Almighty Leveling System

Chapter 3354: Wall Climbing Zombie

Lu Shan rushed to the balcony, and then found...The balcony of this building is all closed, and there is no openable window in the direction of the next unit. He wants to jump to the opposite side. , You have to smash the windows on your side and the windows on the balcony of the opposite unit!

It is naturally not difficult to smash the glass on the window, but... Lu Shan suspects that the noise caused by smashing the glass like this will not be small, and maybe more zombies will be brought over.

Just the moment he hesitated, he heard the rapid footsteps behind him, and two of the group of losses blocked in the doorway had already squeezed out, and there was a roar of "Woo" in their mouths, and they were shaking. Rushed towards him.

Yes, let's flash! No matter how many zombies are brought in, I can't care about it!

It would be okay if there were only these two zombies, but because of the lack of these two guys at the door, the blockage was not so tight, and immediately after the third and fourth zombies, they had already rushed into the house. If Lu Shan doesn't run, I'm afraid he can't run away!

In desperation, Lu Shan could only grab the bone chopper in his hand and slam it on the balcony glass.

With a sound, the glass shattered into countless pieces, which fell downstairs one after another. Then there was a commotion downstairs immediately, and a dozen zombies were attracted by the sound. They raised their heads and screamed at Lu Shan.

Among them, there was a relatively thin zombie, which actually stuck to the wall, and then used both hands and feet, climbing upstairs straight upstairs along the smooth wall like a spider.

My day... this zombie will actually climb the wall!

Lu Shan now knows what happened to the zombies that crawled in from the window before, and there is a difference in cooperating with these zombies, and some have evolved the same abilities as Spider-Man!

Of course, although the zombie climbed the wall very well, the speed was still not very good, and it was estimated that he could not climb up for a while.

However, Lu Shan didn't have time to take care of him at this time. He quickly waved the bone chopper in his hand to sweep down some of the broken glass that was still left on the window frame, and then turned over and climbed onto the window sill!

Then Lu Shan waved another long watermelon knife in his hand and slammed it **** the balcony glass of the opposite unit.

But because there is a distance of more than one meter between the two balconies, although Lu Shan smashed the piece of glass, the broken glass left on the window frame is not so easy to clean.

At this time, the two zombies in the house swayed to the balcony, leaving Lu Shan no time to slowly clean the broken glass on the opposite balcony window.

Seeing that the two zombies behind had already waved their **** claws and grabbed them towards him, Lu Shan had no choice but to grit his teeth and close his eyes... with two knives to protect the position of his head and chest, and then fight. Doing his best, he suddenly jumped toward the window on the opposite balcony.

Fortunately, the distance between the two balconies was not far. Lu Shan made a full leap, and easily smashed the remaining glass, and the whole child successfully leaped into the balcony of the opposite unit.

It's just that... countless blood was drawn from his body by the broken glass, and red blood gurgled out immediately, and his clothes were dyed red in an instant.

At this time, Lu Shan couldn't take care of that much, so he quickly stood up and turned to look at the opposite balcony.

I saw that a zombie followed him onto the balcony at this moment, and then, like him, leaped towards this side.

But... the agility of something like a zombie is really bad. The distance between the two sides is only more than one meter away. The guy didn't jump over, and fell down halfway, and quickly made a muffled noise, followed by two sounds. There was a sound of heavy objects falling.

It turned out that it didn't matter if this guy fell, but he smashed the thin zombie that had climbed to a height of about the third floor.

Lu Shan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It seemed that he was temporarily out of danger. It's just... this room is also not very safe, I am afraid that more zombies will be killed soon, it is better to move as soon as possible.

Carefully followed the balcony into the living room of this room, looked around, and did not see any zombies hidden in the dark. He was about to find the direction of the door, and when he left from here... he suddenly saw an iron box placed on the coffee table in the living room.

He walked in and found out that this should be a box of biscuits, the kind of very high-quality tin box of biscuits.

There is also a fruit plate beside the iron box, which exudes a pungent, rotten smell, and there are some sticky thick things inside.

It looks like... the fruit tray should have been full of fruit, but after a few days, the fruit inside has rotted out of shape. But... from this point, it can also be seen that the zombies in this world should not have appeared for too long, at most a few months.

Therefore, if there are biscuits in the tin box, they should still be edible.

After discovering this, Lu Shan felt a little bit hungry and thirsty in his belly!

Although after killing the zombies, Lu Shan will gain the vitality value that can increase the strength of blood and energy, but...this vitality value is still not a substitute for food, so even if his power is constantly increasing, he should be hungry. hungry!

He quickly picked up the iron box, shook it slightly, and immediately concluded that there was at least half a box of biscuits in the box.

He couldn't help but feel happy, but... In this situation, he must not be able to open the box here to eat, so he just caught it under his ribs.

Turning around and finding the direction of the door, when I was about to go out, my heart moved again... I felt that it was too inconvenient to hold a cookie box like this.

And he is now banned by the system with all his power and equipment, and the Skyfire Ring is naturally unavailable. So... Next, even if he could find any useful weapons or drinking water, it would be inconvenient to carry.

So Lu Shan took advantage of the fact that there were no zombies attacking the room, and quickly turned around and rushed into a room that looked like a study.

This room seemed to have not been invaded by zombies after the catastrophe. All furnishings in the room looked like an ordinary modern family, except that there was a thin layer of dust everywhere.

Lu Shan entered the study and randomly opened a cabinet and flipped through it, and soon found a backpack.

This thing is good... The backpack has a relatively large capacity. If you eat everything in full, it should be enough for him to eat for a week. Moreover, this thing is carried behind his back, so he doesn't need to hold it with his hands, and it doesn't affect his fight with zombies.

I opened the backpack and put the iron box in it... When I was about to turn around and leave, I happened to see a small medicine cabinet in the cabinet. It is the kind of transparent plastic box slightly larger than the fresh-keeping box, which contains some commonly used medicines, gauze, iodine and so on.

Lu Shan was scratched a lot by glass just now, and he had not had time to deal with it. These things happened to work well, so he quickly put them into his backpack.

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