Almighty Leveling System

Chapter 476: Can't hold on

After thinking about this, Lu Shan was really crying and laughing ... In fact, this is really just a very simple thing. The key is that he has never really used this stealth skill, so how to play with this thing ... … Is really not familiar with it, and then it suddenly went into a misunderstanding.

Now that he has figured out what is the most reasonable, Lu Shan has no further delay, and then he has launched a third-level stealth skill with a single thought.

With Lu Shan launching his skills, if someone was staring at him at this time, he would find ... Lu Shan's body seemed to be dark all at once.

But this is not the feeling of Lu Shan's clothes or darkening skin, but ... he seems to have become a black hole in the shape of a human, even if the light shines on him, he will be swallowed up. In general, the whole figure of his children suddenly became blurred.

Immediately ... The light around Lu Shan's body was distorted, and then the existence of the black hole suddenly disappeared, and his entire family seemed to be completely non-existent. At this moment, looking at where Lu Shan stood, he would directly look To the scenery behind Lu Shan ...

This is not to say that the whole of Lu Shan and his clothes have become transparent, but when the light hits him, it naturally twists and twists all the way behind him ... When you look at Lu Shan, you can only see the things behind Lu Shan!

Lu Shan didn't quite understand why the light would be distorted when he hit him. This is a very esoteric subject. It is estimated that even if all the optical experts in the world are invited, the principle may not be studied.

Fortunately, he does not have to study and understand this problem. This is like the driver only needs to learn how to drive, and it is not necessary to know how the car was made. As for how to use this stealth skill, Lu Shan only needs to add skill points to this skill icon, and everything is OK!

After completing the invisibility, Lu Shan looked down at his outstretched palm ... He couldn't even see his own hand!

This feeling is really weird, making him difficult to adapt for a while. But ... At this time, he had no time to waste. He hurriedly exhibited the stealth technique at the same time, and then stood up. He drilled out from behind his hidden bushes, and walked along the path along the edge of the sea of ​​flowers toward the mountains. Dash rushed all the way.

Sure enough ... the time he can hide is not much different from the previous estimate, after about eight to nine minutes, he feels a little bit stretched!

This feeling ... It's almost like a sigh of forcibility. When you start to show stealth skills, Lu Shan will feel very relaxed, and over time, he will gradually become more and more difficult, until In the end ... I'm about to break away from the invisible state!

It can be said that he can persist for eight or nine minutes, if it is not absolute ... If he grit his teeth, he must insist for another one and a half minutes, it will not be impossible, but the feeling is too uncomfortable It will make him feel drowsy and his power flow away quickly ... He immediately realized that once he exceeded the time limit for the invisibility skill, it is estimated that he would consume a lot of mental energy and vitality ... if he were I have been so tense, barely keeping myself from being invisible. If it is not possible for a longer period of time, it is possible to choke myself alive!

So Lu Shan didn't mean to force himself. When he felt something was wrong, he immediately separated a lush flower cluster around him, and then quietly drilled into it ...

The flowers are very lush, and Lu Shan's penetration into it will naturally cause the flower branches around him to shake constantly, even if he has the stealth skill, it will not help. When the body touches those flower branches, how will it shake.

So ... even if Lu Shan was willing to crawl into the flowers like a dog and climb all the way, but this caused the flower branches to shake constantly, and it was easy for the surrounding militants responsible for the sentry to find something wrong!

But now he just got into this field of flowers, and then he lay there without moving ... This little shaking in the field of flowers was impossible to attract the attention of others. Even if someone saw it ... I guess I just thought that there was a small animal like a vole passing through the flowers.

As soon as Lu Shan got into the flowers, when he felt that it was impossible for others to see him from the outside, he was immediately relieved from his invisibility, and immediately felt much more relaxed!

Then he called up the upgrade treasure box and checked his status ...

Sure enough, he started to feel dizzy and dizzy, but it only took less than five seconds, but he found that the short time of just five seconds turned out to be His health dropped by more than thirty points, and his mental value dropped by a dozen points.

Seeing this result, Lu Shan could not help taking a sigh of relief ... It seems that once the time limit for invisibility has been reached, but it must not be forgotten! Otherwise, the price is really scary ... He estimates that depending on his current physical fitness, he can only support it for more than a minute, and he must hang up directly!

Fortunately, he also has life potions and psychotropic potions that can be used to alleviate this state, otherwise ... this is too scary!

Although in terms of Lu Shan's current maximum health and mental power, losing such a small amount of spirit and health is actually nothing, but Lu Shan decisively took a bottle of life potion and a bottle of spirit potion and drank it. , Let your state return to its peak in an instant.

Next ... he is likely to face a brutal battle at any time. In this case, of course, it is better to keep his peak as much as possible. At thirty, his health value is less than one tenth of what he is now, which is basically equivalent to an ordinary person in a sub-health state. But ... if in the fierce battle, these thirty points of life value may determine his life and death!

After all ... if the average person is hit by a pistol bullet on a non-critical area, the loss of life is only about 20 o'clock. His more than 30 health points are enough to make him suffer two more. Gun out!

This time Lu Shan has been lying in the flowers, and after almost ten minutes passed, he finally felt that he could use the stealth skills again, and he was relieved!

It seems that the cool-down time of this stealth skill is not too long, and he can still accept it for the time being!

At that moment, he started his stealth skills again, then got out of the flowers, and continued to run towards the depths of the mountains ...

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