Almighty Leveling System

Chapter 3445: The root cause of the catastrophe

When Lu Shan dressed neatly, and once again rushed into the second building with a heavy machine gun...but found that the layout of this building was completely different from the first building!

The furnishings in the first building are almost office-like, but on the top floor there are dormitories that seem to be shared by multiple people.

And in this seems to be a large laboratory, or a scientific research center...

From the outside, this building seems to be similar to the first building, but as soon as you walk into it, you can find... It's almost like the kind of sophisticated scientific research laboratory in a science fiction movie that only exists in the future world.

First, he has to pass an electronic gate that requires both fingerprint and iris verification to pass through...

Of course, Lu Shan didn't have the leisure time to follow the electronic sound prompts to verify anything. He directly lifted his leg and kicked...After seven or eight feet, he kicked the solid metal door and collapsed.

Going further in is the laboratory with two slides on one side...Through the transparent glass wall, you can see that there are all that kind of sophisticated electronic instruments, as well as some beakers, flasks, and steamers.

However, at the moment there was no one in these laboratories, but the objects in the laboratories looked a little messy. Obviously, because of Lu Shan's intrusion, the people working here had to temporarily interrupt their research and had to evacuated in a hurry.

Lu Shan didn't really want to destroy these laboratories at first, because... he felt that these were very useful instruments, and it would be a pity to be destroyed by himself.

Anyway, the walls of these laboratories are mostly transparent glass walls, and it is basically clear whether there are Tibetans in them.

There is no need for him to break through the doors of the laboratories and enter...

But... he soon had a question in his mind, that is... This is clearly a military camp, but why is there such a large laboratory?

So...what exactly is being researched in this laboratory?

If he hadn't just seen a few evolutionaries, Lu Shan might not think much about it! After all, it is normal for military stations to have laboratories on the earth. After all, there are many military technologies that must be established in relatively secret places to prevent important scientific research results from being stolen by international spies. of.

But...I think of the previous evolutionaries again, and...what is the difference between Type 01 and Type 02! The most important thing is... these evolutionaries are clearly similar to the giant zombies among the zombies, which makes Lu Shan have some doubts!

Could it be that the reason why this dungeon world has undergone catastrophe... The reason why zombies occupy the world, in fact... the culprit is caused by the laboratory in this military camp?

Not to mention, his suspicion is not groundless. Including some film and television works about zombies that he has seen on the earth, the disasters described in them all come from some scientific experiments.

After all, although the zombie virus is terrible, it is not naturally formed, and the reason why someone creates this virus is definitely not to destroy the world in the first place. It is nothing more than that some experiments are too dangerous, and during the experiment, some problems occurred by mistake, which caused the virus samples in the laboratory to leak out, which affected the whole world of children, and it was impossible to deal with it!

Then, in this world, the same situation is very possible!

And the cataclysm of this world has only taken place for a few months. If the laboratory in this barracks began to study zombie viruses after the catastrophe, and according to this, the evolutionary was cultivated... Lu Shan always feels Not very realistic.

It's almost the end of the world. Can those researchers willingly hide here and do research?

Then there is... In just a few months, the laboratory here can really research, analyze, and create Type 01 and Type 02 evolutionaries? If this is the case, the laboratories here must be quite high-end ones. Even in this world, they should all be top-notch ones, right?

And why is such a top laboratory built in the suburbs of such a fourth-tier city?

Anyway, no matter how the reasoning is, Lu Shan has reason to suspect...The catastrophe of this world is very likely to be triggered by the scientific research project of this Qingshan camp! If that were the case... then everyone here should die!

This is directly harming a world! If these dangerous ambitions are allowed to continue to live, then... the tragedy of catastrophe may not only be staged this time!

After Lu Shan thought it over, he decided that he still needed to catch the middle-aged man just now! No matter what... That guy will definitely understand the truth.

Although in a few hours, when Lu Shan completes his survival mission, he might leave this dungeon world! But if he could solve the mystery of this world's cataclysm before leaving, it wouldn't be a waste of him to come this time! And... if he can really solve the mystery of this catastrophe, maybe... can he get more mission rewards?

Thinking of this, Lu Shan's heart immediately increased his interest, and immediately accelerated his speed, searching quickly in the building.

But what puzzled him was... after he searched all four floors, he didn't even see a single figure.

Did they all run away? Hmm... Did you run out of the barracks, or to the building behind?

But... Lu Shan had been listening to the movement here before, and even though he ran to the front building halfway to wash it, and also got a suit to wear, it didn't take long in total!

He even calculated... the total time he spent doing these things was less than half a minute, not even enough for the guy standing at the third floor window to run down the stairs.

So, even if everyone before this building had already evacuated, then...that middle-aged man would never disappear out of thin air like this?

No... There must be a problem here, is it possible... Is there a basement here?

Thinking of building such a laboratory with such advanced facilities in this military camp is already very mysterious, so...on this basis, there is a more mysterious underground laboratory, it not incomprehensible thing?

There is also... the seven previous evolutionaries all came out of this building, so... where will these seven evolutionaries be before?

Lu Shan has reason to believe that although the seven evolutionaries are wise, they are not like walking dead like zombies. But... these evolutionists are still relatively dangerous, and they will never be allowed to walk around freely in the camp. So... they don't usually live in these laboratories, right?

Thinking of this possibility, Lu Shan searched the entire building again...

Only when he broke open the security doors of the various laboratories on the first floor, and then searched them, he still found nothing.

In order to find possible hidden doors, he even smashed the instruments in several laboratories. He ploughed the walls and floors, but he still didn't find any clues!

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