Almighty Leveling System

Chapter 3381: Only waiting

Although it is dark now, I use a gas stove to ignite it indoors, the fire here, or the exhaust heat, may attract zombies outside.

But of course Lu Shan can't manage so much now!

And Ye Zi obviously took this into consideration. Although the kitchen windows were not blocked with quilts, they had a layer of anti-transparency stickers on them.

Put a casserole on the stove, even if there is a fire, it will look very weak.

Although there are many zombies wandering outside, the probability of being able to find anomalies here is not very high.

And even if zombies were recruited, Lu Shan didn't care too much! He estimated that ordinary zombies may not be able to break his defenses.

Seriously, this zombie virus is too terrifying. Although Lu Shan had such a guess, he did not dare to try it easily.

In order to boil the medicine this time, Lu Shan also brought a few bottles of water.

The water in Ye Zi's house had been raided before, and he could only use what he had newly found.

Add water to the casserole, and then picked 16 kinds of the Chinese medicinal materials he found in the drugstore. Only a small amount of each was taken, and they were cleaned briefly before they were put into the casserole and boiled slowly. stand up.

Lu Shan doesn't know much about zombie viruses. Now that he can get this medicine, it only has a certain detoxification effect, and it should have some effect on most biological viruses.

In fact, there are still a lot of specialties in the cooking of Chinese medicine, especially the control of the heat, which is not lower than the requirements of cooking, or even worse.

But now that there is no such condition, it is good to be able to boil medicine with the remaining gas in the gas pipeline. Where can he ask for so much more?

During this process, Lu Shan went to see Ye Zi's situation again. After the acupuncture treatment, she was now much quieter, and she did not struggle as hard as before. At this moment she just lay there quietly, her eyes closed... but she was not in a coma, but rather as if she had fallen asleep.

Lu Shan took her pulse again, and was pleasantly surprised to find that...her condition has improved a little. Although this range is not very large, but it has been changing in a good direction, which in itself is already a miracle!

There is nothing to do for the time being, and the medicine has to be boiled for at least an hour. Lu Shan rested for a while, opened his backpack, took two cans of drinks, and ate four sausages in one go.

This kind of sausage is all meat, and it is marinated very tasty and tastes quite good. It's just a bit more difficult to eat!

Fortunately, Lu Shan's physical fitness has been improved in an all-round way, and his biting force is not comparable to ordinary people. The four sausages have been wiped out by him in less than ten minutes.

He has been busy all day, most of the time is in a tense battle, the physical consumption is also considerable. Now that he is full and full, he immediately feels that his state has improved a bit again, with a high probability... his overall physical fitness is already about seven times higher than that of ordinary people!

He went to look at the boiled soup again, and saw that the stove fire had not been extinguished, he was relieved, and then quietly went downstairs.

His previous wave of operations had already led most of the zombies to far away from here. Although after he disappeared, the zombies lost their target and dispersed again, but they did not wander here for a while.

So he took advantage of this opportunity, divided it five times, and moved all the materials from the flatbed truck that had been hidden in the corner to Ye Zi's house.

Even if Ye Zi can be treated well this time, Lu Shan is unlikely to take her away. He can only find a relatively safe place and let her stay alone. Therefore... these materials still have to be left to Ye Zi.

After moving everything back, Lu Shan looked at the mess inside the house and couldn't help sighing!

The damage here was so bad that even the anti-theft door was broken and it was not easy to repair it. Then... if Ye Zi really gets better, she can only change the place!

Fortunately, this is really not difficult. There is no need to go far away, but in this residential building, many residents' homes have not been damaged. At that time, as long as you transfer these materials, and then tidy up a little, it will be a good place to live.

After more than an hour of waiting, the medicine was finally ready. Lu Shan carefully filtered the medicine residue, filled a bowl of thick medicine soup, and returned to Ye Zi's room.

Ye Zi was still asleep, Lu Shan gently tore off the tape on her mouth, and he was relieved to see that she was still not awake.

Otherwise, if she wakes up and continues to struggle desperately, it is really not easy to pour this bowl of medicine into her. If... During this process, she would take another bite, then Lu Shan would be even more tragic.

Fortunately, although the process of feeding the medicine was very troublesome, Ye Zi never awoke. Lu Shan just pours her mouth with a spoon, and Ye Zi can even subconsciously swallow the soup medicine poured into her mouth.

After feeding that bowl of medicine, there is nothing Lu Shan can do next, just waiting! Waiting for Ye Zi's reaction to see if she can really survive the erosion of the zombie virus.

At midnight, zombies finally wandered to this residential building.

It may be that when Lu Shan made the soup medicine before, the odor emitted was relatively heavy, and five zombies followed the odor and found them upstairs, and smashed the door of Ye Zi's house.

Lu Shan just took a nap in the living room. He immediately jumped up when he heard the movement, grabbed the axe placed on the coffee table and rushed over.

He didn't kill here, but kicked heavily on the belly of the front zombie. Not only did he kick the zombie upside down and fly out, even the few zombies following the zombie were also He fell out and rolled in the hallway.

Lu Shan chased it out immediately, closing the door behind him tightly, and then raising his axe, slashing mercilessly, and the zombies ended up in an instant.

However, in this quiet night, the movement from here suddenly attracted some zombies hanging downstairs.

So... Then Lu Shan fell into an endless fight.

In the end, he had to repeat the old tricks, first attracted the surrounding zombies, gathered together, and then led these zombies to leave the building of Ye Zi's house far away.

Then he used climbing and jumping skills again, leaping again and again on the roof of the building, quickly changing positions, and quickly throwing off all the zombies, and then he returned to Ye Zi's house. That building...

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