Almighty Leveling System

Chapter 3277: Disgusting stuff

Even if you close your eyes, it is impossible to insert the gold needle by mistake.

Lu Shan made a complicated movement with his right hand. Everyone didn't understand what Lu Shan was doing. They saw that the wooden box had been placed on the cabinet next to the hospital bed, holding a golden needle in his hand.

"Doctor Lu, what do you want to do?"

A head of the hospital couldn't help but asked.

"Not quite clear! Is he trying to pierce all the nine gold needles into the patient's acupuncture points?"

Another doctor said unbelievably.

"This is really incredible! God Doctor Lu deserves to be called a genius doctor. In this situation, even if they are able to make a move, I am afraid that they are at a loss!"


All the doctors in the Jiujiang delegation took a breath at this moment.

Staring at the nine golden needles in Lu Shan's hands unblinking, it was Lu Shan that made everyone at the scene a little anxious. He didn't act on the patient. What was he waiting for?

Zhang Ling and Wang Qingyue stood quietly around Lu Shan. They did not dare to speak to disturb them, and even lowered their voices when panting, as if they were more nervous than Lu Shan.

After a while, Lu Shan slowly opened his eyes and waved his right hand gently.

An astonishing scene happened when the nine golden needles that had stood in his hands disappeared without a trace.

"My God! What just happened? Where did those golden needles go?"

"I didn't see Lu clearly, as if he just disappeared out of thin air!"

"Is this doing magic? It's incredible!"

"Look...the golden needles are on the girl's body! And they also correspond to the nine acupuncture points!"


After seeing this, everyone was so shocked that they could not speak, and they wished to drop their eyes on the ground.

Because when Lu Shan shot out the nine golden needles again, everyone present didn't even see what happened to Lu, or even how the competition fell on the girl.

Two beauties, Zhang Ling and Wang Qingyue, widened their eyes, staring straight at Lu Shan, as if they were staring at a monster.

Lu Shan just smiled at everyone, but he didn't explain it much!

In fact, what he just used was Yuqi Yunzhen! This acupuncture technique has only been heard in rumors, and almost no one has seen it in reality.

After all, the doctors present are just ordinary doctors, and they haven't learned some qigong. Naturally, they don't understand this aspect.

Everyone was very familiar with the next scene, just like the last time when he treated Zhang Ling's father at the City People's Hospital, he directly used the nine needles in the nine golden needles.

While operating the resonance of the nine golden needles, Lu Shan said to Zhang Ling, "Immediately prepare a basin of clean water and a towel!"

Zhang Ling didn't understand what Lu Shan was going to do, but he obediently brought a basin of clear water, and according to Lu Shan's instructions, placed the basin of clear water next to the girl's head.

After about 5 minutes, Lu Shan's rhythm was getting faster and faster, and everyone could no longer see what Lu Lushan was doing.

Suddenly, Lu Shan waved his right hand again, and the nine golden needles disappeared without a trace, and everyone was already shocked and speechless.

Because the nine golden needles have been lying securely in the delicate wooden box, as if they had never been touched.

At this time, Lu Shan poured aura into the opponent's body and gave the girl a green pill. This pill was only the size of a soybean. It was a detoxification pill made by Lu Shan during alchemy.

Of course, it is not comparable to the ordinary detoxification pills. Although I can't say that it can cure hundreds of poisons, all the poisons in mortals can play a role.

Unless it is a cult with a higher cultivation level than him in the cultivation world, the kind of poison refined by it, the general detoxification alone will not work.

The entrance of Jiedu Pill turned into a small green liquid. Under the control of aura, following the eight channels of the odd meridians in the girl's body, she traveled through every cell tissue in the body.

If anyone could see it at this time, they would definitely be shocked to discover that the toxins infected with the cells and tissues of the girl's body were breaking away at the speed of the naked eye, and the injured area was also recovering at the speed of the naked eye.

In this way, for about 10 minutes or so, Lu Shan's forehead was already covered with fine beads of sweat. Zhang Ling asked for a towel to wipe off the sweat from his forehead.

In the eyes of everyone, Lu Shan just kept pressing his fingers around the girl's body. If you change to normal, I am afraid that Lu Shan is taking advantage of beautiful women.

But in the current situation, even these old doctors and experts didn't want to take another look. Of course, they resisted it because they wanted to witness a miracle.

At this moment, a shocking scene happened. The patient, who was not moving at all, suddenly trembled slightly in his tender body lying on the hospital bed.

Everyone felt as if a string was broken in their hearts, and they were all startled.

Could it be said that it has worked?

When everyone was thinking about this question, Lu Shan suddenly turned his head to look at Zhang Ling and said:

"Aim the washbasin toward his mouth, and don't let her spit out something on the ground or elsewhere!"

Zhang Ling was puzzled, but she nodded obediently, and got ready with the washbasin.

Lu Shan pressed his finger to the center of the patient's eyebrows again, and the patient's throat suddenly squirmed twice, as if a drunk person drank too much and suddenly vomited.

Everyone stared at the scene in front of them, and saw that all the things being vomited out of the basin were some yellow liquid.

These liquids have a foul smell and give people a dizzy feeling.

Lu Shan didn't dare to hesitate at all, but instead used a real energy to pour aura into the girl's body again for the second cleanup.

This time it was much smoother, but it took less than 5 minutes to clean up all the venom in the girl's body, which can be said to be nothing left.

It's just that the people present didn't know, because they couldn't see the situation in the patient's body, not to mention there are so many disgusting things on the body surface.

After another two minutes or so, Lu Shan gently retracted his hand, and the rest was the work outside.

Lu Shan took out a white medicine bottle from his arms and poured out a milky white pill from the inside. This pill was exactly the golden sore medicine he refined, and the effect was very obvious for ordinary people.

It can clean up all the sick and painful parts of the patient's body and the infected places, and regenerate flesh.

After finishing all the preparations, Lu Shan looked at Wang Qingyue and Zhang Ling and said:

"Hold the screen, and after about 5 minutes, clean her with potion, and then change her into a clean set of clothes!"

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