team: "Nothing ... just now when we came out, I seemed to feel some air flow around me. It ’s not right. Something seems to pass by me, but ... it seems that I sensed it wrong now. If someone had just taken this opportunity to enter the base just now, I wouldn't be able to find it at all. ! "

The high team frowned slightly and said, "Are you sure you are wrong? Is there no one in this martyrdom?"

Bearded hesitated again before he nodded and said, "Yes ... I can be sure! Unless the other person is a ghost, I can't detect a little sign of life!"

"That's good……"

The high team nodded, then waved, and said, "The gates of the base were closed immediately, and then all the field personnel were dispatched ... immediately conduct a thorough search of the entire poppy field ..."


The militants should sing in unison, and then heard the "brush" sound, and the dark door that had just risen slowly fell again.

In the process, Lu Shan had been standing still and he didn't dare to move. When the dark door fell completely, he breathed a sigh of relief, then spread his speed and ran quickly towards the depths of the martyrdom.

Although he had just escaped, he now dare not underestimate these militants! He originally thought that ... these militants, that is, the guns in their hands, could pose some threats to him, but other than that ... these guys were physically worse than him!

But the reality made him soberly realize that ... there are far more capable people in this world than he imagined. He just came out of the group of sneaking skills just now, although ... Certain actions will also cause some turbulence in the airflow, but this turbulence should be very slight. At that time, a group of five people were walking around at the same time. It should be difficult to be affected by such a small fluctuation of airflow caused by Lu Shan. I found it right, but ... the beard must have been spotted!

If not later, Lu Shan stood vigilantly and never dared to move again ... then it is estimated that he would really be stunned by the beard!

That guy's feeling too sensitive! If it was changed to Lu Shan, he would definitely not be able to sense it ... This shows how terrible the beard's perception of airflow is.

Although I haven't seen the other skills of the bearded man, but ... Lu Shan guessed that even if he did not use a firearm, it would definitely be a very difficult character!

After such a delay ... Lu Shan's stealth skills have been launched for about six minutes. Next, he must find Brother Ning and Sister within two minutes, or ... Before his stealth ability expires, he must find a corner in this secret base that cannot be monitored by anyone, and then he can safely wait for the end of the stealth skill cooldown.

However, this martyrdom is surprisingly long, and ... a camera will exist almost every three meters in the martyrdom, so ... once Lu Shan unlocked his stealth skills in this martyrdom If so, I'm afraid it will be completely exposed immediately!

Therefore ... At this time, Lu Shan could only run to the depths of the martyrdom. At this time, he didn't even care if he could make any footsteps because he ran fast, anyway ... The second figure. And even if the people inside the base can hear something through the camera's recording, don't you think that there is really someone running in this lane?

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