Almighty Leveling System

Chapter 3429: Explosion

Just like this, Lu Shan was shooting frantically with the machine gun on the opposite side, rushing towards the barracks all the way.

There seemed to think that the situation was not good, the machine gun was slightly misfired, and then...there was a "swish" sound, and then Lu Shan saw above the watchtower, and suddenly shot a fire with a tail flame. The rocket is coming!

I'm going... this kind of attack on this armored car may not be able to withstand it!

When Lu Shan saw this, he felt a little bitter, and at first he wanted to abandon the car and flash out, but then with a thought, he quickly took off the automatic rifle hung on his shoulders, raised the muzzle, and then he aimed at it quickly. The rocket that came, hit a bunch of bullets and bounced out.

If he guessed correctly, this should be a rocket fired from a shoulder-mounted bazooka! Most of these rockets are triggered, that is, they will explode immediately after hitting an obstacle.

Then Lu Shan only needs to hit the rocket at a long distance with a bullet, and he can detonate it in the air ahead of time. In this way...the rocket will naturally pose no threat to him!

Of course, in addition to the trigger type of rockets, there are also types of delayed explosions, but that does not matter! Even if Lu Shan’s series of bullets cannot detonate the rocket, as long as it hits the rocket, it can change the direction of its flight. In this way... even if the rocket still hits in the end, it may not be able to. Hit an armored vehicle, so you won’t be afraid of an explosion.

There was a loud noise of "Boom--".

Lu Shan estimated that it was correct. The rocket was indeed a trigger type. When it was hit by a string of bullets, it had already exploded with a hot fire, directly setting off a large firework in the air.

"Cracking" came again, but it turned out that after the rocket exploded, it was wrapped with shrapnel and flew around because the rocket exploded more than 20 meters in front of the armored vehicle. It was opened, so there are still a lot of shrapnel hitting the armored vehicle.

From this point of view... the power of this rocket is really not small. If it really hits the armored vehicle and explodes, then... Lu Shan estimates that even if he won’t be killed, he will inevitably suffer. Hurt.

Lu Shan was shocked in his heart. He simply kept holding the automatic rifle in his hand, holding the steering wheel with only one hand, and continued to drive towards the barracks.


The other party saw that the rockets they sent were intercepted in advance. This time they fired two rockets at the same time. It seemed that they were betting that Lu Shan could not stop two rockets at the same time. And as long as one of the rockets hits the armored car... it is estimated that the car will be blown up!

But Lu Shan had already guarded against this trick, he naturally wouldn't think that he would be able to sit back and relax by breaking a rocket! Therefore, I have been fully alert...

As soon as the two rockets were fired, Lu Shan had already reacted, and immediately adjusted the angle of the rifle in his hand. With his left eye slightly narrowed, he had already pulled the trigger!


After three bullets were fired by him, he no longer cares about the results afterwards, but quickly turned the muzzle around, and again aimed at another rocket that had been fired not far away, which was another string of bullets. Got out.

This is also thanks to his master-level shooting skills, coupled with the physical fitness that is more than 40 times that of ordinary people at the moment, making him outrageous in terms of eyesight and reaction speed. That's why it was able to react as quickly as possible in such a short time.

If this allows him to participate in shooting tournaments on the earth, he can easily win all the championships he participated in!

Although the two rockets were fired almost at the same time, and Lu Shan’s armored vehicle was only about a hundred meters away from the guard tower of the barracks at the moment, he still fired continuously, putting both rockets in the air. Stopped ahead of time.

Suddenly... there were two loud bangs again. The two rockets once again turned into fireworks in the air, and they ejected countless shrapnel in all directions.

And in this short moment, Lu Shan has driven the armored vehicle and advanced more than 30 meters. At this moment... he is less than 80 meters away from the gate of the military camp!

But at this moment, the gate of the barracks suddenly opened slowly, and there were three armored vehicles parked there behind the gate, and a gun bay was installed above each armored vehicle.

After the door was opened, the three armored vehicles came side by side and slowly approached the door. At the same time...the troika on the car also opened fire together, and the turbulent tongue of flame was like a poisonous snake that extinguished the world and began to face not far. The armored vehicle driven by Lu Shan shot hard.

I'm going... actually lying in wait for me here!

Upon seeing this, Lu Shan narrowed his eyes slightly, pressed his feet slightly, directly stepped on the accelerator pedal to disconnect, and then his figure flashed and disappeared in the armored vehicle!

"Boom boom boom boom—"

The three machine guns fired at full force, and the resulting momentum was really amazing!

It is also because it is in a mountainous area on the outskirts of the country, and there are almost no zombies wandering nearby, otherwise...If someone dares to make such a noise in the city, I am afraid that the zombies in the whole city can be attracted. Even... Even in the daytime, zombies generally don't like activities too much!

Zombies only hate the sun during the day, and are a little lazy when exposed to the sun, but they are not really afraid of the sun, so... if such an astonishing noise happens around them, they will still rush over.

And in this wild place, they have no such scruples!

The power of the three machine guns is still quite amazing. At the same time, even if the armored vehicle that was abandoned by Lu Shan still went on for a certain distance under the fire, the two wheels in front were blown up immediately. Then the fuel tank was penetrated, and then there was a loud "bang" sound. The entire armored vehicle immediately exploded, igniting a raging fire, and...the explosion was one after another, and soon there was quite a time. In the terrible earthquake, the entire body was blown into countless fragments, and some of those fragments were even blown up into the compound of the barracks...

This is because in addition to the fuel tank, the armored vehicle is also loaded with a lot of ammunition, especially in the cannon compartment... There is a cannon bullet box, this thing will not explode easily under normal circumstances, but... …After the fuel tanks of the armored vehicles are blown up, it is natural that they will be affected by this, which will cause a second explosion.

At this time, Lu Shan had already flashed behind a large rock twenty-five or six meters away from the armored vehicle.

The scene where the armored vehicle exploded was really scary. Although Lu Shan had flashed so far, it was still unavoidable to be affected.

Fortunately, there was a big rock in front of him, which helped him withstand most of the impact of the explosion. At most, there were some fragments of armored vehicles falling from the air, which would hit him, but it was impossible to do anything to him. hurt.

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