Almighty Leveling System

Chapter 3608: Ichiza Koyama

Or, Lu Shan doesn’t have to kill the zombies. In fact... he guards the sea, and the marine life in the sea is obviously much stronger than the creatures on the land or the zombies, and...the number is even greater. It's amazing.

He only needs to use the swallowing skills to swallow the sea water and the creatures in the sea together. It is estimated that this way... his energy and blood power will also increase rapidly.

However, at least so far, Lu Shan has some vigilance against this endless ocean and the countless various mutant creatures in the ocean. If he hadn't figured out the situation, he would definitely not attack the mutant creatures in the sea indiscriminately.

After standing upright, Lu Shan flew high again, then turned into a stream of light, and quickly returned to the sky above the beach.

I wipe...what is this!

Lu Shan just took out a salute and fired several shots in succession, just to test whether this sudden loud noise would have the same attraction to marine life as human zombies.

However, the creatures on the ocean side hadn't given any response just now. As a result, the zombies in the city of Whale Harbor were already making a fuss.

Lu Shan knew that dead zombies would have a strong attraction to some scavengers in the ocean, so he didn't dare to let these zombies run to the beach to die, otherwise... he would not be able to tell when he was in the sea. What kind of attraction did the mutant creatures that crawled out came out? In that case... it would be difficult to handle!

Therefore, Lu Shan had to run over first and kill all the zombies that rushed over.

But what he didn't expect was... When he got rid of the group of zombies, and then returned to the beach, he only saw that there was a big mountain on the beach. .

It really seems to be a hill that is not too high, but instead of trees, what grows on the hill are clumps of coral and aquatic plants!

So, is this a hill moved up from the bottom of the sea?

Lu Shan looked at the small mountain bag towering on the beach, and was slightly stunned, then couldn't help but swept the hill with his spiritual sense, and then he couldn't help but realize it!

I went, it turned out to be a big turtle!

Yes, in fact, the hill he saw in his eyes was nothing more than the shell of a large turtle.

The size of this big sea turtle is really big, it seems... the size of this turtle shell is already comparable to a shopping mall building at least thirty stories high.

It's just that there are a lot of seagrass, corals and the like attached to the shell of the tortoise, so the original appearance of the shell is no longer visible at all, just like a hill suddenly emerging from the bottom of the sea.

But Lu Shan swept it with his spiritual sense and found that... this thing that looked like a big mountain was actually hollow, and there was a monster with a huge body and a fleshy body hidden inside.

Speaking of it, after Lu Shan had just sensed the monsters in this "rockery" with his spiritual sense, he was taken aback for a while, and was a little confused for a while, how could such a huge guy hide himself in a "mountain". inside.

When he scanned the whole "hill" again with his spiritual sense, he finally discovered...what kind of mountain is this so special? And it is clearly a large turtle shell!

Obviously, that group of fleshy creatures hiding in this "hill" is actually the owner of this tortoise shell-the oversized sea turtle!

If it hadn't been used to clearly portray the appearance of this sea turtle, Lu Shan couldn't believe...There is actually such a big sea turtle in the world!

Although the old saying goes about "a thousand-year king and eighty-thousand-year turtle", but... even if this old sea turtle really lives for ten thousand years, it won't grow to be so big, right?

After all, if you live a long time, you won't necessarily grow up!

Take people as an example...Some people live very long and can live to one hundred and thirty or forty years old, but...when do you see an old man over a hundred years old, you will grow into a giant? Obviously, the older a person is and the longer he lives, the more he will stoop down. On the contrary, he will look much shorter than when he was young, OK?

Although the situation of a sea turtle is different from that of a human, it is impossible for it to grow up without stopping just because it has lived long enough?

So... the reason why this big sea turtle is so big... is also related to the evolution of its body because it was infected with the zombie virus.

Through the scanning of the divine consciousness, Lu Shan can clearly feel...there is endless vitality and surging vitality in the body of this sea turtle!

Don't look at Lu Shan now possessing ninety times the power of vitality and blood, but if it is only compared to this, Lu Shan doubts...even if he has displayed his violent skills, his body will increase tenfold... At that time, in front of this big turtle, his physical strength was still just a younger brother.

Therefore, he once again concluded that... even if this big turtle was really infected with the zombie virus, it would definitely not die... It's just that the body has evolved.

It’s really funny to say that when the Qingshan Underground Experimental Base came up with this V3 zombie virus, the original intention was to stimulate human potential, so that humans can burst out of unprecedented potential and embark on the road of rapid evolution. ...I am so qualified to face the wormhole crisis belonging to Seablue Star.

But what I never expected is... this V3 zombie virus, for humans, is a total disaster in a store, even more terrifying than a wormhole crisis! It directly caused the entire human beings on the seablue star to become extinct by more than 95%... Almost immediately entered the stage of civilization collapse!

In this way, the scientific research results produced by the Qingshan Underground Experimental Base are really a failure!

But...Look at the various other creatures that have been affected by the zombie virus and then collectively will find that the effect of this zombie virus is not bad at all, and... The developers have similar ideas, and they do have the effect of stimulating the evolution of a group of people.

The only problem is that... this effect is just ineffective to humans, or even quite harmful, and to other creatures except humans, it seems... This effect is surprisingly good!

Well, maybe in addition to humans, there may be other species on the Seablue Star. They also don’t catch a cold with this V3 zombie virus. After being infected, they will die mentally, and then the body will become a walking corpse...

But for the time being, Lu Shan still doesn't understand this very well. Naturally, it still needs a thorough investigation and statistics to be sure.

Anyway... If the sea turtle as huge as a hill in front of you, if it was also affected by the zombie virus, it became such a big one, then it would not be surprising!

It’s just...Looking at the so many corals, aquatic plants, and silt on the shell of this big turtle, you can guess that this big turtle should have been this big a long time ago. Body now. The zombie virus has only been leaked in the last six months, so...even if this sea turtle is also infected with zombie virus and has some evolutionary response, it shouldn’t have much to do with its size, right? !

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